1,5 Jahre später wird der Mafia Banker der Credins Bank Artan Santo hingerichtet, der die AlbPetrol Privatisierung, ARMO Privatisierung regelte und vor allem für Geldwäsche Geschäfte der Politiker bekannt war.
Privatiserungen sind total kriminell, was sogar ein Deutscher Professor feststellte und dienen im Balkan, Ex-Ostblock nur der Geldwäsche. Immer dabei, die US Ganoven rund um Gas- und Öl.
Die Öl Firma Albpetrol soll entgültig privatisiert werden, welche seit Rezart Thaci, auch in unglaubliche Umwelt Skandale verwickelt ist. Eine Geldwäsche Firma, Albanischer Politiker: unten geht es dann um die Manas Geldwäsche Firma, die Öl Rechte hat, aber nicht einmal eigenes Bohr Gerät. Hintermann ein Kirkischer - Russischer Jude: Alexander Becker, Schweizer Firma zur Tarnung und wegen Steuergründen. siehe andere Russische Geldwasch Firmen.
Er lässt sich als Lobbyist der Albaner Mafia, wie auch John McCain, Wesley Clark und andere US Ganoven, sogar direkt finanzierten, weil Patton Boggs's,, 200.000 $ von Salih Berisha für Lobbying erhielt (Tom Ridge als Berater sogar 500.000 $) und pro Monat vom Mafiosi Hashim Thaci 50.000 $ pro Monat und von den Serben nochmal 100.000 $ pro Monat. Alles für Lobbying.
Reine Geldwäsche Firmen, welche bis jetzt zum Zuge kamen im Albanische Öl Geschäft. OMV, Winterhall, Top Slowenische Öl Firmen bohrten schon vor 15 Jahren nach Öl und verabschiedeten sich, wegen dem schwierigen Umfeld und der schlechten Qualität des Öles (viel Schwefel u.a.)
Bankern Petrol, eine Kanadische Firma, wird durch eine Geschäftsführerin geleitet, welche nur eine geringe Bildung und Umgangsformen hat. In Canada, hat die Firma nur Börsen Aktivitäten und sonst Nichts.
Natürlich war er u.a. im Vorstand der Berufs Betrüger Firma ENRON, aber auch wie Richard Holbrook im Vorstand der Banken Betrugs Versicherung AIG usw.. Als letzter und uralt CIA Direktor, wollte er sogar noch Mubarak retten vor wenigen Monaten.
100% of Albpetrol shares on sale
Currently, Albpetrol owns 1264 active wells that produce 135.000 tons of oil per year. The draft presented by the government explains how will be used the money that will be taken from the sale of Albpetrol.
The privatization process for Albpetrol has started since the time of the Socialist government, but these efforts have failed many times. This time, the government has been consulted with Paton Bogs and has decided to sell 100% of the shares.
Albpetrol is not the only company that exploits the oil wells in Albania. Besides them there are other private companies, such as Bankers Petroleum and the Stream Oil. Some of the concessionary agreements for exploiting the oil reserves have been targeted by the opposition for raising accusations of corruptive affairs.
Reward for sale consulates
The draft presented by the government for the sale of Albpetrol predicts in details how the money of this sale will be spent.
The government has also assigned a financial reward for the Paton Bogs Company that leads the legal advises for the sale of Albpetrol, but this is not the first payment that this company has taken from the Albanian Government for the privatization of this enterprise.
Initially, when the Agreement was signed on July 2010, Patos Bogs received 25 million ALL, or 250.000 USD. To this payment was added an additional fund. One week earlier, the government approved another decision that added other 20 million ALL for Paton Bogs, or 200.000 USD, which are being handled by the government’s reserve fund.
Publikuar më: 2 Nëntor, 2011
A do ia japë qeveria “Albpetrolin” një lobisti në SHBA ?!
Aktualisht Albpetrol zotëron 1264 puse aktive, që prodhojnë një sasi nafte prej rreth 135 mijë tonë në vit. Drafti i paraqitur nga qeveria në kuvend përcakton me hollësi edhe mënyrën se si do të shpenzohen paratë që do të arkëtohen nga shitja e Albpetrol-it. Albpetrol ka qenë në proces privatizimi që nga koha e qeverisë së socialistëve. Por tentativat për shitjen e tij kanë dështuar në më shumë se një herë. Këtë radhë qeveria e konsultuar edhe me Paton Bogs, ka vendosur që ndryshe nga privatizimet e tjera strategjike, për Albpetrol-in të privatizojë 100 për qind të paketës së aksioneve.
