Wikileaks has published cables from the U.S. Embassy in Pristina that highlight America's political influence in Kosovo. These latest Wiki cables present the role of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Dell with regard to the “premature” Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and his “ruthless” Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, following political moves that led to the collapse of the party's coalition with the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK.
UNMIK Presse Info!
Crime connection? (Express/Zëri)
Express reports on the front page that one of the defence attorneys of Armend Selimi, charged by a EULEX prosecutor for purchasing weapons for Kosovo Police without a license, said his client bought the weapons from the German company Heckler & Koch. The weapons were sent by plane and controlled by the BAFA German Federal Institute.
The paper notes that the investigation of the six people arrested dates back to after UNMIK gave up responsibility for purchasing weapons for police.
“Until December 2008, weapons were procured in accordance with applicable laws in Kosovo under the authority of the UNMIK Police Commissioner,” UNMIK spokesman Olivier Salgado told the paper.
Zëri reports on the front page that the raids and arrests at the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Kosovo Police have damaged the image of the state. Opposition parties and security experts are now calling for the resignation of Interior Affairs Minister Bajram Rexhepi.
Gegen Heckler & Koch, laufen etliche Staatsanwaltschaft Verfahren, nicht nur weil an Mexikanische Verbrecher Banden Gewehre geliefert wurden, sondern auch an Gaddafi, die neuesten Gewehre verkauft wurden. Immer dabei, der angebliche Polizei Aufbau und Aufbau von Anti Terror Einheiten, was im System einer Mafiösen und korrupten Deutschen Politik liegt. Lobbyisten: vor allem rund um die mit über 100 Millionen € pro Jahr, teure FES Mafia Zentrale in Berlin, mit Christoph Zöbel, Gernot Erler und rund um die Bestechungs Bande des Steinmeier's, der zuletzt noch U-Boote nach Pakistan verkaufen wollte. Und von Joachim Rückers (bis heute sind seine Computer beschlagnahmt) fangen wir nicht.
Nun gab es Festnahmen im Innenministerium in Phristina, warum für 1 Million € überteuerte Gewehre mit Hilfe von Hashim Thaci gekauft wurden, bei Heckler und Co. über eine typische Mafia Consults:
Company NTP Frineds / Friends
Street Dardana Kurrizi 7-9
Area PO Box
Town 1000 Prishtine
Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war nur die UNMIK für Waffen Einkäufe zuständig, was Alles sagt, warum die Albaner jedes Gesetz ablehnen. Die Deutschen Berufs Bestecher der SPD und Grünen Mafia, haben es vorgelebt, das komplette Regierungen, wie auch in Griechenland, Rumänien, Montenegro korrumpiert werden. Deutschland wollte nur wegen der Legalisierung, vieler illegaler und krimineller Geschäfte, die Anerkennung des Kosovo, wo Ferronikel, mit dem Berufs Verbrecher Michael Schäfer, heute in China Botschafter, nur ein Punkt ist von Vielen, wie die US Verbrecher Banden, des US Senators Eliot Engel, General Wesley Clark (Partner u.a. vom Mafia Boss: Damir Fazllic), Allbright Consult mit Joschka Fischer und Co.
Prokuroria e implikon Thaçin në tregtinë e armëve
Me këso fajesh atë e ngarkon një prokuror i EULEX-it, i cili po e heton blerjen e armëve për nevoja të Policisë së Kosovës, që besohet të jetë bërë në kundërshtim me ligjin. Në shkresat e lëndës dhe në kërkesat e prokurorit për caktimin e paraburgimit për gjashtë të arrestuarit, përmendet ndërhyrja e kryeministrit Hashim Thaçi.
“Kryeministri kishte aprovuar kërkesën e Ministrisë së Punëve Brendshme për blerje të jashtëzakonshme, ndërsa ky autorizim nuk ishte në përputhje me Ligjin e prokurimit, i cili ishte i vetmi ligj në fuqi lidhur me procedurën për blerjen e armëve. Neni 3, paragrafi 1, i LPP-së thotë se megjithatë mund të përdoren masa të veçanta të sigurisë, por duhet të merren vesh PSSP-ja dhe kryeministri”... thuhet në dosje. Por shefi i Qeverisë nuk ishte konsultuar me PSSP-në, ani se blerja e armëve në atë kohë bëhej me rregullore të UNMIK-ut.
