Jo Trutschler war ein UNHCR Direktor, welche u.a. auffielen, das man riessige Mengen an illegaler Waren, wie Kühlschränke, Bier nach Albanien einschmuggeln wollte, inklusive eines Mega Betruges des MWST Betruges in Millionen Höhe, weil man Ausfuhren in Italien deklarierte, welche nie in Albanien ankamen. Die wussten einfach nicht, das der Italienische Zoll, automatisch eine Liste erhielt in ihrem Büro in Durres, was aus dem EU Raum in Italien ausgeführt wurde. Eine Profi kriminelle Organisation, wie spätere Fälle u.a. 30.000 € Bonus für neue Kunden immer wieder zeigte.
Trutschler ist der Deutsche UNHCR Mann gewesen, welcher extrem nach Albanien und den Kosovo Luxus Güter schmuggelte und auch zeichnet verantwortlich für die UNHCR Unterschlagungen und Schmuggel Aktionen in der Kosovo Krise 1999. Visa Beschaffung für Kriminelle ohne Ende, wie die Fakten Lage zeigt, ein Modell des Joschka Fischer, Ludgar Vollmer, Chrobag, die sich Staatssektretär nannte und Profite machten mit der Albaner Mafia. siehe auch BKA Bericht, über die Morde rund um Deutsche Diplomaten und deren Mafia Paten.
Joschka Fischer ordinärster Gangster: Jo Trutschler, mit falschen Akademiker Titeln unterwegs und Mitglied der Lehrmeister für die Albaner Mafia, für Korruption, Betrug und skrupellosen Diebstahl!
Der deutsche Delegierte von Trutschler hat die Empfehlungen der Konferenz explizit unterstützt. Er hielt es für angemessen, daß die Konferenz den Grundsatz der Familieneinheit des Flüchtlings betone,
17 United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) reports into corruption at Pristina, 2004-2007
UN - Corruption and Crime System in Kosovo I will not overwhelm the reader with more statistics. Let me just give you a handful of scenarios from the UN country which highlight the nature of the problems and the level of desperation: An EU cow in France is subsidized with three euros a day while every second Kosovan lives on the third of that amount. And he already knows that next year will not be better. If he gets robbed, chances are slim that the perpetrator will be found, despite Kosovo having the highest police force per capita in Europe. If he claims his right to a piece of land, the court shrugs its shoulders (There are 30,000 cases pending in Kosovos courts). If he falls sick the hospital will require that he brings his own syringes and bandages. If she happens to be a Roma or a Serb her house might be burnt down - while NATO soldiers stand watching. Yes, this has happened, more than once. An unforgivable failure but, alas, not at all incomprehensible. I have spent months studying what went wrong with this mission only to find that there was a faster way: Chose a head of a local municipality in Sweden or in Scotland, show her this UN-state, the rules, the hierarchies, the salary lists, the managers, everything - and then ask her if she could run Nyköping that way. "Unthinkable," she will answer, "unless you want to invite a band of hooligans to take over town." For sure there is no easy explanation to the debacle, but there is a pattern, a kind of ghostly method behind the madness. My articles try to find the name of this method. It is hard to make a past performance evaluation of UN missions because they are so volatile. The international community has a gigantic body but a memory shorter than Vänsjö's fishing club. Responsible persons are continuously replaced, reports are forgotten, you keep looking to the future with last year already long forgotten history. Kosovo is a shining exception to this rule. For the first time there is more information about the mistakes committed than what one would maybe like to know. Gratifyingly enough it is two Swedish makings that have made this difference. The first one is called Inga-Britt Ahlenius. In November 2003 when she had grown too independent to the taste of the Persson government, she accepted the assignment to establish an Auditor General Office in Kosovo. The second phenomenon is called Ombudsman, an institution created by the Swedish Parliament in 1809. Kofi Annan thought that this institution could be useful in Kosovo to supervise the UN. But nobody could imagine that the person tasked with this mission would take it so seriously. Among the first things Inga-Britt undertook in Kosovo was to produce framed sign boards with the text: "Kurrë mos harroni se një cent...", which means: "Never forget that every cent wasted from the taxpayer's money is stealing from the poor. Gustav Möller (1884-1970), Swedish minister of social affairs." Thereafter, together with the European anti-fraud organization OLAF, she set out to scrutinize Kosovo's international airport. They thought that would take six months but it ended up taking more than two years. In the spring of 2006, Ahlenius (who by now had been appointed head of the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services, OIOS) published the summary of the findings at the airport, which resulted in a tumult within the UN. The report showed that a group of managers at the airport had consistently been plundering the company for years. Corruption and mismanagement were "systematic" but could go on unpunished because top UN leaders in Kosovo had not created efficient control routines and had failed to take action against fraud and corruption: the Kosovo governor had received 33 reports on irregularities but most of those remained in his desk drawer. Inga-Britt Ahlenius warned that if the UN continued to ignore corruption the whole mission could be jeopardized: "The reluctance by senior Mission management to address fraud and corruption will have a devastating impact on public perception inside and outside Kosovo..." Locals in Kosovo had suspected this for a long time. The rot at Pristina