Albpetrol nuk eshtë kompania e vetme që shfrytëzon puset e naftës në Shqipëri. Vec saj në vend prodhojnë naftë edhe disa kompani të tjera private, mes të cilave kanadezja “Bankers Petroleum” dhe kompania “Stream Oil”. Disa nga kontratat koncesionare për shfrytëzimin e rezervave të naftës, kohët e fundit kanë qenë objekt akuzash nga opozita, e cila pretendon për afera korruptive dhe favorizime.
Shpërblim për konsulentët në shitje
Drafti i parqaqitur nga qeveria për shitjen e kompanisë Albpetrol parashikon me hollësi edhe se si do të përdoren paratë, që do të arkëtohen nga shitja.
Në ligj qeveria ka përcaktuar edhe një tjetër shpërblim financiar për kompaninë Paton Bogs, që udhëheq konsulencën ligjore për privatizimin e Albpetrol-it. Top Channel ka mësuar se kjo tarifë që do i jepet si shpërblim “Paton Bogs” do të jetë sa 2 për qind e vlerës totale, me të cilën do shitet Albpetrol. Por kjo nuk është pagesa e parë që kompania Paton Bogs merr nga qeveria shqiptare për konsulencën në privatizimin e Albpetrol.
Fillimisht kur u nënshkrua kontrata në korrik të vitit 2010 “Paton Bogs” mori 25 milionë lekë ose 250 mijë dollarë. Kësaj pagese ju shtua edhe një fond shtesë. Një javë më parë qeveria miratoi një tjetër vendim, ku e shtoi pagesën për “Paton Bogs” edhe me 20 milionë lekë të tjera ose 200 mijë dollarë. Para të cilat përballohen nga fondi rezerve i buxhetit të shtetit.
Griechische Reeder, lassen nun in Albanien Fähren registrieren aus Steuer Gründen
Drafti i parqaqitur nga qeveria për shitjen e kompanisë Albpetrol parashikon me hollësi edhe se si do të përdoren paratë, që do të arkëtohen nga shitja.
Në ligj qeveria ka përcaktuar edhe një tjetër shpërblim financiar për kompaninë Paton Bogs, që udhëheq konsulencën ligjore për privatizimin e Albpetrol-it. Top Channel ka mësuar se kjo tarifë që do i jepet si shpërblim “Paton Bogs” do të jetë sa 2 për qind e vlerës totale, me të cilën do shitet Albpetrol. Por kjo nuk është pagesa e parë që kompania Paton Bogs merr nga qeveria shqiptare për konsulencën në privatizimin e Albpetrol.
Fillimisht kur u nënshkrua kontrata në korrik të vitit 2010 “Paton Bogs” mori 25 milionë lekë ose 250 mijë dollarë. Kësaj pagese ju shtua edhe një fond shtesë. Një javë më parë qeveria miratoi një tjetër vendim, ku e shtoi pagesën për “Paton Bogs” edhe me 20 milionë lekë të tjera ose 200 mijë dollarë. Para të cilat përballohen nga fondi rezerve i buxhetit të shtetit.
Griechische Reeder, lassen nun in Albanien Fähren registrieren aus Steuer Gründen
Taksat, flamuri grek zëvendësohet me shqiptarin
Lajmi i Fundite Mërkurë, Nëntor 2nd, 2011
Fakti që zbuloi atë që për grekët përbën “Skandal”, është mbytja pak ditë më parë, në Sivota të Igumenicës e skafit “Athina”, me flamur shqiptar e pronar grek. Skafi ishte ankoruar në Igumenicë, pasi ishte nisur nga Elevsinanë Greqi për në Shqipëri, për plotësim dokumentacioni.
Pronari i saj pranoi për policinë se skafit ia kishte transferuar dokumentacionin në Shqipëri, me qëllim që të paguante më pak. Këto para, shprehet gazeta “Katopsi”, i hiqen buxhetit grek, e i shkojnë atij shqiptar, ku detyrimet fiskale janë disa herë më pak, edhe më të favorshme për portofolin e një greku.
Shpresa DINEÖl und Treibstoff pantschen geschieht als Betrugs Modell wie u.a. die Verhaftung der 3 höchsten technischen Inspektoren in 2010 zeigte, welche Dokumente ausstellten für jedes gefälschte und gepantsche Öl- und Treibstoff, nur gegen Geld.
A do ia japë qeveria “Albpetrolin” një lobisti në SHBA ?!...
Auch das ist normal in Albanien: Niemand weiss, warum der Vorzeige Betrugs Tunnel, nun keinen Strom hat.
