Man schmiert und bezahlt die EU und US Politiker, wie die MEK Terroristen und schon ist Alles geregelt, man erhält Milliarden schwere Kredite, für dieses erneute aufgeblasene Projekt, was an die gescheiterte AMBO Gas Pipeline erinnert krimineller US Kreise, weswegen man den Kosovo Krieg inzenierte, oder der Syrien Krieg mit dem Hintergrund ebenso einer Gas Pipline von Katar über Syrien an das Mittelmeer.
Mit der Mafia ja, Doppel Standards der EU, mit enormen Aufwand und die Anti TAP Bewegung in Süd Italien. TAP Pipeline, exclusion from some EU rules
Mit der Prominenz der Super Mafia, die ein Taliban Gehirn haben, Antike Stätten zubetonieren und Dokumente zusammen fälschen. Hoch kriminelle Vorstands Vorsitzende, welche keine Moral mehr kennen.
Absturz von BP, Statoil mit der Sizilianischen „Cosa Nostra“ und Albaner Mafia mit der TAP Gas Pipeline
Wer baut in Albanien: Italienische Medien berichten nun in vielen Details («Soggiogato da Cosa nostra»), was auf der Website der TAP Gas Firma bestätigt wird. das die Sizilianische Mafia mit der Familie Angelo Brunetti, mit der Baufirma Sicilsaldo srl, zusammen mit der gut bekannten Baufirma „Sacra Corona Unita“, des Familie des Tropojaner Bashim Ulaj.
Alles Lüge: Das Projekt bringt Nichts in die Kassen, wegen Steuer Befreiung, aber zuvor musste das Russische Projekt zerstört werden.
Konzerne werden entlastetGriechenland: Neue Pipeline bringt kaum Steuer-Einnahmen
Nachdem Debakel mit der NABUCCO Gas Pipline, identisch mit der AMBO Pipeline, unterstützt man nun das Aserbeischanische Projekt mit der TAP Pipeline. quer durch den Balkan.
;am fördert nun eine Verbrecher Familie , welche die Amerikaner einmal ermorden lassen wollte. Geschäft ist Geschäft. Nun ist es die neue Pleite Pipeline TAP, welche ebenso von Skrupellosen EU Commission und Barosso begrüßt wird.
Die EU Wertegemeinschaft wieder einmal, wie in Kiew und immer mit Verbrechern, sogar Terroristen in Mazedonien in 2015
Bei solchen Leuten, die dort auftauchen, konnte Nichts verwundern.
Korruptions Motor aus Österreich, der seine kriminelle Energie überall ausleben konnte. Lobbyist der Albaner Mafia und für die Asbeischanischen Verbrecher Clans.
Das Regionale Apulische Parlament, das Italienische Umwelt Ministerium lehnt die TAP Pipeline durch Albanien ab, womit automatisch die Pipeline von BP, auch mit dem Aserbeischanischen Mafia Präsidenten und Partner von Salih Berisha ab. Das sind die offiziellen Gründe, wo erneut ein Salih Berisha Hirn Gespinst sich in Luft auflöst. Dolmetscher Haxhinasto, nun Wirtschafts Minister förderte ja auch diese Hirn Gespinste, weil man dann viele Spesen machen kann.
Die TAP Pipeline, eine Erfindung der Salih Berisha Mafia mit der Mafia aus Aserbeischan, wo ja BP auch herum wurstelt und Amerikaner.
Das OSCE Wahl Modell, als kriminelles Lobby Enterprise in Aserbeischan, Albanien, Kosovo
US strongly support TAP
Die TAP Gas Pipeline wird sowieso nicht gebaut, weil Apulien dieses Projekt ablehnt. durch jede Regional Regierung in Süd Italien. Alternativ, müsste man zu viele Mitglieder der „Sacra Corona Unita“ der Apulischen Mafia beteiligen und schmieren.24/04/2014
The Ukraine crisis has placed the Trans Adriatic Pipeline project in the center of the geopolitical battle between Russia and the West, respectively the United States of America.
