Die Balkan Terror Financier, die Amerikaner und Yassin Kadi, sind immer die selben. Wir schrieben schon vor Jahren hierueber. siehe auch Hashim Thaci, oder als NATO Partner, reine Terroristen.
Der Islam Terrorist Abdul Latif Sale
Erdogan will soziale Medien "kapern"
Taliban und Terroristen Partner Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ist verärgert:”Freie Fahrt für Terroristen, wie Yasin Kadi”Erdogan und International bekannte Terroristen Financiers, wie Yassin Kadi und die Taliban: Null Problem
Yassin Kadi, stand auf der Einreise Verbots Liste der Türkei, weil er auf der Internationalen Terroristen Liste stand.
Erdogan, persönlich sorgte trotzdem für die Einreise (mindestens 5 mal), des prominenten Terroristen und Taliban, Bin Laden Financier: Yassin Kadi
Yasin Kadi Enters Turkey Despite Ban/a>
Türkische Premier Minister, Drogen Handel Partnerschaften eine Legende, denn der Müll Haufen der Terroristen muss ja finanziert werden. IN der Türkei wird kein grosser Drogen Schmuggler Boss verhaftet, im GEgenteil: Geldwäsche, Drogen Handel mit vielen Zweigstellen auch von Balkan Firmen, wie eine Kette in Richtung Afghanistan ist Programm.
Die Familie Erdogan, organisiert Bestechungs Touren mit der Calik Gruppe vor allem im Balkan, gehört also verhaftet, weil für alle EU Länder des Europarates folgendes gilt: die Pariser Anti Korruptions Konvention, von 1998 wo Staatsanwälte bei einem Hinweis von Auslands Bestechungs bereits ermitteln müssen und Auslands Bestechung ist strafbar.
Traffic Accident with Deep Connections
On February 15, 2013, Mr. Yasin Abdullah A. Kadi, having a meeting
with Mr. Hakan Fidan, Undersecretary of Turkish National Intelligence
Agency (MIT), in Ankara and then moving to Istanbul, had an
interesting traffic accident together with his business
http://cryptome.org/2013/06/tr-accident.htm und nochmal der Türkische Geheimdienst MIT mit Yassin Kadi und direkt auch mit dem Sohn von Erdogan
Meeting with Hakan Fidan – Head of MIT (Turkish National Intelligence Agency)
While he has been in Turkey Yasin A. Kadi has continued to sustain his political connections along with his trade relationship. Despite his restriction to enter to Turkey, Yasin A. Kadi met with Mr. Fidan on five different occasions.
The Prime Minister was informed about the meeting and Sefer Turan, Advisor to the Prime Minister on the Middle East Issues, was also present at the meeting.
A. Kadi traveled from Istanbul to Ankara by a private jet, owned by Mehmet Cengiz, a wealthy businessman. During his presence in Istanbul and Ankara, the Prime Minister’s Personal Guards have escorted Yasin A. Kadi.
Kadi and Fidan met two times in Istanbul, the first meeting took place on April 14, 2012 at the Halic Congress Center, and the second meeting was on June 14, 2012 at Istanbul Regional Directorate of MIT. Kadi has managed to enter an official building of MIT even though his assets have been frozen and there was a restriction against his entry to Turkey. Moreover, they met three times in Ankara on the 29th of September 2012, 13th of December 2012 and 15th of February 2013.
noch mehr Info:
Erdogan und die Taliban Treffen
Erdogan, Al-Quida, Yassin Kadi eine uralte Terroristen Freundschaft mit den Taliban.
mehr info
29 July 2013
Yasin Kadi Enters Turkey Despite Ban
2013-0739.htm TR Trading Between Fatih Sarac and Yasin A. Kadi July 6, 2013 2013-0690.htm Listed Terrorist Meets with Turkish Intelligence June 24, 2013 2013-0641.htm Turkish Traffic Accident with Deep Connections June 14, 2013
Yasin A. Kadi: A Ban from Entering Country
As of 2001, Yasin A. Kadi was amongst the list of 39 people, which has been presented to the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the US, and these people have been claimed as having connection with terrorist organizations.
In line with the UN Security Council Resolution to freeze the assets of individuals and organizations financing terrorist organizations and terrorism, Council of Ministers decided to freeze A. Kadi’s assets on 22nd of December, 2001.
Upon the request of A.Kadi, the 10th Court of the State Council overturned the decision relying on the Council of Ministers’ decision stating that the assets cannot be frozen without a court order. Then the State Council’s Board of Administrative Courts overturned the decision of the 10th Court, relying on the fact that the UN Security Council Resolution is just and the State is obliged to execute the UN Resolutions.
As of 24 July, 2003, Kadi was listed among the foreigners, who have been imposed on a ban from entering the country on the bases of general security.
On the 5th of October, 2003, Kadi’s name has been taken out the UN’s list of Al Qaeda connected individuals. Accordingly, with the Decision of Council of Ministers, dated as 11 October 2012, ban of Kadi’s entry to Turkey was lifted.
It is obvious that while there was a ban of Kadi’s entry to Turkey, he, in fact, entered Turkey for 5 times. These illegal entry procedures have been directly preceded by the directives from Prime Minister himself. http://cryptome.org/2013/07/yasin-kadi-ban.htm
Alles Schall und Rauch: Die Logik der Unlogik der US-Kriegspolitik http://alles-schallundrauch.blogspot.com/2013/09/die-logik-der-unlogik-der-us.html#ixzz2eQiwbfCh
o "Freedom Fighters", Just Criminals and Thugs
No, it has nothing to do with "freedom", "independence" or "self-determination", it is all about illicit trade, crime without punishment, lawlessness, thuggery and insatiable greed.
Criminals, Terrorists or Politicians? In Kosovo-Metohija, all Three.
Excerpt from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime report for March 2008
[pg 52] According to an Interpol statement made before the U.S. Congress in 2000:
GIS Report: Die UCK Terror Camps der Bin Laden Leute in Nord Albanien (
ARD Doku von Allan Little, wie die UCK durch Terror und Mord den Kosovo Krieg provozierte
US Sonder Gesandter Robert Gelbard, UN-Reports und die OSCE Reports klassifizierten die UCK – KLA als eine kriminelle und Terroristische Organisation. Finanziert über den Frauen- und Drogen Handel und als feige und desorganisierte Bande, welche vor jedem Serbischen Polizei Einsatz davon lief. Eine 10-teilige Doku, über die Kriegs Inzenierung durch Morde und Terror der NATO und der EU, um den Kosovo Krieg zu provozieren.
aus Balkan-Spezial
Eine einzige Einheit, aller Banditen, Terroristen, bis zu Salih Berisha, der gerade abdankte
Historic: 20 Jahre kriminelles Enterprise der Salih Berisha Gang
Wer diese Briefe heute outet, kann man sich denken.
Salih Berisha und die Albanische Verbindung zum Super Terroristen Abdul Latif Saleh - International Islamic Relief Organization
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