airport was a serial in the local press: bribes for visas, bribes to get a job, money disappearing, nepotism. But now, finally, there would be a real clean up, right? Here comes the sequel. Governor Jessen-Petersen counter-attacks. There is no corruption worth mentioning at the airport, he states, the report is unfounded, it is a waste of time continuing to discuss this. In fact the airport is a well-run company, you could even call it a success story. Jessen-Petersen is content with having implemented only 21 out of the 74 audit recommendations. Let's take a look at what Jessen-Petersen considered unnecessary to judicially proceed against or even to speak about. The traffic volume at Pristina airport today is similar to the one in LuleÃ¥, a small community in Sweden. While LuleÃ¥ runs the business with some 100 people there are more than 500 employees at Pristina airport. The staffing grew to that level while Jessen-Petersen was governor. At an early stage he received a report (377/04) spelling out the possible reasons behind this increase. He in turn did nothing. I spent six months fighting to extract this secret document from UN in New York. It is scantily worded and all names are erased. But with some effort and the brave support from scouts in Kosovo the story can be reconstructed. The airport needs a manager for Human Resources. According to UN rules the vacancy must be publicly announced. The British director Ioan Woollett, however, prefers to engage an acquaintance, let's call him Smith. A feverish activity starts. During the summer of 2004 Smith employs on average three persons a day. Some of them do not know English, lack all kind of education but are supposed to strengthen the finance department. Strikingly beautiful women, witnesses report. In fact, some of them won beauty contests. After four months the number of staff has been doubled, from 235 to 486 persons. That's about 200 more than needed. By then Mr. Smith has already left Kosovo (to serve the world community in Sudan). Mr. Woollett later escaped from the UN state. Nobody knows how much money these two men managed to export but it should amount to hundreds of thousands of euros. The bribe fee to get employed at the airport varied between one and three thousand euros. But attractive women could pay by providing Mr. Wollett with "intimate services", according to sources in Pristina. Apart from the two Brits around ten local employees were involved in this trade. Let's look at the stakes. Next to ethnic hatred, corruption is Kosovos biggest problem. It drains the economy and dilutes justice. But a handful of brave individuals chose to do exactly what the UN have told them to. They defy clan culture ("never tell on your kinsman") and take big risks by agreeing to give evidence to the investigators. (One person has been murdered in connection with this bribery business. The kind of risks the used women are running I need not tell.) They deserve all admiration and support. But what a misunderstanding. It seems the villains are the ones enjoying protection by the UN. You have to say that the persons who put their trust in the UN learned a lesson they will never forget. What was to be found on the other scale? Was Jessen-Petersen and his staff threatened by the mafia? At least that would have been dramatic. But Im afraid something much pettier was at stake. Jessen-Petersen was the fifth governor of Kosovo in as many years. (It is incomprehensible, but apparently the UN believes that the building of a state can be entrusted to temporary deputies.) How does a foreign governor reason with himself knowing that he will stay maybe for a year and a half as he already aims for more honourable assignments? Does he call people to account for their actions when necessary, does he sack corrupt colleagues who might have powerful friends in New York? Does he risk negative exposure in the press? Or is it better to report about progress? In the spring of 2005, after about six months in Kosovo, Jessen-Petersen aspires to be appointed head of UNHCR, the most prominent defender of refugee rights. That spring Jessen-Petersen rejects all eleven proposals from UNs own audit institution OIOS to deal with the corruption. (Proposal nine, as an example, states that employment should be based on formal merits.) His report to the UN Security Council the same summer has very little to do with the actual situation in the province. But as a promotional document for Mr. Peterson himself it is a masterpiece. Maciej Zaremba, Translated by Oliver Grassman Notes: Mr. Bajrami and Mr Smith are reality is called something else. The OIOS report on Airport Pristina is called OIOS A 60/720 and can be read at Kosovar Businesses Complain of Bribery ............. “A major priority of the Government of Kosovo is the fight against corruption, organised crime, and other occurrences. Losses are detected in the economy,” he said. Wie Reuters verbreitet, hat die UN Ãœberwachungs Kommision OIOS, eine hohe Zahl- Betrugs und Korruptionsfällen sowei anderen Rechtsverstössen in der Weltorganisation aufgedeckt. Das Ausmaß von Missmanagement, Betrug und Korrupton übersteige ihre Erwartungen, sagte die OIOS Chefin am Freitag. Derzeit prüfe ihre Behörde 250 Fälle, darunter 80 Verdachtsfälle sexuellen Missbrauchs. Zwei Drittel aller Fälle hätten sich bei Friedens Einsätzen ereignet. Joachim Rückers, der US Ganster Steven Schook, waren eine der vielen Haupt Motoren, für Korruption im Kosovo, wie von Lambsdorf ebenso und der Deutsche Diplomat Michael Schäfer. Kosovar Businesses Complain of Bribery ............. “A major priority of the Government of Kosovo is the fight against corruption, organised crime, and other occurrences. Losses are detected in the economy,” he said.
