Wegen eines Satire-Videos hat die türkische Regierung den deutschen Diplomaten förmlich vorgeladen.
Weil die Redaktion der NDR-Sendung „extra 3“ für einen
Erdogan-kritischen Beitrag den Nena-Song „Irgendwie, Irgendwo,
Irgendwann“ umgetextet hatte, ist der deutsche Botschafter in der Türkei
laut Spiegel vom
türkischen Außenministerium zu einem längeren Gespräch
einbestellt worden, bei dem er sich für das Video rechtfertigen musste.
Der Song prangert unter anderem die zunehmende Einschränkung von
Pressefreiheit durch die Erdogan-Regierung an – quod erat demonstrandum.
Auch wenn es durchaus schon weitaus schönere Interpretationen des Nena-Songs gab, hier das Video, mit dem der NDR für diplomatische Verwicklungen sorgte: http://www.musikexpress.de/
Song: Erdowie, Erdowo, Erdogan | extra 3 | NDR
Fakten, Fakten, Fakten: Der ägyptische Fernsehmoderator Omer Adib räumt mit den Lügen über den Islam und den Terror auf
Der ägyptische Fernsehmoderator Omer Adib wird von Islamisten verfolgt,
weil er den Finger in die Wunde zu legen versteht und unleugbare
Tatsachen ausspricht. Ich kann Herrn Adibs Wut verstehen. Es geht mir
nicht anders. Auch bei uns hat man den Verstand beerdigt.
Ich habe kein Problem damit, wenn Menschen wie Omer Adib nach
Deutschland kommen, um hier Schutz zu suchen. Aber ich habe ein Problem
damit, wenn Allahu Akbar-denkende Invasoren in unser Land
oder nach Europa eindringen. Dabei ist es mir völlig egal, ob sie vor
Krieg oder sonst etwas geflohen sind, woran ich ohnehin ebenso wenig
glaube, wie ich ja auch nicht an den Klapperstorch glaube, der die
Kinder bringen soll.
Die Generalstaatsanwältin Jeneva wird immer schlimmer: sie erkennt das Land, das Parlament, Gerichte, die Regierung nicht an. Die Puppe der verrückten US Botschafter in Skopje ist inzwischen vollkommen konfus, bei so vielen Anordnungen und Wünschen des Berufs Verbrecher und Freund von Terroristen, und Mördern: Jess Baily, der sich US Botschafter nennt und die Terroristen in Kumanova dirigierte, u.a. um Polizei Stationen zu überfallen und inklusive US Pass natürlich wie Bek Rizaj und eliminieren Kollegen.
Mafia Styl: „The six horsemen of the apocalypse, the so called „western“ ambassador – —
„The US Ambassador Jess Bailey, nicknamed by Macedonian media as „Jess
(Himmler) Bailey was instrumental in the failed coup attempt in Turkey
where several civilians died during months old staged protests.
EU Mafia with Georg Soros’s Gangster: Zoran Zaev PES Budapest 2015: Gangster Treffen der
Clueless in Skopje: President is illegitimate, I just don't know When he was Elected
Friday, 25 March 2016
Macedonia's very special prosecutor appears to sink in confusion and scandalous statements with each passing hour. Katica Janeva and her team have managed to lose all of the public's respect in her over-the-top attempts to protect Zaev and his cronies, so much so it appears the more Janeva is getting involved, the more it looks she is headed to prison despite being hand picked by the US Embassy to continue the not so silent coup in the country.
A police raid last night uncovered a USB key with wiretapped data that was given to the detained individuals at a timeframe when Zaev stated he had given all of the data to Janeva's SPO. There were over a 1,000 wiretapped conversations of politicians and businessmen. According to police sources, the data was used to blackmail businessmen to support the SDSM in their open agression and destabilization attempts.
The question is who gave the data to the now detained individuals knowing there were only two with access to it: Zaev and Janeva! And, does it matter? Janeva has already picked a team, and it isn't Macedonia, despite receiving 4m euros in taxapayers money.
"Illegitimate" President and ParliamentJaneva is working for the US Embassy. The problem for Katica's boss (Jess Baily) is that he has issued so many orders to the Gevgelija born prosecutor, the poor woman is hopelessly confused. According to Janeva, she is focusing her investigation on (illegitimate) elections between 2011 and 2013. As told by Herr Baily and assisted by C. Garrett, Janeva is also questioning the legitimacy of Ivanov as president!? Once again the focus is on "data" between 2011 and 2013. Nobody told the poor woman that both the Parliament and Ivanov were elected in 2014.