NEWS04 NOV 2011 / 09:36
Kosovo Quietly Signs Up Top US Lobbyist
Kosovo’s government has discretely engaged the lobbying services of one of Washington’s top firms for $50,000 a month, after having been forced to cancel an identical agreement with the firm last year for breaking public procurement laws.
The document, logged at the Department of Justice, says Patton Boggs will offer Kosovo “advisory services on legal and advocacy issues to be used for expansion of bilateral and multilateral relations”.
The company will also be “fostering investments and trade opportunities for Kosovo, as well as gathering funds from foreign aid programs”.
Although the deal with the company was apparently signed on August 31, it has not been announced by the government, which last year was forced to cancel a similar contract.
Frank Wisner, Patton Bogg's foreign affairs advisor, met Thaci in the United States last July. According to a press release issed by the PM's office they discussed “current political developments in Kosovo and the achievements up to now of Kosovo’s institutions”.
Wisner is an old Kosovo hand. The former US Secretary of State under George Bush, Condoleezza Rice, appointed him the US’s special representative to the Kosovo Status Talks in 2005. Wisner played a crucial role in negotiating Kosovo’s independence.
In September 2010 the government then voted to employ Patton Boggs at a rate of 50,000 dollars a month [38,000 euro].........................
Profi Hedge Fond Betrüger aus dem Betrugs Real Estage Mega Ponzi Betrug aus den USA tummeln sich in Albanien.
Michael D. Granoff
Chief Executive Officer, Pomona Capital
Albanian-American Enterprise Fund to Return
$15 Million to American Taxpayers
January 19, 2011
Press Office: 202-712-4320
Public Information: 202-712-4810
January 19, 2011
Press Office: 202-712-4320
Public Information: 202-712-4810
WASHINGTON, DC - On January 19th, the Board of Directors of the Albanian-American Enterprise Fund (AAEF) presented a ceremonial check for $15 million to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to be returned to the U.S. Treasury on behalf of the American people.
The original grant of $30 million was made by USAID to AAEF in 1995 to assist the economic transition process in Albania after the fall of the Soviet Union. The AAEF has promoted private sector development in Albania by investing in a wide array of private enterprises and providing management advice, training, and best practices to portfolio companies. The Fund has completed approximately 62 investment transactions with over 32 Albanian companies, contributing an estimated $725 million to the GDP and creating over 3,500 jobs.
In addition to achieving exceptional development impact in Albania, the Fund also achieved an extraordinary financial return, the remainder of which will be transferred to the Albanian American Development Foundation (AADF), a newly created legacy organization. As a major U.S. Government legacy institution, AADF will continue to promote private sector development by providing grants in areas such as education for sustainable development, entrepreneurship, leadership development, and cultural tourism in Albania.
At the ceremony to return the check, Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia Paige Alexander remarked: "The Albanian-American Enterprise Fund has had tremendous success in Albania's economic transition over the last twenty years. I commend AAEF Chairman Michael Granoff for his leadership and am deeply appreciative of AAEF's efforts, which have enabled the entrenchment of economic progress through the establishment of the AADF and resulted in the return of $15 million to the American people."
Over the last twenty years, the USAID Bureau for Europe and Eurasia has established ten Enterprise Funds covering 18 countries to sustain engagement beyond presence and strengthen development achievements. In all, the Funds have leveraged almost $9 billion - nearly nine times the initial U.S. investment. These innovative funds, like the AAEF, are able to achieve major development outcomes with a sustainable impact, while also giving American taxpayers a direct return on their investment.
For more information visit www.usaid.gov.ALBANIAN-AMERICAN ENTERPRISE FUND
Partners and
Managing Directors |
Michael Granoff, Chief Executive Officer
Michael founded Pomona Capital in 1994 and is responsible for strategic planning, capital and executive management. He has twenty-five years of private equity experience. Prior to founding Pomona, he served as the President of partnerships organized to purchase secondary interests in venture capital and leveraged buyout funds and as a Director of a number of private companies while President of Golodetz Ventures and Vice President of TEI Industries. Prior to his business career, Michael served on the staff of the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations. He was a member of the 1992 Presidential Transition Team for the Department of the Treasury. Michael was appointed by President Clinton to the Board of the Albanian-American Enterprise Fund where he serves as Chairman, and is also Chairman of the American Bank of Albania. Michael is a recipient of the Order of Mother Teresa Medal from the Government of Albania. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations where he serves on the Finance Committee and has been a guest lecturer at the Harvard Business School and the Wharton School of Business. Michael received a JD from Georgetown University and a BA from the University of Pennsylvania.