- ^ a b "Brigadier General STEVEN P. SCHOOK". SFOR. Retrieved 2008-04-27.
- ^ a b "UN Secretary General appoints Steven P. Schook as PDSRSG in Kosovo". UNMIK. 2006-04-19. Archived from the original on 2008-04-27.
- ^ "Secretary-General Appoints Steven Schook of United States Principal Deputy Special Representative in Kosovo (SG/A/994)". UNIS. 2006-04-19. Retrieved 2008-04-27.
- ^ [1]
- ^ Walter Mayr. "The Slow Birth of a Nation". Der Spiegel. Retrieved 2008-04-27.
- ^ "UNMIK Deputy Chief Leaves Kosovo". Balkan Insight. 2007-12-18. Archived from the original on 2007-12-24. Retrieved 2008-04-27.
- ^ "New Deputy Head of UNMIK Named". Balkan Insight. 2008-01-09. Retrieved 2008-04-27.[dead link]
- (Case 0374/04)
1. The Investigations Division of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (ID/OIOS)
received information relating to problems in a procurement exercise for the purchase of Personal
Digital Assistants (PDA) undertaken in April 2004 by UNMIK’s Directorate of Rural Affairs
(DRA), Kosovo. A letter of complaint from one of the bidders alleged possible irregularities in
the bid evaluation and selection process.
2. An internal Pillar II review by the Policy Review and Internal Oversight Unit (PRIO)
highlighted possible irregularities in its preliminary report on the procurement exercise with a
recommendation for further investigation. This report was provided to ID/OIOS with a request
for further investigation. Based on the issues raised in the complaint and subsequently in the
PRIO Unit’s preliminary report, ID/OIOS investigated the entire tender process to determine
whether any violations of UN rules had occurred.
3. The Directorate of Rural Affairs (DRA) is located within UNMIK Civil Administration
(Pillar II); it was formed in October 2001 out of the former Department of Agriculture in the
Joint Administrative Interim Structure. The DRA comprises Veterinary Services & Veterinary
Border Control, Phytosanitary Border Control and Public Forests. The DRA remains a reserved
area under Security Council Resolution 1244 and the staff are United Nations staff members
subject to the UN Rules and Regulations. Also, the DRA undertakes its own procurement for all
of the divisions within the DRA.
II. - Gashi ist eine der kriminellsten Familien in Deutschland und dem Kosovo, und wurde von dem Profi Gangster Michael Steiner hoffähig gemacht, nachdem die Hashim Thaci Familie über den Zoll Direktor des Kosovo, den üblichen Sex Service zur Verfügung gestellt hatte, wie es auch die IEP Militär Studie Kosovo gut beschreibt.
- Another official, close to senior management, agreed that the two men had been used as part of a smokescreen.
"Turbedari and [Jusuf] Seferi are not responsible for human trafficking, taking bribes for employment and other more serious frauds that are still going on and which are being covered up at the airport," he told Balkan Insight, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Since July 2002, Pristina Airport has been the responsibility of the Kosovo Trust Agency, KTA, which handles the privatisation and sale of the territory's public assets, under the so-called Pillar IV of UNMIK, which deals with economic affairs.
Ilir Salihu, head of both the airport's board of directors and public enterprises at KTA, defended the decision to fire only Turbedari and Jusuf Seferi.
“The board of Pristina Airport formed an independent advisory commission to look into abuses at the airport and they concluded that only Turbedari and Jusuf Seferi were involved in bribery,” he said.
