Eine Firma, auf einer winzigen Insel in Ost Deutschland, ohne Aktivitäten und Erfahrung, will den Hafen Durres managen, mit einer Albanischen Mafia Firma:
Alles ohne gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Ausschreibung, Qulifikation, Hinterlegung von mindest 10 % der Investment Summe usw..
Eine Firma, ohne Strasse zum Verkehrs Netz abseits auf dem Mond, erhielt die Lizenz für den Hafen von Durres. In Wahrheit tritt man als Phantom und Alibi Firma, für die Firma des Langzeit Mafia Bosses Sokol Olldashi auf, welche Partner ist: ” Global Albania Networking"! Gibt es diese Albanische Firma überhaupt im Moment? Das Handels Register QKR, in Albanien sagt nein!
Erneut keine Ausschreibung, keine Veröffentlichung auf den Websites des Ministeriums und des Hafens, was schon eine dreiste Dummheit ist. Vor allem weil der Masterplan der Weltbank für den Hafen ebenso ignoriert wurde und der angebliche Investor sowieso ein Witz ist.
Vorsorge Lizensen, für Phantom Firmen des Sokol Olldashi. wo Alles schon in 2012 vollkommen illegal ist, und man wird sehen, ob es wie im Falle des Ludgar Vollmer, der Bundesdruckerei in Albanien, noch zu Verhaftungen kommen wird, für diese illegalen Hafen Geschäfte und Lizensen.
FRS Chartering Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH
Achtern Diek 4
18565 Insel Hiddensee Vitte, Hiddensee
Fährstraße 16
18439 Stralsund
18439 Stralsund
Porti i Durrësit privatizohet për 3.2 mln euro
Publikuar më 24.08.2013 | 18:39
82 0
Durres Hafen: Seit 15 Jahren wird der Hafen ausgebaut (
Noch eine Lizenz vor kurzem, wo sowieso jeder in Durres im Hafen Bestechungsgeld zahlt, Schutzgelder und Alles ist wie in 1998-99, fest in Hand von kriminellen Banden.
EMS Albanian Port Operator Starts Active Service
Posted on Jul 15th, 2013 with tags Active, Albanian, EMS, EMS APO, europe, News by topic, Operator, port, Service, starts.Today EMS Albanian Port Operator Shpk started officially operations at the East Terminal in the Port of Durres. EMS APO, full daughter of the German logistics company EMS Shipping & Trading GmbH, Leer, had won the tender this year. The contract was signed in May and has a maturity of 35 years.
“An important day for us“, said Manfred Müller, Managing Director of EMS APO. “There was a lot to do in this short period of time between signing the contract and the starting date. Over the next months we will together with Durres Port Authority continuously work on our common aim to improve the facilities of the East Terminal.”
Jens -Uwe Ströber, Managing Director of EMS APO at the site in Durres, said: “We are starting a new era for both the Port of Durres and EMS-Fehn-Group. With our investment into the East Terminal we show our confidence in the port of Durres. It is already one of the most important ports in the Adriatic and its importance will grow further with the economic development on the Balkans. Together with our sister company German Albanian Logistics Agency here in Durres we are able to provide a full logistical service.”
EMS APO commenced work this morning at 7 o‘clock with as 47-head-strong staff.“We are especially please that our first client today is Xhemal Klosi. He is a valued business partner of EMS for a long time”, Mr Ströber said.
One of the mayor factors of success is the deepening of the shipping channel to a draft of 11m. That will allow the berthing of vessels with up to 55.000 dwat at the EMS APO Terminal. Mr Müller said that he is confident that the Albanian Authorities will soon start the necessary preliminary works to tender the dredging: “Albania is rich in metals and metallic ores that are in high demand. If the port gets the adequate means I am sure that exports will rise substantially”, Mr Müller said. “High ranking members of politics and the administration made it very clear that they are willing to grip this chance that will generate enormous benefits for Albania.”
The EMS APO Terminal is primarily used for the transshipment and storing of bulk cargo such as minerals, mineral ores, coal, clinker, scrap, cement and edible oil. With its 5 cranes the Terminal is also able to serve general cargo vessels. The Terminal offers an overall storage area of 200.000 sqm. It has two berths with a total length of 430m and is equipped with railway facilities. In a further stage a third berth, Berth 12, will be build. In the first phase EMS APO aims at a throughput of more than 1million tons per year. After completion of dredging the Terminal is able to handle two supramax vessels and the throughput will climb to more than 2million tons per year.
Ankündigung der neuen Regierung durch Ermonela Felaj: Diese Lizensen mit dem Hafen Durres, ebenso die Phantasie Lizenz des neuen Yachthafens, der so gar nicht gebaut werden kann. wird die neue Regierung ungültig machen.
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