2,9 Milliarden Euro, an korrupte EU Politiker, Organisationen, wo schon jeder OSCE Beobachter sofort ein Kilo Kaviar auf dem Hotelzimmer hat, + andere Geschencke wie teure Uhren. Die "Ngradheta", Albanische und Sizilianische Baufirmen sind dabei, inklusive Gestalten, deren Vermoegen beschlagnahmt wurden. Die EU Mafia ist einmalig, wo aktuell fuer die neue Kuesten Pipeline IAP, die erste Konferenz abgehalten wird, wo laengst nicht feststeht, ob je Gas laufen wird, denn etliche Projekte wie AMBO, NABUCCO sind gescheitert, trotz kompletter Genehmigungen.
siehe im April 2017:
TAP: Die Mafia Gas Pipeline, der EU, des Lutz Landwehr, Raffaele Tognacca, Barroso, der Nghradeta, Cosa Nostra, Drogen Barone, krimineller Firmen und Politiker:
What is a Laundromat?

Damian Gjiknuri, der Energie Minister mit vielen Skandalen wieder in Aktion, denn es soll nochmal uber 600 Millionen Euro geben, fuer die Weiterfuehrung der Gas Pipeline ueber Montenegro nach Split
Meeting for the Ionian-Adriatic Pipeline to be held in Tirana tomorrow
By Edison Kurani / Published on: 07-09-2017, 18:33
Die EU Mafia in Tradition, vollkommen korrupt

Press release
- EU urged to honour Paris Agreement, withdraw support for gas mega-pipeline
While European leaders criticised the United States for pulling out of the Paris Agreement, the letter points to Europe’s failure to honour the accord by supporting fossil fuel projects such as the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP):
"Instead of rapidly reducing emissions as the Paris Agreement demands, TAP would lock Europe into fossil fuels for decades. Given that existing fossil fuel operations already exceed the carbon budget left to avoid catastrophic, irreversible changes to our climate, there is no justification for new fossil fuel infrastructure, especially on the scale of the Southern Gas Corridor."
The signatories of the letter including renowned climate scientist James Hansen, actor Mark Ruffalo, authors Bill McKibben and Naomi Klein as well as Italian hip hop group 99 posse, call on the European Commission to withdraw its support for the pipeline. They also urge the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) that are considering financing the project to refrain from providing taxpayer-funded financial backing for the project.
Internationally recognised scientist Johan Rockström, director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, endorsed the call of the letter, saying:
"A roadmap to meet the Paris Agreement of staying ‘well below 2°C’ will require halving global emissions every decade. Ramping up investment in fossil fuel infrastructure such as the TAP is inconsistent with the science of 2°C and therefore inconsistent with a goal of attempting to reduce the risk of dangerous climate change."
TAP is part of the EU’s energy flagship project Southern Gas Corridor, a system of mega-pipelines scheduled to start operating in 2020 and bring 10 billion cubic metres of gas from Azerbaijan to Europe a year. Construction works in Southern Italy were met with fierce resistance. [1] Thousands of local residents came to the site every day to block the operations. The battle is expected to continue when the works are attempted to be resumed again at the end of the tourism season
Banking records revealing some 2.5 billion euro (US$ 2.9 billion) in transactions were leaked to the Danish newspaper Berlingske, which shared them with OCCRP. The two outlets then organized a collaborative investigation to track down where the money went.
The result is the Azerbaijani Laundromat — so called because the vast sums that passed through it were laundered through a series of shell companies to disguise their origin. The project reveals the many uses to which the country’s kleptocratic ruling clique puts some of its billions.
Among other things, the money bought silence. During this period, the Azerbaijani government threw more than 90 human rights activists, opposition politicians, and journalists (such as OCCRP journalist Khadija Ismayilova) into prison on politically motivated charges. The human rights crackdown was roundly condemned by international human rights groups.
Meanwhile, at least three European politicians, a journalist who wrote stories friendly to the regime, and businessmen who praised the government were among the recipients of Azerbaijani Laundromat money. In some cases, these prominent individuals were able to mobilize important international organizations, such as UNESCO and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, to score PR victories for the regime.
