English / The document that proves credit over 200 million leks
Soros turns the micro-credit foundation into a robbery scheme
Sot magazine is showing from time to time the criminal financial activity of Soros in Albania. This activity has brought to him very large and unique profits. Sot magazine with the juridical proves has attested the Soros usury system.
All the micro-credit schemes of non-bank subjects are known about their help in the economic development. The interests are acceptable and prop for their clients that usually are that part of population that intend to start or increase a small business. The reason why these schemes are with high risk is because that part of clients is not confident with the ruff bank system. In order to reduce this risk the interests and the time limit are small.
All the micro-credit schemes used in Albania are monitored and supported by the Albanian Government and the international institutions, in order to help the economic development and too fight the poverty. Although Besa was positioned as the biggest non-bank institution, it was made exception about its activity monitoring. Beas acting as a Soros spin-off has broken the Albanian law many times and particularly the international agreements hiding behind the war against the poverty and economical development.
Besa has given credit in illegal ways. One of the most important conditions about the mini-credit non-bank institutions is the amounting of the sum given. It results to us that the sum allowed to Besa was 20 thousand USD (about 20 million leke). The loan time was 36 months.
These conditions are been broken regularly, as for the ciphers and the time. The violation that is shocking all the Albanian bank system is the over passing of the amount limit by 10-15 times.
One of the proves we are publishing is the case of some weeks ago when the 3 Besa’s Bajram Muca has presented an executive title to by the Shkodra’s Court. The credit contract no.9677 date 27.11.2006. The amount was 21.300.000 leke (more than 200 thousand USD). The Albanian legislature admits the executive titles all the non-bank contracts from 14.07.2008 with law no.9953. But it is sure that Besa Fund has lost this right until July 2008 because is an unlicensed institution. This thing makes impossible releasing Executive Orders by any court. This pretension of is favoured by the juridical system as a consequence of Fullani’s lies with the intention to hide the Besa’s illegal status.
The illegal sequestrations of the Albanian’s citizen proprieties by Soros, is the new standard applied by this usurer in Albania.
This is how Besa has broken the laws and the international and national agreements giving credit amounts over 200 thousand USD.
Georg Soros Gangster System in Albania
Ja mekanizmi se si Soros grabiti 3 miliardë lekë të shqiptarëve
AntwortenLöschenPrej 2 javësh Gazeta Sot po dekonstrukson të gjithë strukturën e veprimtarisë finaciare kriminale të Soros në Shqipëri nëpërmjet Fondacionit “Jofitimprurës” Besa. Sot do të fillojmë të tregojmë se si iu dhuruan paratë e shqiptarëve Sorosit. Ajo që të bën më shumë përshtypje është se po të shohësh dhurimet dhe lehtësimet që shteti shqiptar i ka dhënë Soros në Shqipëri, janë unike dhe organizatat jofitimprurëse nuk kanë pasur të gjitha bashkë kurrë një suport kaq të madh qeveritar.
Në vitin 1999, Qeveria Shqiptare i transferoi 309,864,911.50 L (mbi 3 milionë dollarë) asete të Fondit Shqiptar të Zhvillimit (institucion shtetëror) Fondacionit Besa. Sipas marëveshjes së lidhur në dt. 20 Maj 1999, kur shteti shqiptar ishte i gjithi në dispozicion të kulmit të krizës kosovare, Soros arriti t’I çvasë me një veprim të vetëm 3 milionë dollarë në një kohë që shteti shqiptar kishte më shumë nevojë se kurrë për mbështetje financiare.