Ein Bechtel Produkt, dieser Tunnel, wo nun schon der Strom ausfällt, das grösste Betrugs Geschäft bisher in Albanien, wobei Bechtel überall auch in Kroatien, Kosovo und Rumänien durch Betrugs Verträge auffiel. 240 Millionen € Schaden, hat das höchsste Gericht festgestellt, nur im Falle von Bechtel und der Autobahn der Nationalen Korruption rund um Lulzim Basha. Rreshen-Kalimash tunnel, no electricity 02/11/2011 21:20 The drivers must make the 2.6 km in total darkness, which is very dangerous. It remains unknown why there is no electrical power in this part of the road. Driving without electricity is very dangerous and could cause a tragic accident. Drogen- Geldwäsche Gangster wie Sahit Muja' und Georg Soros immer unterwegs, wenn es um Privatisierung geht! George Soros has running looting operations against , Russia, Serbia, England an Italy. WSJ - blog ^ | July 11, 2011 | Milla Dukic Posted on Mon Jul 11 2011 10:54:08 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) by cunning_fish George Soros has running looting operations against , Russia, Serbia, England an Italy. George Soros is the leading megaspeculators; throughout his entire life up to this day, he has running looting operations against , Russia, Serbia, Englans an Italy. in September 1992, "in an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation with the Bank of England," Soros destroyed the British pound and the Italian lira and made $12 billion in profit. Gorge Soros' Fundation providing financial and military aid to the KLA on Kosovo war George Soros, and a New York- based Albanian__ billionaire Sahit__Muja have shemed to get their hands on Kosovo's coal reserves, estimatet to be worth ower 300 billion dollars. Thaci government has reportedly assured Clinton that American corporations will be the chief beneficiaries of Kosovo's coal wealth. Ofcourse, her husband, Bill Clinton, just happened to be president of the United States during the Kosovo War. Mr. Muja__ and agent for Soros reportedly visited Kosovo five time last year seeking lucrative deals in the coal sector. Kosovo's coal reserves with over 15 billion tons of lignite are projected to be of great value in feeding power plants to provide electrisity for Kosovo and the region. As CEO of Albanian__Minerals, Sahit__Muja no doubt has desings on Kososovo's mineral resources, which also includes lead, chrome,zinc, gold, silver, copper, nickel. etc. Not suprisingly, as Serb TV station ( Kosova Crisis Center, April,17. 1999) found evidence of Soros' Open Society Fundation providing financial and military aid to the KLA during the 1999 Kosovo war. Likewise the Serbian consulate in New York issued a press release n July 22. 2009, about Sahit__Muja's shipment of weapons to Adem Jashari and other KLA commanders. This press release also suggested that Sahit__Muja had used his wealth and American political connections to help the Kosovo separatist KLA, UCK.http://online.wsj.com/community/groups/state-economy-557/topics In December 2007, Albania's Council of Ministers allowed DWM Petroleum, AG, a Manas subsidiary, to assist in the exploration, development and production of Albania's oil and gas reserves in conjunction with the government's Agency of Natural Resources. This development further underscores Kosovo's importance and the cost that's meant for Serbia. Since the 1999 US-led NATO war, it's been all downhill for the nation, the region and its people: --Kosovo is part of Serbia; at least it was; since 1999 it's been a Washington-NATO occupied colony stripped of its sovereignty in violation of international law; -- it's been run by three successive US-installed puppet Prime Ministers with known ties to organized crime and drugs trafficking; -- it's the home of one of America's largest military bases in the world, Camp Bondsteel; the province/country is more a US military base than a legitimate political entity; ..... http://www.rense.com/general80/nadu.htm Yeap, Rezart Taci is the owner of ARMO and Manas doesn't have drilling rights in Albania. As far as I remember (I refer to 2001-2004) Manas was studying the Albanian soil, most of the time based on the Albanian studies, according to which Dumre valley is the richest one in Europe (after Russia). When he is Sali Berisha came to power he used these studies as a success of his governance saying that 1.8 billion barrels of oil were discovered in Albania..Well, Sali Berisha, what do you want... Regarding Bankers Petroleum that's a phantom company which have drilling plants in Albania and they pretend to have some in South Africa...nothing in Canada, where they're from Rumor has it that some Albanian politicians are the biggest shareholders of this company, which is widely abusing the wells in Marniza and Sheqishte, the biggest oil plants in Albania. Soon, Albpetrol will be sold for very cheap (a little more expensive that those 