Whether due to stress, or because of knowing what she does is illegal, exhibiting the mental capacity of a child Janeva at a press conference stated "she had about 80% evidence and a witness" that the previous elections were not up to her standards. Well, as long as it's up to 80% and she knows a guy who knows a guy, I am good!............................................
Einfach verhaften diese Extrem Verbrecherin aus den USA
US Neocon pays a surprise visit to Macedonia
Thursday, 10 March 2016
United States Assistant Secretary of State for European and
Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland paid a visit Thursday to the "Vinojug"
transit registration center near Gevgelija and was briefed on the
challenges of Macedonian authorities and living conditions of migrants.
Kroatien lässt seine MIG's in der Ukraine überholen, kauft einige gebrauchte MIG in der Ukraine
Kroatische Militärpolizei hegt den Verdacht, dass die aus der Ukraine
gelieferten MiG-21-Jäger keine Originalflugzeuge seien, sondern aus
Ersatzteilen, eingekauft in Drittländern, zusammengebaut worden seien.
Das berichtet am Dienstag die Tageszeitung Jutarnji list.
Polizei vermutet, dass die Schilder mit der Seriennummer an den
zugestellten Kampfjets ersetzt wurden. Die Nummer der Ersatzteile würden
mit der Dokumentation nicht übereinstimmen, die Generalüberholung der
Flugzeuge sei gar nicht durchgeführt worden.
Untersuchung seien nach mehreren Störungen bei den Fliegern eingeleitet
worden. Die kroatischen Luftstreitkräfte hatten die Kampfjets im Rahmen
des Vertrags über Reparatur und Kauf von MiG-21-Flugzeugen für 133
Millionen Dollar bestellt, der im Juni 2013 mit dem Unternehmen
„Ukrspezexport“ unterzeichnet worden war.
Der Zeitung zufolge könnte jedoch ein Teil der von Kiew gelieferten
Kampfjets von Jemens Luftstreitkräften kommen, worüber das
Verteidigungsministerium des Landes Zagreb bereits informiert haben
Nach Informationen der Militärpolizei könnten die Flugzeuge aus
Ersatzteilen, die zuvor in anderen Ländern eingekauft worden waren,
zusammengebaut worden sein. So könnten Flugzeugrümpfe aus Bulgarien und
Flügel aus Algerien stammen. Die angeblich bulgarischen Rümpfe könnten
den Kampfjets angehört haben, über dessen Vernichtung das Land zuvor bei
der Nato Rechenschaft abgelegt hatte.
Langzeit bekannt auch in Albanien: die fiktiven Wähler, wo es genügend Leute gibt, die 3 und mehr ID Karten haben. Der Westen erpresst, das Kriminelle erneut Polizei Posten erhalten, obwohl per Gerichts Urteil verboten wurde. Klientel Politik der Georg Soros Banditen und korrupten Terroristen*
Almost half a million names on Macedonia's
electoral roll of 1.8 million need more verification, the State
Electoral Commission said after an initial check-up aimed at weeding out
fake voters.
After a computer cross-referencing of voters’ data from 10 different
state institutions, the report said that there are more than 495,000
names that need to be checked, as their data does not appear to match.
The report noted that 192,000 of the people listed on the electoral roll do not appear in any other database.
Fake voters are a key concern raised by the country’s opposition,
which accuses the ruling party of tampering with the electoral roll in
order to rig polls in its favour.
The initial check-up also found additional 35,000 suspicious voters
who are listed at addresses that have unusually large amounts of
residents - up to several dozen at the same address.
The 23-page report is yet to be formally adopted by the State
Electoral Commission. It also has to adopt a plan laying out how and
where to do a door-to-door check on voters in order to verify the large
number of inconsistencies.
The Commission decided to additionally check some data before adopting the report.
But its leaking to local media caused an immediate political stir.
The main opposition Social Democratic party, SDSM, said it was yet
more proof that the ruling VMRO DPMNE party of recently resigned Prime
Minister Nikola Gruevski had been rigging past elections.
But the VMRO DPMNE accused the opposition of creating a false picture
about the inconsistencies in the electoral roll in order to create an
alibi for its forthcoming election defeat in early polls due later this
"As the fear and panic grows within the SDSM, we won’t be surprised
if they increase their figures within two weeks up to two million
[problematic] citizens [on the electoral roll]," the VMRO DPMNE said in a
Currently, the electoral roll contains more than 1.8 million voters.
