Bulgaria seeks assets from fugitive crime bosses
A Bulgarian commission has demanded the confiscation of assets and properties owned by two of the country's most notorious mobsters.
By Svetla Dimitrova for Southeast European Times in Sofia -- 21/08/12
Plamen Galev (right) and Angel Hristov stand in front of their election headquarters in Dupnitsa in July 2009. [Reuters]
Bulgaria's Commission for Establishing of Property Acquired from Criminal Activity has asked the district court in the town of Kyustendil to approve the seizure of assets worth more than 2 million euros from two fugitives convicted of being notorious mobsters.
In its claim on Friday (August 17th), the Sofia-based commission listed luxury cars, company shares, real estates and money deposits owned by Plamen Galev and Angel Hristov, their spouses and firms under their control.
The two, known as the Galevi brothers, have no family relationship.
The nine luxury vehicles cited by the commission include four Mercedes and five Audis, some of them armoured or made to order. The car with the highest market value, as set by independent experts, is an Audi A8 at nearly 117,000 euros.
Property on the list includes a residential compound in Resilovo that stretches nearly 11,000 square metres and includes an indoor swimming pool, a gym and two houses.
The claim also calls for the confiscation of shares of 11 companies co-owned by Galev, of a dozen others in which Hristov is named as a partner, as well as of three off-shore companies, two of them registered on the Seychelles and the other on the British Virgin Islands.
The assets sought by the Commission total more than 2.2 million euros, with the sum split almost equally between the two crime bosses, who operating in the town of Dupnitsa, 60km south of Sofia.
In July 2011, the Sofia Appellate Court convicted the Galevi brothers of participating in an organised criminal group that engaged in racketeering and extortion. Dismissing an earlier ruling by the Kyustendil district court, under which the two were acquitted on all charges, it sentenced them to a total of 12 years in prison.
Judges also ruled that one-third of Galev's properties and assets and a quarter of those belonging to Hristov should be confiscated by the state and that the two should pay a fine of about 5,000 euros and 3,500 euros, respectively.
On May 3rd, the Supreme Court of Cassation upheld the lower-instance court's guilty verdicts against the two, but reduced the jail term by two years..........
Bulgaria charges suspects over Spanish cocaine bust
Bulgarian prosecutors have charged two suspects with participating in an organised crime group in connection with a huge cocaine shipment seized by the Spanish authorities last week.
By Svetla Dimitrova for Southeast European Times in Sofia -- 20/08/12
Spanish police unloaded nearly 3 tonnes of cocaine from the ship. [BTA]
Bulgaria's special anti-mafia prosecution charged two men on Saturday (August 18th) with participation in an organised crime group, after 23 Bulgarians were arrested by authorities who seized a vessel carrying about 3 tonnes of high-purity cocaine near the port of Cadiz, Spain, last week.
Doychin Doychev, the owner of the Burgas-based Seaborne Trading Company and of the Saint Nikolay ship, and Ruslan Kolev, 37, who is believed to have recruited some of those involved in trafficking the drugs, will remain in custody until Tuesday. Judges will then decide whether the two are to remain in custody or should be set free.
"There is no way that the owner of this ship did not know what it was transporting," Bulgarian Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov told Sofia-based private television station TV7 on Saturday.
The cargo was said to have been loaded on the Bulgarian-flagged SV Nikolay ship somewhere in the Caribbean Sea. Spain is the primary gateway for Latin American drugs to enter Europe.
Last week, representatives of the Spanish National Police's Special Operations Group boarded the vessel registered in Bulgaria's Black Sea port city of Burgas and seized more than 100 packages of cocaine. All 21 Bulgarian crew members were arrested, according to a statement by the Spanish Interior Ministry.
Ten others, including six Colombians and four Spaniards, were detained in Madrid and Spain's northwestern Galicia region.
"Police detained those responsible for sending and collecting the drugs on land," the ministry said in a statement. "The shipment, managed by a Colombian group from Madrid, was loaded on the ship in South America by an organisation of Bulgarian nationals."
Bulgarian investigators believe that the captain of the ship was also aware of what the vessel was carrying, as were perhaps at least some of the crew members who are currently being questioned by the Spanish authorities and might be charged over the case.
Die Bulgarische Mafia mit Bojko Borissow
Die Amerikaner sind wie bei den Albanern nur daran interessiert, Partner zu finden, welche ihre Kriegs Verbrechern Weltweit mit Militaers mittragen und die Bundeswehr ist sowieso bei jedem Mist dabei, wie man im Kosovo, Afghanistan, Georgien usw.. sieht.
“>Mafia-Verdacht gegen Premier Borissow
>27. Juni 2012, 18:33

>Regierungschef will Vorwürfe nicht kommentieren
Die Bulgarische Mafia mit Bojko Borissow
18.7.2012 by HoisseBig.
Die Amerikaner sind wie bei den Albanern nur daran interessiert, Partner zu finden, welche ihre Kriegs Verbrechern Weltweit mit Militaers mittragen und die Bundeswehr ist sowieso bei jedem Mist dabei, wie man im Kosovo, Afghanistan, Georgien usw.. sieht.
“>Mafia-Verdacht gegen Premier Borissow
>27. Juni 2012, 18:33
>Regierungschef will Vorwürfe nicht kommentieren
Sofia - Unabhängige
Journalisten haben die neugegründete spezielle europäische Kommission
gegen das Organisierte Verbrechen, Korruption und Geldwäsche (CRIM)
wegen des Verdachts auf eine kriminelle Vergangenheit des bürgerlichen
bulgarischen Premiers Bojko Borissow alarmiert. Dies geht aus
Wikileaks-Depeschen hervor, berichtete die “bivol.bg”, eine
Internetseite für unabhängige journalistische Recherchen und der
bulgarische Partner der Enthüllungswebseite.
Bojko Borissow und die Bulgarischen Abhör Affären
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