The Core Laundromat Companies
Published 15:35 September 8, 2017Approximately 95% of the total 55,000 pipes to be used for the construction of the pipeline have been received in Greece, Albania and Italy.
TAP said on September 7 that the Trans Adriatic Pipeline is now more than 50% completed, nearly 16 months after construction began, including all engineering, procurement and construction scope.
TAP is a natural gas pipeline project, which will start in Greece and crosses Albania and the Adriatic Sea to end in southern Italy bringing gas from the Caspian region to European markets.
“To date, our teams have collectively worked over 16 million manhours and driven approximately 43 million kilometres without a major incident,” TAP said.
TAP’s contractors have cleared approx. 70% of the project route in Greece and Albania (539 kilometres out of 765 kilometres). Also, over 45% of welded steel pipes are already in the ground (backfilled).
Approximately 95% of the total 55,000 pipes to be used for the construction of the pipeline have been received in Greece, Albania and Italy. The last shipment of offshore line pipes has been offloaded in Brindisi, Italy, between 3 and 6 September 2017, TAP said.
More than 5,500 people have been working for the project across TAP’s host countries – over 85% of which have been staff employed locally.
TAP has implemented a wide range of social and environmental investment (SEI) programmes in the communities along its route. Substantial projects are due to be rolled out in the upcoming months. In total, TAP will invest over €55 million in SEI in Greece, Albania and Italy.
“We are pleased that TAP continues to progress on time and on budget. We therefore remain on track to deliver the first Shah Deniz II gas in 2020, bringing a much-needed new source of energy into the European energy network,” TAP Managing Director Luca Schieppati said.
“I want to underline that our project is built with the utmost care for the environment. Our teams are working very carefully along our route to ensure that the land on which construction has been completed is returned to the owners or users in its original condition or better. We are also collaborating with local authorities and local stakeholders to ensure that the benefits of our project are tangible across all those communities crossed by the pipeline.” Schieppati added.
From 2012 to 2014, even as the Azerbaijani government arrested
activists and journalists wholesale, members of the country’s ruling
elite were using a secret slush fund to pay off European politicians,
buy luxury goods, launder money, and otherwise benefit themselves.
Aserbeidschan und die Kaviardiplomatie
AntwortenLöschen12. September 2017 Dirk Eckert
Flame-Towers in Baku. Bild: Dirk Eckert
Aserbeidschan und die Kaviardiplomatie
Fluch des Erdöls
Das Land in der Hand einer Familiendynastie kämpft mit dem Preisverfall des Öls und hat mit Milliarden Lobbyarbeit bei Politiker und Journalisten gemacht
Alles hell erleuchtet, vom Flughafen bis in die Innenstadt. So präsentiert sich Baku den Besuchern. Das Land des Feuers nennt sich Aserbaidschan traditionell, wegen der Erdöl- und Erdgasvorkommen im Lande. Deswegen sind die großen Häuser an den Hauptstraßen der Stadt hell erleuchtet, ebenso wie die Altstadt. Schlendert man die Promenade entlang, sieht man auch die Baku Crystal Hall leuchten, wo 2012 der Eurovision Song Contest stattfand.
Aber nicht nur Lampen setzt Aserbaidschan ein für den schönen Schein. Jetzt an die Öffentlichkeit gelangte Bankdaten zeigen, wie die Regierung in Baku Lobbyarbeit in Europa macht. "Kaviar-Diplomatie" heißt das inzwischen. Die Daten hat das internationale Recherchenetzwerk OCCRP veröffentlicht. Demnach wurden rund 3 Milliarden US-Dollar aus Aserbaidschan über vier britische Unternehmen gewaschen. Das Geld wurde dann verwendet, um westliche Politiker und Journalisten gewogen zu halten.
Jetzt wird doch ermittelt, aber wohl nur als Ablenkgung, denn die nächsten Ratten kommen bestimmt