The OSCE, which has monitored Macedonian elections in the past, has
described it as unusually large for a country of just over two million
A man casts his ballots during
presidential and early parliamentary elections in Skopje April 27, 2014.
REUTERS/Ognen Teofilovski
Maqedoni, identifikohen rreth 500 mijë votues fiktivë
Komisioni Shtetëror Zgjedhor duhet të kontrollojë në terren të
paktën 200 mijë votues të dyshimtë, që ndodhen në listën zgjedhore.
Kështu është shprehur kryetari i LSDM-së opozitare, Zoran Zaev, duke
komentuar një raport të publikuar një ditë më parë në media, sipas të
cilit rreth 500 mijë persona të dyshimtë ndodhen në listën zgjedhore dhe
duhet t’u nënshtrohen kontrolleve shtesë nga KSHZ-ja.
‘Të paktën 200 mijë, nga 495 mijë votues të dyshimtë gjithsej, duhet
të kontrollohen në terren, për të ndarë zgjedhësit që votojnë në
diasporë, nga votuesit fiktivë që duhen fshirë nga lista zgjedhore. Pa
këtë proces nuk mund të ketë zgjedhje korrekte dhe demokratike’, tha
Zoran Zaev, kryetar i LSDM-së.
Mediat në Shkup kanë raportuar se, rreth 500 mijë votues të dyshimtë
janë konstatuar në raportin e Komisionit Shtetëror të Zgjedhjeve, që ka
të bëjë me përditësimin e listës së votuesve përmes kryqëzimit të të
dhënave nga shumë institucione shtetërore.
Megjithatë, KSHZ-ja nuk e ka publikuar ende zyrtarisht raportin që
doli në media, ndaj dhe i ka quajtur spekulime raportimet për votuesit e
dyshimtë. Por, shumë analistë u besojnë të dhënave të publikuara një
ditë më parë dhe vlerësojnë se, në listën zgjedhore ekzistojnë rreth 200
mijë votues fiktivë.
Spasovski appointed police chief busted for Drug Trafficking
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Newly appointed Kristina Nikolovska as the head of a Narcotic
police division was herself busted this morning at the Greek border for
drug trafficking.
SDSM press secretary and Minister of Interior
Oliver Spasovski promoted Nikolovska from a junior analyst to the head
of the Narcotic division.
Nikolovska drove to Greece with a
well known drug dealer Oliver Nastevski - Bocka. According to reports,
the plan was for Kristina Nikolovska to intimidate the border police
with her newly acquired job title. This plan, however, didn't quite work
as they got busted with large quantities of meta amphetamines.
new Minister of Interior continues to ignore Court Orders and has
replaced dozens of police chiefs in Skopje, Bitola, Shtip, Kumanovo,
Ohrid and Prilep with unqualified SDSM members, some of which have
surpassed six levels to get to their current and according to the Courts
illegal positions.
Die Israelische Mafia (schreckt auch vor Mord nicht zurück), ist überall im Balkan seit 20 Jahren unterwegs, wobei der Bank Raub von einer Milliarden € aus Moldawischen Banken, mit Hilfe korrupter EU Politiker und vor allem wie so oft, der KAS, CDU erst möglich war. Ob im Kosovo, Organ Handel, Betrug und Bestechung als System. Denn Nürberg Ring, wollte der Geistig behinderte heutige Wirtschafts Minister Gabriel auch bekanntlich an einen Betrugs Investor verkaufen, ohne das eine Finanzgrundlage je bei so einem Betrüger bestand.
Added on March 11, 2016 04:12 pm
Romanian anticorruption prosecutors want to arrest Israeli billionaire in corruption case
Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate
(DNA) has demanded the arrest in absentia of the Israeli investors Tal
Silberstein, Shimon Shevez,
Benjamin “Beny” Steinmetz, and Moshe Agavi.
The four investors are under investigation in a corruption case
related to the illegal restitution of the Baneasa Royal Farm and a
47-hectare land plot in Snagov, according to a DNA statement. Prince
Paul of Romania and Remus Truica, former Prime Minister Adrian
Nastase’s chief of staff, are the main suspects in this case of illegal
Starting November 2006, the defendant Truica Remus, together with Tal
Silberstein, Shimon Shevez, Benjamin “Beny” Steinmetz, and Moshe Agavi,
have constituted a criminal group for acquiring the whole property
illegally claimed by Paul Philippe of Romania, according to the
prosecutors. They offered money or goods to the authorities and
institutions that owned these properties in order to have the properties
restituted to Prince Paul.