“Politiko”, one of the most prestigious media outlets for the foreign policy of Washington, notes that the United States administration has given full support to the 45 billion USD project that will transport the Azerbaijani gas to Europe by skipping Russia.
The news was referred to by several other European media. TAP not only doesn’t come from Russia, but it skips even Ukraine, which is the current main pipeline for Europe. This has attracted the attention of the United States administration and the Congress.
56 United States congressmen from both parties drafted a resolution in which they consider the realization of the southern corridor as promotion of energetic safety for the European allies. The United States Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energetic Policies, Amos Hockstein, declared that the United States has made great efforts for guaranteeing the success of this project. TAP was chosen as the winning project from the Shah Deniz shareholders a few months ago.
The United States support will give another push to its success, so that it can be realized within 2018. Elin Sulejmanov, Azerbaijani ambassador at the United States of America, declared that although his country is not asking the United States for help in the construction of the project, the support of the United States administration is vital. “Without the leadership and support of the United States, things often do not happen”, he declared.
TAP will transport 10 billion cubic meters of gas from Azerbaijani to the European Market through Albania but its capacity might be three times bigger later, becoming an important source for Europe, which depends completely on russia. The European Union imports 160 billion cubic meters of gas each year from Russia, half of which goes through Ukraine. The recent conflict and the threats of President putin to stop the supply have spread panick through the European countries, which fear an energy crisis if the conflict will escalate.
ESI has published many reports in recent years on the moral and political crisis in the Council of Europe. We have written extensively on developments in Azerbaijan, one of Europe's last autocratic regimes. And yet, it is obvious that our efforts – and those of many other institutions, Azerbaijani human rights defenders, NGOs and international organisations – are yet to make any real impact.
The truth is: Ilham Aliyev is winning. His concerted campaign to undermine European democratic standards and the institutions that uphold them is working. The victims are democrats in Azerbaijan, and all those who believe in European human rights.
It is appalling that on the eve of Azerbaijan assuming the chairmanship of the Council of Europe this May, young Azerbaijani democrats have found it necessary to begin a hunger strike, as a desperate effort to alert the outside world to their plight.
This is the moment of reckoning. The combined crises of Russia's aggression in Ukraine and the Azerbaijani chairmanship could well turn out to be for the Council of Europe what the Abyssinian crisis of 1936 was for the League of Nations:
Recent developments in Azerbaijan have also prompted us to write an open letter to European policy makers:
Open Letter to Theodora BAKOYANNIS (former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece), Mevlüt ÇAVUSOGLU (Turkey's Minister of EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator), Deniz BAYKAL (former Chairman of Turkey's Republican People's Party (CHP)), Jean-Marie BOCKEL (former French Secretary of State for Justice), Mikulas DZURINDA (former Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic), Luca VOLONTÈ (former Chairperson of the EPP group in PACE) and 119 other current and former members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
Bei solchen Leuten, die dort auftauchen, konnte Nichts verwundern.
Korruptions Motor aus Österreich, der seine kriminelle Energie überall ausleben konnte. Lobbyist der Albaner Mafia und für die Asbeischanischen Verbrecher Clans.
Wolfgang Grossruck (Austrian)
Head of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Delegation 2010
Die TAP Gas Pipeline wird sowieso nicht gebaut, weil Apulien dieses Projekt ablehnt. durch jede Regional Regierung in Süd Italien. Alternativ, müsste man zu viele Mitglieder der „Sacra Corona Unita“ der Apulischen Mafia beteiligen und schmieren.24/04/2014
We are failing
Dear friends of ESI,
The core values of post-Cold War Europe are once again at stake in Ukraine and in Europe's East.
This is a moment when institutions devoted to the protection of these core values are more needed than ever. Yet there is a real danger that these institutions are becoming the first casualty of a deliberate assault on European democratic values.