The OIOS report specifically named the positions of Adem Gashi, the divisional manager of airport services and terminal operations, and Shaip Seferi, the chief of maintenance services, as having committed "several fraudulent acts and significantly abused tendering processes in connection with the construction of the DM 1.2 billion [airport] building”...
Die Jo Trutschler Story, welche in Deutschland bei den Profi Betrügern der Politik Mafia mit Joschka Fischer, Heidemarie Wieczorek - Zeul, Steinmeier immer wieder versuchte wurde unter den Tisch zu kehren, wie der Visa Skandal. Zu offensichtlich waren die Drahtzieher die Deutsche Regierung auch mit der Verbrecher Familie des Hashim Thaci, Gashi, rund um Michael Steiner, und Joachim Rückers.
Nur einer der Gangster im Kosovo: Jo Trutschler
die grossen Gangster heute Botschafter sehen so aus: Joachim Rückers "Koloni Kosovo" av Maciej Zaremba Part 2. The UN state and the seven robbers Publicerad 2007-06-25 13:38 One day in December the telephone in Mrs Hisari's house was cut off. "I guess you'll have to pay the bill", replies the man at the telephone company. "But it isn't my bill", explains Mrs. Hisari. It's Mr. Trutschler's, the man who rented her house. Jo Trutschler, surely everybody knows who he is. Yes, Mr. Jo Trutschler is a well-known person in Kosovo. He is the senior manager of the energy company KEK, which is the subject of many complaints for all too frequent power cuts. The telephone company contacts Mr. Trutschler. "This is not my bill", he says. "But you have been living in Mrs Hisaris house and the calls were made to Germany". "I know nothing about that". Trutschler does not concede even when he is confronted with the fact that the phone calls were made to his own home number in Bochum. He is not going to pay, and thats the end of it! Mrs Hisari is seventy years old, a widow, and with no income. I have not been able to determine the exact salary of Jo Trutschler at the time of this event, but it is around 20,000 euros a month. Donor money. The Swedish aid agency, SIDA, supports the company where he is chairman of the board, the European Union pays his salary, and all this under the mandate of the UN, who came to Kosovo to guarantee justice, security and human rights. So Mrs Hisari does not give up. She writes to UNMIK. So sorry, replies UNMIK, but we are not responsible for what our staff does in private. Then Mrs Hisari files a complaint against the German at the local court in Pristina. She does not have much of a choice since the bill is for DM 6,900, about one and a half annual Albanian salary. Alas, answers the court, our jurisdiction does not cover Mr. Trutschler. You see he is working for the UN and thus enjoys immunity in Kosovo. So he can escape justice and run away from un-paid bills? Yes, so it seems...well, actually his immunity can be lifted. By Kofi Annan. But, seriously Mrs Hisari, you can't expect us to bother him with a little bill? This incident took place in 2001. Six years later the UN is about to leave Kosovo. Their mission to build a law-abiding state is considered more or less accomplished. Kofi Annan has finished his mandate. Mrs Hisaris phone is still dead. Her firm belief nowadays is that the UN is a gang of robbers. I have come to know that Mrs. Hisari shares her experience with too many others. This could explain why youngsters cordon off the UN Headquarters building with a ribbon that says "Crime scene - do not trespass". The source of their bitterness I intend to describe in my next article. But first, let's follow Mr. Trutschler a few more steps along the way. There are a few UN bosses above him. The vice-governor of Kosovo, Andy Bearpark, is one of them. Doesn't he care about the UN's reputation? When the German brings shame on the mission (Hisari's bill is a serial in the press) why doesn't the UN just tell him to pay? Or reconsider if he is the right person to handle billions of aid money? Yes, why? With hindsight you feel that this question should have been answered by a prosecutor. As a matter of fact, two years later Mr. Trutschler leaves Kosovo. And with him 4,3 million dollars, transferred to his mailbox company in Gibraltar. When the UN auditors in New York (OIOS) try to reconstruct what actually happened they find out that the man who managed the most crisis- ridden company in Kosovo for two years lacked all qualifications for the task. His CV was forged. He wasn't an engineer, or an economist. He had not studied in Boston or in Florida and he never took a doctor's degree in Aachen. He did not have ten years of relevant business experience. (How could he possibly have managed all of that at the age of just 33?). In reality Jo Trutschler was a German small-time swindler with a couple of mailbox companies. If you want to understand why Kosovo, after almost eight