Paul Philippe of Romania promised Remus Truica and his partners some
50-80% of the recovered properties’ value and transferred the assets to
them when he got them, according to DNA.
Beny Steinmetz is one of the richest people in Israel. His wealth is
estimated at USD 1.2 billion, according to Forbes. Steinmetz is one of
the main shareholders of Gabriel Resources, which holds 80% of the
mining project Rosia Montana Gold Corporation.
Lefter Koka Idiotie Projekt: Umwelt Kathastrophe Durres CurrillaVor wenigen Tagen:
Edi Rama verkauft den kriminellen Schwachsinn, vor einem knappen Jahre, als Strategisches Projekt, Touristische Attraktion im Youtube Kanal der Regierung * Die Lehm angepassten Gräser, Sträucher mit tiefen Wurzeln und Wasser
speichernd, wurden entfernt, billiger Grassamen zur Show ausgestreut.
Schweigen über das Betrugs Desaster Projekt des Lefter Koka in der Currilla und auch bei Edi Rama
Die Regierung wurde schon Ende Dezember 2014 gewarnt, das diese Rodung der Berge, auch wegen der Spritz Eriosion eine Kathastrophe ist, danach kam es noch schlimmer, durch die selbst ernannten Experten, die nicht über Kinder IQ verfügen, sich im Internet in 30 Minuten kundig zumachen.
Bei Lefter Koka, ist Alles Skandal, inklusive Erpressung, weil man an Dumm Kriminelle nur die Posten verkauft im Albanischen Tradition Stile der Klientel Politik, wo man komplette Ministerien an Clans verkauft. Kooperation, Gesetze sind unbekannt bei diesen Banden. Keine Entschuldigung das er nur 4 Jahre Schule hat, was Nichts ist.
Andere Edi Rama Geschäfte, mit enormer Umwelt Zerstörung: Tradition der Albaner Mafia: Edi Rama und Begjet Pacolli wollen den Nationalpark Divjaka-Karavasta zerstören
Zu blöde Landesweit einmal eine Drainage einzubauen, was etwas Zeit, aber kein Geld kostet.
Der „Frankenstein“ der Albanischen Politik: Chef der Skrapari Bande, kauft US Politiker, über deren Lobbyisten Consults
Einen so grosen Erosion Abriss hat es noch nie in über 20 Jahren gegeben in der Currilla, was durch die Destabilisierung mit 2 neuen Wegen erst passierte in den Lehm Bergen, der totalen Rodung der Idiotie mit Baggern, im Deppen Aufforstungs Projekt von Hirnlosen, die 4 Jahre Schule haben (real 1-2 Jahren) und functional illerate sind. keine Drainage in den Strassen und Beton Mauern, wie sollte das in Lehm Bergen je funktionieren.
Beton Wälle, ohne Stahl und ohne Drainage, was für kriminelle Hirnlosigkeit, wo es zuvor ebenso durch Lefter Koka, in Stahl Käfigen Steine gab, welche jeden Wasser Abfluss gewährleisteten und es nie Strassen Schäden gab. Die Intelligenz ist ausgewandert und die Politiker werden immer Dümmer und Krimineller, was jeder weiss und deshalb ebenso auswandert. Über 50.000 Albaner hatten in 2015 allein Asyl in Deutschland beantragt.
Heutige Minister, hier mit der Deutschen Umwelt Ministerin, die identisch Hirnlos ist. siehe wikileaks über Lefter Koka. Verwandte erhielten natürlich als angebliche Experten den Auftrag, aber Experten von was? Lefter Koka, Barbara Hendricks Umswelt Minister unter sich
Skandali i dy milion eurove që bën të heshtë dhe Osman Stafën
Der Gangster Lefter Koka, hat sich dort auch ein kleines Grundstück illegal angeeignet.
Bereits in der Nacht zum 1. März war zusehen, das sich der Berg zerlegt, wo es schon in 2014 erste Anzeichen gab, was für Folgen soviel Idiotie hat. Zuvor gingen ca. 60 % der Strassen Laternen im Nordteil bereits nicht mehr. Die Bevölkerung wartet, das man die Öffentlichen Strände zurück erhält, welche kriminelle Ortsfremde Minister, Politiker und Mafia Familien besetzt halten in der Currilla.
