In a 67-page report published in 2005, BND (German intelligence agency) analysts concluded that there is “close interaction between the leading members of the Kosovo-Albanian society and the domestic and international underworld currently domiciled in Pristina.” Moreover, “the criminal networks don’t support the creation of a stable political and economic environment, since that will reduce their clout.”
What is more interesting is the attest by BND of the “direct involvement of political figures in Kosovo with the Mafia.” Thus, the crime kingpins “want to acquire elevated positions within the apparatus of the provisional government and influence directly the politicians.”
The German analysts warned for “serious risks from the ongoing corruption in Kosovo in relation to other Balkan countries and the security of the region.”
An E.U. report in 2007 underlined the “inability of local officials to put pressure on criminal organizations and the serious risk of collapse of the social system because of the crime issue.” The main reason is “the lack of political will by the leadership,” which paradoxically is supported by most major European countries. The German report specifically mentioned the name Niam Behzloulzi, a Kosovo smuggler and a number two in the hierarchy of the former UCK.
The Italian newspaper La Republica reported on the Kosovo criminals of their ability to fully exploit the lack of “political culture” in the region and affect every key decision over and above the international force, which does not control the situation. The current leadership under Hashim Thaci is to emerge from the unholy alliance of traffickers in the region and the UCK. Michel Koutouzis, an expert analyst on security issues in Paris has long confirmed that the Pristina government has always been “subject to the power of the Mafiosi who were the largest donors of the KLA rebels and want to keep the region in their own sphere of influence.”
The former Commander of KFOR, the Italian General Fabio Mini, said in late February 2008 in the newspaper Corriere dela Serra, “Kosovo will become the new location for the laundering of black money coming from the East, and new financial institutions will be created that will take this role.” Similar reports have been made by the Canadian General Mackenzie, who served in Bosnia as peacekeeper official and has dealt closely with the situation in the Balkans over the last decade.
Reliable and highly informed sources at the Institute for European Policy based in Germany, in a 2007 report commissioned for the German Armed Forces, indicated that the three leading Kosovo politicians, Ramush Haradinaj, Hashim Thaci and Xhavit Haliti, are “persons protected by the international community although they are deeply involved in all of these affairs.”
It is important to mention at this point that the German report states that the U.N. contacts with Albanian politicians were part of the overall problem for the region. The infamous Wikileaks website has leaked dozens of U.N. reports dealing with high-level corruption in Kosovo that involves international employees from 1999 up to the present.
Local sources, including U.S. military personnel, indicate that at least 90 percent of the local economy derives from criminal networks—excluding Diaspora remittances and international assistance—and the society is unable to adapt into the conditions of a free and legal market because of the dramatic social consequences that would entail.
NATO Secretary General George Robertson:
Roberston stressed that the people of Kosovo must oppose organised crime and extremism and promised that the alliance will remain committed to helping them. He said the international community was not prepared to give up Kosovo "to organised criminals and those who use brutality in the name of ethnic nationalism".
Gambino Mafia Boss: Josef DioGuardio and Super Visior Albanian Mafia: Jo Biden
U.S.-Backed Kosovo Organ-Traffickers: Will It Matter?
Dick Martys Bericht an den Europarat
Original TV Report von Dick Marty, mit Englischer Dolmetscherin vor dem Europarat, wo dann weitere Ermittlungen in dieser Sache beschlossen werden und vor allem der Personen udn Zeugen Schutz, der Schlüssel ist.
Aus dem Interview: Albanische Politiker bestreiten bis heute, das man was mit dem Kosovo zu tun hat, was allein durch die kürzlichen Aussagen der Mafia Politikerin: Albana Voksi, an der Grenze zum Kosovo widerlegt ist und ebenso durch den direkten Waffen schmuggel des Salih Berisha, in Tropoje und seinem Elternhaus usw.. Das gerade Durres-Plepa-Shiak-Golem, als Operations Basis, bis heute auch für den Drogen schmuggel benutzt wird, vor allem durch die Kosovo Mafia ist ja nicht zu übersehen. Stapelweise verdienten Albanische Politiker mit dem Kosovo Krieg hohe Geld Summen.
Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
Inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo*
Draft report
Rapporteur: Mr Dick Marty, Switzerland, Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Legal Affairs and Human Rights
Inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo: press conference by Dick Marty
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