130M that Rezart Taci paid for ARMO) and ...but we are off-topic already! Dritan Prifti has very good relations with many ex-directors, so he knows what he's talking most of the time. http://www.balkanium.com/forum The company is called Manas Petroleum Corporation who owns Petromanas Energy Inc who again owns (Blocks A, B, D, E, 2 & 3) or more than 1.7 million acres across Albania's Berati thrust belt including the Kruj area which has huge potentials. They say that after Russia Albania has the second largest gas reserves in Europe. Well it would take a while to explain the whole thing but as far as I know they sold their drilling rights to a Canadian company which in turn offered them lots of cash and a piece of the company itself. Manas is not a big company at all and they have no drilling equipment or anything. This Jewish guy Alexander Becker who was born in the Kyrgyz Republic in the former Soviet Union somehow (as far as I know with the help of a Croatian geologist) got a (Production Sharing Agreement) or as it is also known as the exclusive license to drill in the most promising area in Albania and maybe Europe. He in turn hired a Canadian company to get it out of the ground. So yeah you are right when you say the Canadians are doing it but if we follow the money then the Swiss are getting it. http://www.manaspetroleum.com/s/Albanian.asp?ReportID=175765 http://www.petromanas.com/s/Corporate.asp The report notes that: "The primary exploration targets are sub-thrust fractured carbonate reservoirs similar to those discovered in the 1990's in the Apennines of Italy. During the same time Shell and Coparex discovered a deep under-thrust structure within the blocks that, by their calculations, has the potential to contain a combined 820 million barrels (MMBO) recoverable of oil." It states: "Manas has this opportunity because Shell and Coparex suspended all exploration activity and abandoned the blocks in reaction to the extreme unrest in Albania and the conflict in neighboring Kosovo allowing Manas to later acquire these superbly defined, giant, virtually drill ready prospects." Manas Petrol The blocks were previously operated by Shell Exploration and Production, and Corporex. Und hinter Manas stehen Deutsche mit hohen Politischen Verbindungen, welche nur im System Gazprom und mit der damaligen Russischen Plünderung Systemen dieses System für die Plünderung des Balkan inzenieren im Auftrage der Deutschen Politik Heinz Juergen Klaus Scholz, Chairman Mr. Heinz Juergen Klaus Scholz is a Physicist and Engineer. In the 1980s Mr. Scholz built factories and telecommunication networks in the Former Soviet Union. After the German Reunification he also advised Soviet Ministries regarding the negotiations on the sale of Russia's East German telecommunication network to Deutsche Telecom. He has worked in collaboration with scientific institutes in the Russian Federation. Mr. Scholz plays a critical role in targeting, appraising and subsequently acquiring the rights to major oil and gas assets in the Former Soviet Union and its satellite countries. Heinz Juergen Klaus Scholz Alexander Becker, Director, New Ventures Mr. Alexander Becker is a PhD Geologist specializing in structural geology and tectonophysics in Central Asia. Mr. Becker was an Exploration Geologist in Central Asia during the 1980s when the Soviets named him the best mapping geologist in the Kyrgyz Republic. As a researcher in the 1990s at Ben Gurion University in Israel, he received the coveted Peres Greder award. Mr. Becker has been instrumental in two oil field discoveries (Charvak and Ashvaz fields) and one gold discovery. Mr. Becker plays a critical role in the targeting, assessment, and later the exploration and development of oil concessions. http://www.manaspetroleum.com/s/Team.asp aus http://balkanforum.org/thread.php?threadid=2744 |
Natürlich schätzt Patton Bogs, des Welt Drogen Bosses Nr. 1 und Top Kriminellen Frank Wisner, die Albanische Alb Petrol Firma, nur auf 497 Millionen $ ein, inklusive über 2.000 Öl Pumpen, Raffienerie, Grundstücke, Tankstellen usw..Erwerber ist man ja wie bewiesen selbst, wie sich das mit Wesley Clark, Banker Petrol usw.. klar darstellt. Die verschobenen Profite an die jeweiligen Albanischen Regierungen und Politiker, drückten natürlich enorm den Wert der Firma, welche ja schon den Öl Handel kontrollierte durch die Berg Banditen des Salih Berisha in 1994, für den Öl Embargo Bruch des UN Embargos gegen Jugoslawien.
Patton Bogs: Albpetrol vlen 497 milionë dollarë
Kompania shtetërore e naftës Albpetrol do të shitet së shpejti dhe sipas kompanisë konsulente amerikane "Patton Boggs", ajo sot vlen 420 milionë dollarë, ndërsa mëse një vit më parë vlente rreth 500 milionë. Konsulenti ndërkombëtar, firma amerikane "Patton Boggs", është po ajo që privatizoi ARMO-n.
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