NATO Land Albanien: „State Capture“ leere Abriss Versprechen in 2013, Edi Rama und kriminelle Minister machen was sie wollen
Aber diverse Minister, haben dort illegale Lokale, oder Ex-Präfekten wie die Gangster Braut: Natasho Paschko, mit dem AURORA. Video vom September 2014, wo das Desaster schon deutlich war, wie die EU Gelder von der Durres Mafia versenckt werden.
Die Lehm angepassten Gräser, Sträucher mit tiefen Wurzeln und Wasser speichernd, wurden entfernt, billiger Grassamen zur Show ausgestreut.
Die Idiotie feiert sich am 22.3.2015 auf dem youtube canal des Councel der Regierung. Edi Rama, Lefter Koka, Vangjush Dako. Albanern dürfte man kein Geld für Projekte geben, wo die Weltbank schon in 2010 ebenso vor den Bau Ingenieuren warnte, man weder Lot, Wasserwaage noch die Schwerkraft in der Regel kennt. Falls Grund Kenntnisse vorliegen, ist man Dipl. Ingenineur.
Vetëm dy vite pas inagurimit një nga projektet më ambiciozë, ai që kishte të bënte me Kodra Vilën ka përfunduar në një rrangallë dhe në një klithmë e atyre milionave që janë hedhur. Rasti ka të bëjë me një projekt të ministrisë së Mejdisit që kap shifrat e 2 milion eurove dhe që kishte si synim rehabilitimin e njërës prej zonave më të rrëqitëshme në Durrës. Projekti që synonte të rikthente në një kapacitet qëndrueshmërie dhe atraksioni këtë kodër i ka dhënë mundësinë ministrisë së Mjedisit qe të hedhë një fon prej 2 milion eurosh. Ky fond ka pasur si qëllim ripyllëzimin dhe tarracimin e zonës së Currilave që janë të prekura nga eurozioni. Sipas këtij projeti synohej që Kodra e Currilave që ishte një zonë e rrezikshme përsa i përket rrëshqitjes dhe erozionit duhet të ndërhyhej ndërsa ishte një tjetër faktor që e bënte të mundur investimin që kishte të bënte me anën piktoeskte të kësaj kodre. Projketi kështu do të bënte të mundur ndalimin e rrëshqitjes së dheut dhe natyrisht do ti jepte qytetarëve një kënaqësi për të rrugtuar në këtë zonë që më parë kishte qenë një tabu. Vetë ministri i Mjedisit në atë kohë është shprehur: Ministria e Mjedisit ka si mision të sajin jo vetëm të mbajë natyrën dhe mjedisin por edhe të synojë një standartë jetese më të mirë për qytetarët. Ky projekt do të përmisojë ndjeshëm peizashin e qytetit. Por në fakt nuk ka ndodhur kështu. Pamjet nga projekti deri tek lekët kanë bërë një ndryshim të madh ndërsa tashmë qytetarët janë të befasuar nga investimet me vlera të tilla që ju dhurojnë po pamje relaksuese . Po edhe se është një skandalet i vetmi që heshtë për këtë rast është Stafa, i cili nuk ka laënë kazan plehu pa denocuar po jo këtë rrugë të prishur që ka gëlltitur miliona. Pse nuk bën opozitarin kundra LSI Osman Stafa !
Kanë kaluar 5 ditë që kur dherat nga kodra e Currilave kanë rrëshqitur sërish, dhe deri më tani nuk është marrë asnjë masë ndërhyrjeje.
Wenn Idioten ein Land regieren, die vollkommen korrupt und kriminell sind.
„Albania is today a country closer to a mafia state or a banana republic „
Many areas in the previous regime worked better then than they do today. Market economy and democracy have brought chaos, corruption and improvisation to the young and dynamic republic. To be remembered institutions, public transportation, the educational system in the three levels primary, secondary and university all worked much better during the communist regime……..The international institutions are only worsening the scenario doing a disservice to the Albanian society by acknowledging the validity of accountability of the current elites….In the meantime Western countries continue to export an obsolete economic model based on the inundation of unnecessary and redundant multiple-choice and programmed obsolescence products and services which by the way Western countries manufacture and export for the sake of their developed economics and their highly-educated personnel….. Western Europe would not be what it is today in the absence of centuries of excessive and sometimes abusive colonization and annihilation of remote territories where societies were massacred and imposed upon systems and standards that simply did not fit.Albania must change the course of its governance and leadership to change the course of history.
