Nicht der erste Italienische Pilot, der heimlich nach Albanien flog.
Weil die 1,3 km lange Lande Pist nicht planiert war, brach beim Test Flug das Bugrad. Die Hintermänner können nur direkt in Polizei Kreisen und im Edi Rama Umfeld sein, der eine kriminelle und extrem inkompetende REgierung aufbaute, Extrem Verbrecher mit hohen Posten versah, wie auch Klement Balili.
Edi Rama mit dem Paplo Escobar des Balkans: Klement Balili in Rhodos 2015 |
Edi Rama verschwindet auch schnell aus dem Lande, zu einer Hochzeit der Familie Recep Erdogan und im Albanischen Wunderland ist die Akte: des „Pablo Escobar des Balkans“: Klement Balili, vollkommen leer und gelöscht im Polizei System TIMS !
News 16 Sep 16
Albanians Trade Accusations Over Mystery Plane Crash
Mystery - and a thick web of conspiracy theories - surrounds the circumstances under which a small plane with an Italian pilot crashed on Thursday in the Ishem area north of Tirana, leaving the pilot who was flying alone slightly injured.
[caption id="attachment_23098" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Ishem, Lande Piste[/caption]
After police at first reported that 69-year-old Andrea Guidi said he was flying over Albania for innocent purposes, it is now widely believed he was on a drug-trafficking mission. The journalist who broke the story was meanwhile briefly detained.
Initially, after the downed plane was found, Albanian police said that in his first testimony, the pilot had claimed he had set off from Bari in Italy across Albania to enjoy the fine views, and the plane had crashed for "technical reasons".
However, media and opposition parties immediately questioned this version, comparing the crash to another in May 2014, when an Italian pilot, Giorgio Riformato, crashed his plane in Divjaka in southern Albania, while it was loaded with cannabis.
Thursday's crash then took on a new a twist after a journalist revealed that the pilot had offered to collaborate with prosecutors after confirming that he was flying over Albania to prepare to transport drugs.
Journalist Artan Hoxha broke the news on TV Klan on Thursday that Guidi had told prosecutors that he was inspecting the terrain, while planning to return after 20 days and pick up 200 kg of cannabis.
After the TV show, prosecutors detained the journalist, however, accusing him of divulging the secrets of the official investigation.
A video of the moment when Hoxha was asked to testify about the sources of his information shows him saying: "I didn't know that the information I got was a part of the secrets of the investigation". The journalist was released an hour later....
Ohne Anmeldung bei der Flugkontrolle, flog der Italienische Pilot Andrea Guidi, 69 Jahre in Albanien herum, musste bei Kruje notlanden. Seröse Medien sprechen davon, das auch dieser Pilot, Cannabis laden wollte. Der Pilot wird später zugeben, das er die Landebahn testen wollte, kurz aufsetzte, ein Rad abbrach und durchstarten nicht mehr möglich war. Das Grundstück wurde vermietet, an Personen, welche ausdrücklich mitteilten, das man eine Lande Piste anlegen will: Namen bis jetzt unbekannt. Arthur Bushai, und die Familie Bracaj, Edi Rama Financier?
Arthur Bushi, vorbestrafter Drogen Boss – Bürgermeister, baute eine eigene Landepiste für Drogen Schmuggler Flugzeugt
The crash of an Italian plane - reportedly carrying drugs - in the Ishem area of Albania has become the subject of numerous conflicting claims between politicians and journalists.
The plane crashed in Ishem. Photo: State Police |
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