“Zyra e UNMIK-ut për çështje ligjore ka konfirmuar se nuk ishte dhënë asnjë aprovim nga ana e PSSP-së për cilëndo nga blerjet e kërkuara. Kështu, ishte shkelur ligji i aplikueshëm për prokurimin e armëve”, thuhet në këtë dosje.
Kërkesa për blerjen e një sasie armësh, që besohet të jetë implikuar kryeministri, ishte bërë më 23 janar 2009, kur ministër ishte Zenun Pajaziti. Kërkesa e këtij ish-ministri, e cila për prokurorinë konsiderohet e paligjshme, ishte aprovuar nga kryeministri më 25 mars 2009.
“Informatat e mbledhura nga dëshmitarët gjatë hetimit tregojnë se atij nuk i ishte siguruar dokumentacioni komplet, por vetëm kërkesat që tregonin shumat e caktuara të shpenzimeve dhe jo shumat e plota të paguara te kompania ndërmjetësuese e “NTP Friends”, si përfaqësuese e ‘Heckler & Koch’ në Kosovë”, thuhet në dosje.
Implikimet e zyrtarëve të lartë të Kosovës në këtë shitblerje përforcohen edhe nga dëshmitarë në këtë proces.
Dëshmitari i mbrojtur “A” i ka thënë prokurorit se... më gjerësisht lexonit sot në “Koha Ditore” .
Eine Deutsche Betrugs Tarn Firma, was das Finanzamt interessiert. Gegen Heckler & Koch, laufen sowieso Ermittlungen, nicht nur weil Gaddafi, die mordernsten Waffen hatte.
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Report ID 394937
Company NTP Frineds / Friends
Street Dardana Kurrizi 7-9
PO Box
Town 1000 Prishtine
14 May 2009
EULEX Judge Places Kosovo Official Under House Arrest
Interior minister inspector Kadrush Koliqi was ordered to remain under house arrest by a judge at Pristina District Court after a pre-trial hearing late last night.
Pristina Two businessmen arrested yesterday in connection with alleged corruption and procurement fraud were also given one month of detention on remand by the EULEX judge in Pristina.
The EU rule-of-law mission to Kosovo conducted inspections yesterday at offices of the Kosovo Police and government of Kosovo, arresting an employee of the Interior Ministry, two senior Kosovo Police officers, and three businessmen.
After being interviewed by EULEX police, two senior Kosovo Police officers, the Head of the Police Administration, Ragip Bunjaku and his colleague Xhevahire Vatovci, the head of the Procurement Department, were released from police custody. One individual still remains in police custody.
In total, twelve locations were searched all over Kosovo, including private houses, business premises and public offices. As part of this investigation, German Police also searched one business premise and one private house in Germany.
The EULEX organized crimes unit confiscated computers, documents and servers from the office of the Koliqi.
The two detained businessmen, own the companies “Friends” and “Jolix” which are both licensed by the Interior Ministry for importing weapons for the need of the Kosovo Police.
The investigation on alleged procurement fraud has started in 2009, at the time when Zenun Pajaziti was the minister of Interior.
Pajaziti told Balkan Insight, that the “procurement for the Kosovo Police, was a process lead by the police itself, and the ministry head nothing to do with it.”
The EU rule-of-law mission to Kosovo conducted inspections yesterday at offices of the Kosovo Police and government of Kosovo, arresting an employee of the Interior Ministry, two senior Kosovo Police officers, and three businessmen.
After being interviewed by EULEX police, two senior Kosovo Police officers, the Head of the Police Administration, Ragip Bunjaku and his colleague Xhevahire Vatovci, the head of the Procurement Department, were released from police custody. One individual still remains in police custody.
In total, twelve locations were searched all over Kosovo, including private houses, business premises and public offices. As part of this investigation, German Police also searched one business premise and one private house in Germany.
The EULEX organized crimes unit confiscated computers, documents and servers from the office of the Koliqi.
The two detained businessmen, own the companies “Friends” and “Jolix” which are both licensed by the Interior Ministry for importing weapons for the need of the Kosovo Police.