Situata e rëndë e reshjeve në Durrës duket se ka edhe një impakt tek ata që duan të fitojnë kapital, përveç PD që ka vënë në detyrë të gjithë miqtë e kryetarit që kanë iPhone për të bërë foto përmbytjesh në rrugë. Në fakt Durrësi është qyteti i cili përmbytet më shpesh se nga të gjithë, po dhe që dorëzon ujin po aq shpejtë. Pas një ndarje kompetncash mes bashkisë së Durrësit dhe Bordit të Kullimit që ishte në varësi të pushtetit qendror dhe konkretisht në varësi të Ministrisë së Mjedisit, është zbulua dhe skandali. Prej shumë vitesh nuk është pastruar asnjë kanal dhe aq më shumë që fondet për këtë janë dhënë, por kjo është justifikuar nga dy palët në qeversije pasi dy herë këtë ndërmarrje e ka pasur LSI, një herë me PD dhe një herë me PS, sipas koalicionëve. Ceshtja duket se do të përfundojë në prokurori nga KLSH që ka zbuluar edhe skemën se si vidhet në këtë ndërmarrje. Tollona nafte, pastrime kanalesh pa u bërë, dieta, janë abuzimet që janë bërë me fondet e shtetit, ndërsa ata në shumicëne rastëve kanë përfunduar për titullarët e partisë që i kanë mbajtur në punë këta drejtues. Burime për gazetën Bulevard kanë bërë të ditur se KLSH po heton miliona të hedhura në këtë ndërmarrje prej tetë vitesh, ndërsa tani pas kalimit të kësaj ndërmarje në disa struktura varëse të saj po tentohet që të hidhet baltë aktualisht. Por burime nga bashkia kanë bërë të ditur se pasi kanë marrë disa kompetenca të kësaj ndërmarrje kanë konstatuar vjedhje dhe abuzime, me naftën, eskavatorët dhe aqmë shumë që drejtues aktual kanë krijuar një rrjet vjedhjesh dhe që për të mbuluar ato përfundojnë tek shefat për të qerasur kur në fakt shtetit i janë krijuar me dhjetra milion lekë dëme. I pyetur nga gazeta Buloevard për ndryshimet e reja që kishin të bënin në fakt ehe me përmbyjet e Durrësit, kreu i drejtorisë së bashisë që ka marrë në varësi edhe Hidrovorin dhe ka mirëmbajtjene rrigëve, Sotir Ngresi është shprehur se kanë gjetur një situatë katastrofike. “Një situatë që nuk duhet ta dijnë qytetarët po duket ta gjukojnë gjytarët” ka thënë Ngresi për gazetën. Ngresi ka dhënë alarmin për kanalin e Tarinit që sipas tij ishte prej vitesh pa investim, ndërsa sipas tij pora e shkrakimit ishte me defekt dhe nuk funksiononte prej vitesh. Sipas burimëve të gazets kjo portë ka funksionuar vetëm kur kanë shkuar për relaks pushtetarët. Por Ngresi duket se ka zbardhur edhe një tjetër skandal. Sipas tij prek vitesh nuk është investuar në argjinaturën e Shkozetit, e cila ka dëmtuar rëndë situatën e 150 familëjve të kësaj zone dhe sipas tij kjo ka qenë deri para një muaji kompetencë e bordit të Kullimit. Ngresi që aktualisht është edhe drejtori që ka marrë në kompetencë Hidrovorin është shprehur se reshjet në Durrës kanë shkaktuar një përmbytje të shakklës së parë që është shkalla e menaxhimit. Por sipas tij Hidrovori funksionon 24 orë dhe të gjitha elektropomat janë në gjendje pune. Po sipas Ngresit 9 elektropompistët dhe gjashtë personat që merren em zgarat së bashku me një inxhenier elektrik janë në krye të detyrës. Ndërkohë që kreu i kësaj ndërmarje Sotir Ngresi është shprehur për gazetën Bulevard se se vetëm në fillim të shkurtit janë marrë në dorëzim gjërat dhe kjo nuk ka lidhje fare me atë që nuk është bërë .