"In October 1935 the Italian army invaded Abyssinia. In the same month the Abyssinians appealed to the League of Nations for help. The League condemned the attack. All League members were ordered to impose economic sanctions on Mussolini's Italy. Then all resolve faltered. Sanctions were half-hearted. They did not include vital materials such as oil. Britain kept open the Suez Canal, crucial as Italy supplied her armed forces. In December 1935 the British Foreign Secretary and the French Prime Minister met and presented a plan that gave large areas of Abyssinia to Italy. Mussolini accepted the plan. The League's involvement was a total failure. The capital, Addis Ababa, fell in May 1936 and Haile Selassie was replaced by the king of Italy. Somaliland, Eritrea and Abyssinia became Italian East Africa. The League of Nations was a corpse even before it perished. It had no more legitimacy."
A PACE vote with consequences
N!DA activists on hunger strike since 17 April 2014: Bakhtiyar Guliyev, Rashad Hasanov, Rashadat Akhundov, Shahin Novruzlu, Mammad Azizov, Ilkin Rustamzada, Uzeyir Mammadli, Zaur Gurbanlı
The Council of Europe worked with them. No longer: Ilgar Mammadov and Anar Mammadli
Background on Azerbaijan, the incoming chair of the Council of Europe
The increasing repression in Azerbaijan since January 2013 has been well documented. A very good and comprehensive account can be found in Human Rights Watch's 100-page report Tightening the Screws: Azerbaijan's Crackdown on Civil Society and Dissent, published in September 2013. There are also two recent briefings by Human Rights Watch: Azerbaijan's Too Predictable Crackdown (March 2014) and Muzzling the Messengers in Azerbaijan (April 2014).
Amnesty International has also followed the crackdown in Azerbaijan. On 8 August 2013 it issued a statement saying that Azerbaijan was about to begin the election campaign with "at least 14 prisoners of conscience." Amnesty's list included nine youth activists, two opposition leaders, and three human rights defenders. By November 2013, Amnesty was already speaking of "at least" 18 prisoners of conscience in Azerbaijan.
Baku's Human Rights Club, a leading NGO, used the definition of political prisoners adopted by PACE in October 2012 (Resolution 1900). In October 2013, the group published a list of 142 political prisoners. In addition to journalists, youth activists and opposition leaders, there were also 75 Muslim believers, as well as "old cases" from the 1990s.
Today, 23 April, Nils Muiznieks, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights also issued a warning:
"Freedom of expression, assembly and association are regrettably deteriorating in Azerbaijan. I once again call on the authorities to pay urgent attention to these issues so as to comply with Azerbaijan's human rights obligations and commitments as a member state of the Council of Europe. Unjustified and selective criminal prosecution of people expressing dissenting views, including journalists, bloggers and activists, continues unabated. This is unacceptable. All those who are detained because of the views they expressed must be released."
- Open letter to 125 current and former PACE members (23 April 2014)
- Rumeli Observer: Europe's Abyssinian moment (8 March 2014)
- Generation Facebook in Baku – Adnan, Emin and the Future of Dissent in Azerbaijan (2011)
- Caviar Diplomacy. How Azerbaijan silenced the Council of Europe (2012)
- Disgraced – Azerbaijan and the end of election monitoring as we know it (2013)
- Azerbaijan debacle: The PACE debate on 23 January 2013 (2013)
- Showdown in Strasbourg. The political prisoner debate in October 2012 (2013)
- Man kann nicht glauben, das ein Eduard Lindner einmal im Innenministerium höchste Positionen hatte.
Nachdem er bei den Wahlen 2009 nicht mehr für den Bundestag kandidierte, übernahm Lintner die Leitung als Geschäftsführer der “Gesellschaft zur Förderung der deutsch – aserbaidschanischen Beziehungen mbH”.
Eduard Lintner ist ein deutscher Politiker. Er war von 1991 bis 1998 Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär beim Bundesminister des Innern und von 1992 bis 1998 Drogenbeauftragter der Bundesregierung. Wikipedia - January 20South Stream construction to start in December 2012
Die TAP Pipeline wurde gebaut, ohne jede Berücksichtigung, das die Pipeline durch Erdbeben Gebiet geht.
AntwortenLöschenSchriftliche Hinweise der führenden Experten wurden ignoriert