Macedonia Electoral Roll Has 495,000 Suspect Names
Almost half a million names on Macedonia's
electoral roll of 1.8 million need more verification, the State
Electoral Commission said after an initial check-up aimed at weeding out
fake voters.
After a computer cross-referencing of voters’ data from 10 different state institutions, the report said that there are more than 495,000 names that need to be checked, as their data does not appear to match.
The report noted that 192,000 of the people listed on the electoral roll do not appear in any other database.
Fake voters are a key concern raised by the country’s opposition, which accuses the ruling party of tampering with the electoral roll in order to rig polls in its favour.
The initial check-up also found additional 35,000 suspicious voters who are listed at addresses that have unusually large amounts of residents - up to several dozen at the same address.
The 23-page report is yet to be formally adopted by the State Electoral Commission. It also has to adopt a plan laying out how and where to do a door-to-door check on voters in order to verify the large number of inconsistencies.
The Commission decided to additionally check some data before adopting the report.
But its leaking to local media caused an immediate political stir.
The main opposition Social Democratic party, SDSM, said it was yet more proof that the ruling VMRO DPMNE party of recently resigned Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski had been rigging past elections.
But the VMRO DPMNE accused the opposition of creating a false picture about the inconsistencies in the electoral roll in order to create an alibi for its forthcoming election defeat in early polls due later this year.
"As the fear and panic grows within the SDSM, we won’t be surprised if they increase their figures within two weeks up to two million [problematic] citizens [on the electoral roll]," the VMRO DPMNE said in a statement.
Currently, the electoral roll contains more than 1.8 million voters. The OSCE, which has monitored Macedonian elections in the past, has described it as unusually large for a country of just over two million people.
After a computer cross-referencing of voters’ data from 10 different state institutions, the report said that there are more than 495,000 names that need to be checked, as their data does not appear to match.
The report noted that 192,000 of the people listed on the electoral roll do not appear in any other database.
Fake voters are a key concern raised by the country’s opposition, which accuses the ruling party of tampering with the electoral roll in order to rig polls in its favour.
The initial check-up also found additional 35,000 suspicious voters who are listed at addresses that have unusually large amounts of residents - up to several dozen at the same address.
The 23-page report is yet to be formally adopted by the State Electoral Commission. It also has to adopt a plan laying out how and where to do a door-to-door check on voters in order to verify the large number of inconsistencies.
The Commission decided to additionally check some data before adopting the report.
But its leaking to local media caused an immediate political stir.
The main opposition Social Democratic party, SDSM, said it was yet more proof that the ruling VMRO DPMNE party of recently resigned Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski had been rigging past elections.
But the VMRO DPMNE accused the opposition of creating a false picture about the inconsistencies in the electoral roll in order to create an alibi for its forthcoming election defeat in early polls due later this year.
"As the fear and panic grows within the SDSM, we won’t be surprised if they increase their figures within two weeks up to two million [problematic] citizens [on the electoral roll]," the VMRO DPMNE said in a statement.
Currently, the electoral roll contains more than 1.8 million voters. The OSCE, which has monitored Macedonian elections in the past, has described it as unusually large for a country of just over two million people.
A man casts his ballots during
presidential and early parliamentary elections in Skopje April 27, 2014.
REUTERS/Ognen Teofilovski
Maqedoni, identifikohen rreth 500 mijë votues fiktivë
Komisioni Shtetëror Zgjedhor duhet të kontrollojë në terren të
paktën 200 mijë votues të dyshimtë, që ndodhen në listën zgjedhore.
Kështu është shprehur kryetari i LSDM-së opozitare, Zoran Zaev, duke komentuar një raport të publikuar një ditë më parë në media, sipas të cilit rreth 500 mijë persona të dyshimtë ndodhen në listën zgjedhore dhe duhet t’u nënshtrohen kontrolleve shtesë nga KSHZ-ja.
‘Të paktën 200 mijë, nga 495 mijë votues të dyshimtë gjithsej, duhet të kontrollohen në terren, për të ndarë zgjedhësit që votojnë në diasporë, nga votuesit fiktivë që duhen fshirë nga lista zgjedhore. Pa këtë proces nuk mund të ketë zgjedhje korrekte dhe demokratike’, tha Zoran Zaev, kryetar i LSDM-së.
Mediat në Shkup kanë raportuar se, rreth 500 mijë votues të dyshimtë janë konstatuar në raportin e Komisionit Shtetëror të Zgjedhjeve, që ka të bëjë me përditësimin e listës së votuesve përmes kryqëzimit të të dhënave nga shumë institucione shtetërore.
Megjithatë, KSHZ-ja nuk e ka publikuar ende zyrtarisht raportin që doli në media, ndaj dhe i ka quajtur spekulime raportimet për votuesit e dyshimtë. Por, shumë analistë u besojnë të dhënave të publikuara një ditë më parë dhe vlerësojnë se, në listën zgjedhore ekzistojnë rreth 200 mijë votues fiktivë.
Spasovski appointed police chief busted for Drug Trafficking
Kështu është shprehur kryetari i LSDM-së opozitare, Zoran Zaev, duke komentuar një raport të publikuar një ditë më parë në media, sipas të cilit rreth 500 mijë persona të dyshimtë ndodhen në listën zgjedhore dhe duhet t’u nënshtrohen kontrolleve shtesë nga KSHZ-ja.
‘Të paktën 200 mijë, nga 495 mijë votues të dyshimtë gjithsej, duhet të kontrollohen në terren, për të ndarë zgjedhësit që votojnë në diasporë, nga votuesit fiktivë që duhen fshirë nga lista zgjedhore. Pa këtë proces nuk mund të ketë zgjedhje korrekte dhe demokratike’, tha Zoran Zaev, kryetar i LSDM-së.
Mediat në Shkup kanë raportuar se, rreth 500 mijë votues të dyshimtë janë konstatuar në raportin e Komisionit Shtetëror të Zgjedhjeve, që ka të bëjë me përditësimin e listës së votuesve përmes kryqëzimit të të dhënave nga shumë institucione shtetërore.
Megjithatë, KSHZ-ja nuk e ka publikuar ende zyrtarisht raportin që doli në media, ndaj dhe i ka quajtur spekulime raportimet për votuesit e dyshimtë. Por, shumë analistë u besojnë të dhënave të publikuara një ditë më parë dhe vlerësojnë se, në listën zgjedhore ekzistojnë rreth 200 mijë votues fiktivë.
Spasovski appointed police chief busted for Drug Trafficking
Saturday, 19 March 2016 | |
Newly appointed Kristina Nikolovska as the head of a Narcotic police division was herself busted this morning at the Greek border for drug trafficking. SDSM press secretary and Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski promoted Nikolovska from a junior analyst to the head of the Narcotic division. Nikolovska drove to Greece with a well known drug dealer Oliver Nastevski - Bocka. According to reports, the plan was for Kristina Nikolovska to intimidate the border police with her newly acquired job title. This plan, however, didn't quite work as they got busted with large quantities of meta amphetamines. The new Minister of Interior continues to ignore Court Orders and has replaced dozens of police chiefs in Skopje, Bitola, Shtip, Kumanovo, Ohrid and Prilep with unqualified SDSM members, some of which have surpassed six levels to get to their current and according to the Courts illegal positions. |
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