Pastrimi i kanaleve që nga niveli i parë e deri të i treti i ka kaluar si kompetencë kryesore Bashkisë së re të Durrësithttp://www.bulevardionline.com/ps-dhe-lsi-grinden-se-kush-e-permbyt-durresi/Albaniens Umwelt- und Touristik Vorstellungen
Pollution in the Fierza Lake has increasingly been a concern. The last rains brought many urban waste materials on the surface. The efforts of respective institutions have given no results. Less than two years ago, the Ministries of Environment of Albania and Kosovo signed an agreement that aimed to build nets around the rivers that supply water to the lake.
But these structures have not been built yet and the waste materials keep being collected in Fierza from Kosovo and Macedonia through the Drini i Bardhe and Drini i Zi Rivers.
Geschwätz des Edi Rama, obwohl es 6 Monate zuvor schon eine Brief an die Regierung gab, das Alles krimineller Unfug und Betrug ist, was nie in Lehm Bergen funktionieren kann, diese Berge destabilisiert durch die Bagger und 2 neuen Wege, wie der kriminellen Rodung.Edmond Haxhinasto immer dabei. Wenmn Vangjush Dako dabei ist, weiss man wenigstens das die totale Idiotie Fortschritte macht und gut für die Familien Zement und Beton Firma ist.
Strategisches Projekt sagat Edi Rama
Theater Veranstaltung im Klein Kinder Format mit den korrupten Kollegen aus dem Kosovo, die im Rudel einreisen, als Touristik Truppe auf Kosten der EU.
Beim Suppen Kaspar Militär, stehen mehr Leute für Paraden zur Verfügung, als für Einsätze
Einfach verhaften diese Extrem Verbrecherin aus den USA
US Neocon pays a surprise visit to Macedonia
Thursday, 10 March 2016
United States Assistant Secretary of State for European and
Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland paid a visit Thursday to the "Vinojug"
transit registration center near Gevgelija and was briefed on the
challenges of Macedonian authorities and living conditions of migrants.
met with Public Security Bureau director Gorance Savovski, focusing on
the current developments in the migrant crisis, future solutions towards
avoiding tensions at borders along the Balkan route, registration of
migrants, ways to further enhance cooperation in the management of
migration flows among all stakeholders, as well as the humanitarian
aspect of the crisis.
United States salute the efforts for settlement of the migrant crisis
and continue to encourage coordinated and comprehensive solutions
focusing on human rights of migrants and promotion of proper and humane
migration policies, the Ministry of Interior said in a press release.
During the visit to the center, Nuland
also met with representatives of several international organizations and
NGOs who are funded by the U.S.
The real reason for Nuland's visit is much more sinister, as is the norm
time Nuland visited Macedonia, we saw the introduction of Katica Janeva
and the subversion of Macedonia's constitutional order, which continues
to this day.
is troubled that several countries within the EU have broken away from
U.S. orders. Brussels, Rome, Berlin and Paris are 100% under US control.
However, Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Bratislava, Warsaw and to some
extent Skopje are not, despite having Jess Bailey as our Prime Minister.
V4 group, joined by Austria and most of the Balkan nations formed their
own security plans (without inviting anyone else to the meeting). This
meeting immediately stopped the flooding of muslim migrants to the
continent, most of which are not even refugees.
This is the reason for Nuland's visit, the wave of migrants cannot stop.
Here is what U.S. journalist Robert Parry writes about Nuland and her husband:
Nuland and Robert Kagan have a great mom-and-pop business going. From
the State Department, she generates wars and from op-ed pages he demands
Congress buy more weapons. There is a pay-off, too, as grateful
military contractors kick in huge money to think tanks where other
Kagans work.
Parry goes on:
extraordinary husband-and-wife duo makes quite a one-two punch for the
Military-Industrial Complex, an inside-outside team that creates the
need for more military spending, applies political pressure to ensure
higher appropriations, and watches as thankful weapons manufacturers
lavish grants on like-minded hawkish Washington think tanks.
only does the broader community of neoconservatives stand to benefit
but so do other members of the Kagan clan, including Robert's brother
Frederick at the American Enterprise Institute and his wife Kimberly,
who runs her own shop called the Institute for the Study of War.