years of UN-rule and some ten billions in aid money, remains in such a bad shape you should study the Trutschler affair in detail. How did he get the job? The OIOS discovers that nobody double-checked his CV. Why not? The OIOS does not answer that question. On the other hand UN auditors discover that Trutschler paid a good round sum of money to his successor. Money that the UN man from Canada accepted. He has no explanation to this peculiar transaction. It was a private gift, he answers when the auditors suddenly begin to ask questions. Really, 200.000 dollars, for nothing? "Well no, as a matter of fact, Mr. Trutschler loved my daughter's voice. This was a contribution to her singing career." .................................. How many Olssons are there in Kosovo? Inga-Britt Ahlenius, head of the UN audit in New York, has investigated the UNs methods of hiring staff. Between the years 2003 and 2005 there were 403,792 applications for 1,758 positions in the UN. This means 229 applicants per job. According to UN regulations the candidate's abilities shall be tested in stages. A very detailed study of the UN mission in Uganda shows that six out of ten vacancies are filled up the Bo Olsson way: the person gets the job by knowing someone, with no double check on formal merits and without the vacancy having been announced. ........ Thereafter Reynolds says thank you UN for the confidence placed in me and goes on to work for the Norwegian company where he enjoys a salary of 20,000 euros a month - of Kosovo money appropriated by himself. Hey! Can you really do that? the Kosovo press clamours. Oh yes, it is perfectly all right, says Vice-Governor Andy Bearpark. There is no conflict of interest in this. ........ Once upon a time the world was easier to understand. Italians were corrupt while Scandinavians stood for honesty. But in Kosovo, "the Viking mafia" is a concept that stands for Danish, Norwegian and Icelandic profiteers. And local Kosovans pray to Allah that some day the incorruptible Italians will catch them. The most prominent marauder in Kosovo's black tale is also not the one it should be. It is a democratic state, France, under the socialist leader Lionel Jospin. In the summer of 1999, as soon as it is clear that the UN will intervene in Kosovo and that a French minister (Bernard Kouchner) will head the mission, the French government sets up a special commission, Mission interministérielle pour lEurope du Sud-Est (MIESE). Mission: to avoid a repetition of Bosnia. In those days French aid amounted to 17 percent of the total assistance, with only five percent returned in the form of contracts for French companies. This time, money shall be made to flow the other way. France will give with one hand and take back with the other", the commission determines. But there is no time to lose, you have to be the first to arrive at these "bingo markets" where "everything is excessively priced because of the emergency."
Nur die Kultur des Banditentums funktioniert und die NATO hat eine Beschäftigung und Aufgabe, was der Haupt Grund für den Kosovo Krieg, weil die USA neue Militär Stützpunkte brauchten auch auf dem Balkan.
KFOR: Verlegung des deutsch-österreichischen ORF-Bataillons nach Kosovo beantragt
Berlin/Kosovo, 21.04.2012, Einstellzeit: 10.55 Uhr.
Am 6. Mai 2012 finden die serbischen Präsidentschafts- und Parlamentswahlen statt. Im Zusammenhang mit den gegenwärtigen Positionen von Serbien und Kosovo und der derzeitigen Situation im Nord-Kosovo besteht die Gefahr einer Eskalation. Dies kann Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheitslage in Kosovo haben.
Am 6. Mai 2012 finden die serbischen Präsidentschafts- und Parlamentswahlen statt. Im Zusammenhang mit den gegenwärtigen Positionen von Serbien und Kosovo und der derzeitigen Situation im Nord-Kosovo besteht die Gefahr einer Eskalation. Dies kann Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheitslage in Kosovo haben.
Die NATO und EU bewerten die Lage so, dass die vor Ort befindlichen KFOR-Kräfte nicht ausreichen könnten, um auf möglicherweise kosovoweite Sicherheitszwischenfälle im Zuge der Wahlen angemessen reagieren zu können.
Aufgrund dieser Lageeinschätzung hat der Kommandeur KFOR bei dem vorgesetzten NATO-Kommando in Neapel die erneute Verlegung des deutsch-österreichischen Bataillons der operativen Reserve in das Kosovo beantragt. Das NATO-Kommando hat dazu einen ersten Einsatzbefehl erlassen, der sich zurzeit allerdings noch in der Prüfung bezüglich der darin aufgezeigten Details befindet.
Die Einsatzbereitschaft des deutsch-österreichischen Reservebataillons soll nach diesem Befehl am 1. Mai 2012 hergestellt sein.
Auftrag ist, im Verantwortungsbereich und im Rahmen des Mandates KFOR die Sicherheit im Kosovo weiterhin zu gewährleisten.
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