The investigation on alleged procurement fraud has started in 2009, at the time when Zenun Pajaziti was the minister of Interior.
Pajaziti told Balkan Insight, that the “procurement for the Kosovo Police, was a process lead by the police itself, and the ministry head nothing to do with it.”
Gernot Erler vor kurzem in Tirana, wo er seinen Super Kontakten, zu jedem Mörder, Drogenboss nachtrauert. Wie die Albaner Mafia, macht man private Geschäfte, und versteht Nichts von Politik.
siehe auch
EULEX has carried out a four-hour raid on the Kosovo Interior Ministry, which is led by EULEX sceptic Bajram Rexhepi, arresting employees while the minister was in his office. Rexhepi, one of the most vocal critics of EULEX’s work, was even once quoted as praying “God save us from EULEX”. |
1 Million € direkt gestohlen! War doch klar, bei diesem Dumm SChwätzer! Und das ergibt dann eine Frage, auch an die Präsidentin, weil die war ja zuvor auch in diesem Polizei Apparat, und zwar ganz oben, wo Heroin geklaut wird, aus der Aufbewahrungs Kammer, aber auch Geld in hohen Geldsummen.
Alle Einzelheiten! mit Videos
Arrestimet, për një milion euro abuzim
06/10/2011 20:10
Ajo është nënshkruar në kohën kur Ministër i Brendshëm ishte Zenun Pajaziti dhe drejtor policie Sheremet Ahmeti. Procesi i tenderimit kishte filluar me datë 6 shkurt 2009, ndërsa kishte përfunduar në korrik 2009 për të filluar menjëherë me porosinë e mallit.
Ministri i Brendshëm i Kosovës, Bajram Rexhepi, ishte në dijeni për hetimet e “Eulex”-it në Ministrinë e Brendshme dhe në Policinë e Kosovës.
Duke përkrahur fuqishëm hetimin e nisur, Ministrit Rexhepi thotë se, lidhur me këtë çështje më shumë është përgjegjës, UNMIK-u, pasi sipas tij, në atë kohë MPB-ja nuk ka pasur kompetencë importi të armatimit.
Rexhepi sqaron se hetimi ka nisur duke u bazuar në një tender që ka të bëjë me furnizimin e policisë me armatim dhe municion. Ndërsa tani me ligjin e ri,
Schutzherr der Kosovo Mafia Clans: der US Botschafter Christopher Dell (
www.eulex-kosovo.eu. UM NUMBER 2 TO. N REFERENCE: EuropeAid/1300 ... ITEM 3: Wireless Heckler & Koch G36. Shall read as new text: Quantity: 8.
Trotz UN Waffen Embargos, lieferte Heckler & Koch in die Bürgerkriegs Region Balkan: Waffen! auch unter der Kohl Regierung, weil die Jugoslawien Zerschlagung eine beschlossene Sache war, mit Albanischen und Kroatischen Kriminellen, wie Tudchjman. siehe Strauss Besuche in Albanien 1987, wo dann die Waffen Lieferungen in den Kosovo durch die Albanische Regierung begannen und man Entwicklungshilfe im Gegenzug und einen Mercedes 600 bekam.
October 7, 1991: An Adria Airways DC-9 transport aircraft landed at Sarajevo from Klagenfurt. It carried “large amounts” of Heckler & Koch (German-made) automatic rifles and handguns for the Bosnian Ministry of the Interior.
Trotz UN Waffen Embargos, lieferte Heckler & Koch in die Bürgerkriegs Region Balkan: Waffen! auch unter der Kohl Regierung, weil die Jugoslawien Zerschlagung eine beschlossene Sache war, mit Albanischen und Kroatischen Kriminellen, wie Tudchjman. siehe Strauss Besuche in Albanien 1987, wo dann die Waffen Lieferungen in den Kosovo durch die Albanische Regierung begannen und man Entwicklungshilfe im Gegenzug und einen Mercedes 600 bekam.
October 7, 1991: An Adria Airways DC-9 transport aircraft landed at Sarajevo from Klagenfurt. It carried “large amounts” of Heckler & Koch (German-made) automatic rifles and handguns for the Bosnian Ministry of the Interior.
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