Perry is trying to eloquently explain is that Nuland is in the business
of destabilization and wars. She uses her role within the US Government
perfectly to destabiliza nations, governments.
muslim population flooding Europe is the perfect geopolitical scenario
for the U.S. The CIA will have a field day using the muslim population
across Europe as a proxy to destabilize any Government that does not
work for US geopolitical interests, in the same way the CIA has been
using Albanians in Macedonia.
visit by Nuland entails a destabilization that is not going according
to plan. Don't be too surprised if Macedonia opens the borders in the
coming days. //Gorazd Velkovski
30.000 $ pro Monat ein stolzes Salär für einen Lobbyisten und Europa schaut weg, über das uralte kriminelle Enterprise der käuflichen US Politik. Der jüngste Skandal ist schon besonders dreist, was die Bande treibt. der LSI Gangster „Dashamir Xhiak“ usw. im Transport Ministerium.
Wie bei GSIS, läuft das so was vor allem von der Hillary Clinton Foundation bekannt ist. Für viele Millionen, werden schön gefärbte Berichte in Washington verbreitet, kriminelle und korrupte Aktivitäten geduldet, oft ist wie bei dem Gerdec Fall in Albanien, direkt das US Department of State, Kriminelle aus dem Pentagon beteiligt. Für Betrugs Firmen wie ENRON und World.com war schon Frank Wisner unterwegs, bei ENRON sogar im Vorstand, läuft aber frei herum, als CIA Kaspar.
Ifimes: Albania: One step forward, two steps back – Skrapari Mafia Partei LSI des Ilir Meta und Lefter Koka
Ilir Meta in Aktion mit seiner Familie
IFIMES Report: Die Energie Mafia – OSHEE MANIPULATES TENDERS IN THE ENERGY SECTOR und der Mafia General Staatsanwalt: Adriatic LlallaUS Politiker, kauft man sich, die sind so vollkommen korrupt und verrottet, das Alles möglich ist und eine Albanische Tradition, damit kriminelle Geschäfte geduldet werden, was sowieso jeder weiß. Muster Beispiel sind Hillary Clinton auch mit Hunderten von Millionen von Saudi Arabien, oder John McCain, Frank Wisner und etliche mehr, wie diese Aufstellung rund um die MEK Terroristen zeigt, die Alle schmieren und einkaufen. 20 Millionen $ u.a. für die Edi Rama Regierung.
The junior party in Albania's government, the Socialist Movement for Integration, LSI, has hired a powerful Washington lobbying firm to boost its profile in the US.
Besar Likmeta
LSI Chairman and Speaker of Parliament Ilir Meta | Photo by : LSA
The LSI, the junior party in Albania's Socialist-led government, has hired a US firm to improve its image in Washington.
Global Security and Innovative Strategies LLC, GSIS, is being taken on for a monthly retainer of $30,000.
The scope of the contract, according to documents made public by the US Justice Department, is “educating United States governmental officials... regarding the LSI's commitment to implement justice reforms, enhance Albania's economy, strengthen security approaches and food security programs.”
GSIS is a Washington-based consulting firm whose principals include the former head of the US Secret Service Marc Sullivan, and the former Deputy Commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection, David Aguilar.
Over the past year, Albania has been engaged in a major US-sponsored effort to reform its justice system, which is widely perceived as corrupt.
Parliament is due to vote on a number of constitutional changes in the spring, which will open the way for the creation of a number of new institutions and measures that aim to stamp out corruption in the justice system.
Queried by BIRN over the contract, the LSI said in a statement that the US company had been contracted on the decision of the party leadership, which authorized deputy chairman Petrit Vasili to reach an agreement with Global Security and Innovative Strategies.
“Based on this agreement, GSIS will advise and consult the LSI, its leadership and representatives on issues of importance for the country,” the LSI said.
“GSIS will advise the LSI on policies and its engagement and commitment on key reforms for the country, specifically on justice reform, transparency, Albania’s economic development and security issues, development of agriculture, transportation and food security," it said.
According to the LSI, the contract with GSIS is monthly, with the right of renewal or cancelation.
The funds for the contract come from “the budget, party membership quotas and donations in accordance with the law on the financing of political parties.”
The LSI explained that its 2016 draft budget set aside funds to cover the contract for three months, after which it will be evaluated and possibly renewed.
“At the moment of evaluation of this contract, after three months, a decision will be taken on whether to continue it,” it added.
According to party budgeting data published by the LSI, the contract with GSIS accounts for 26.1 per cent of its entire expenses in 2016.
This is not the first contract that the LSI has reached with US lobbying firms.
In 2009 and 2010 it engaged two other US companies, DUTKO Worldwide LLC and Blue Star Strategies, on retainers of $30,000 and $22,500 per month respectively.