Albin Kurti schrieb einen Brief an Richard Grenell: "das die Zeit der Amerikaner im Balkan vorbei ist", welche nur mit Erpressung agieren, mit der Corona Krise, vielen käuflichen Politikern, die EU Wirtschaft ruinieren wollen, dann billig aufkaufen wollen, im alten Stile der Betrugs US Consults wie in Deutschland. Der Kosovo ist vollkommen ruiniert, durch die US, Deutsche, EU Bestechungs- und Betrugs Orgien rund um den Diebstahl der EU Gelder und Privatisierung, was schon vor 15 Jahren deutlich wurde, weil Steinmeier jede Kriminelle Orgie deckte, mit Frank Wisner jun. u.a. dem Berufs Betrüger.
Der sogenannte Balkan Sonder Botschafter, wie Frank Wisner jun. ein billiger Show Spieler des Betruges und der Erpressung.
Dumm, korrupt, mit Jens Spahn verbunden, als Schwuchtel, wollte Richard Grenell, auch im Kosovo ein Ausgeh Verbot durch setzen, und Gebiets Tausch mit den Serben.
Kosovo, eines der ärmsten europäischen Länder, bangt in diesen Tagen. Noch ist es von der Corona-Epidemie
nicht stark betroffen. Doch die Zahl der Infizierten steigt. Und schon
mit einigen Dutzend Intensivpatienten wäre das marode Gesundheitssystem
des Landes überfordert - in nahezu allen Krankenhäusern mangelt es an
Personal und medizinischer Ausrüstung, oft müssen Patienten Medikamente
und Verpflegung selbst mitbringen.
Ausgerechnet in dieser Situation, die ein effektives und vereintes Krisenmanagements so dringend braucht, hat das kosovarische Polit-Establishment im Land eine schwere Staatskrise ausgelöst:
In der Nacht zum Donnerstag stimmte eine große Mehrheit der
Parlamentsabgeordneten für einen Misstrauensantrag gegen die Regierung
des linken Reformpolitikers Albin Kurti. Die ist damit gestürzt und übt
ihr Mandat nur noch kommissarisch aus. In den vergangenen Wochen war es zu einem offenen Konflikt zwischen
Kurti und Richard Grenell, dem Kosovo-Sonderbeauftragten des
US-Präsidenten, gekommen. Grenell forderte Kurti auf, Strafzölle auf
serbische Importe ohne Vorbedingungen zurückzunehmen. Kurti akzeptierte
das nur teilweise - er verlangt im Gegenzug für die vollständige
Aufhebung der Zölle Zugeständnisse von Serbien, etwa in diplomatischen
Thursday, April 2, 2020 The United States will give the next blow to the fired Prime Minister Kurti SManalysis
April 1, 2020
The United States has once again come out against the positions of the now dismissed Prime Minister Albin Kurti,
The establishment of reciprocity by the incumbent Government, Kurti, has led the United States to oppose this decision and issue a statement.
Donald Trump's envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Richard Grenell, shared on his Twitter account the position of the US Embassy in Kosovo, which states that they are against imposing reciprocity measures on Serbia. The US Embassy has previously stated through an official statement that it is in favor of a complete 100 percent tax exemption, without imposing reciprocity.
In this announcement, it is said that these measures endanger the people of Kosovo and stifle the economy of the country itself.
“The United States was clear that Kosovo should abolish all tariffs and not create new barriers because these policies hurt the people of Kosovo and stifle Kosovo's economy. We remain opposed to recent action to implement reciprocity measures against the flow of goods from Serbia. These measures create more problems at a time when the United States believes that air, rail, and highway agreements reached between the two sides will boost economic development when implemented, and create the conditions necessary for successful dialogue, ”reads the response.
Ambassador Richard Grenell also reacted to this with a 'retweet' on his Twitter account, as expected after the US has been against reciprocity since its inception.
We recall that for the tax issue, it was one of the reasons why the LDK overthrew Kurti in the Assembly with a no-confidence motion that was supported by 82 members of the Assembly.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
AntwortenLöschenThe United States will give the next blow to the fired Prime Minister Kurti
April 1, 2020
The United States has once again come out against the positions of the now dismissed Prime Minister Albin Kurti,
The establishment of reciprocity by the incumbent Government, Kurti, has led the United States to oppose this decision and issue a statement.
Donald Trump's envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Richard Grenell, shared on his Twitter account the position of the US Embassy in Kosovo, which states that they are against imposing reciprocity measures on Serbia.
The US Embassy has previously stated through an official statement that it is in favor of a complete 100 percent tax exemption, without imposing reciprocity.
In this announcement, it is said that these measures endanger the people of Kosovo and stifle the economy of the country itself.
“The United States was clear that Kosovo should abolish all tariffs and not create new barriers because these policies hurt the people of Kosovo and stifle Kosovo's economy. We remain opposed to recent action to implement reciprocity measures against the flow of goods from Serbia. These measures create more problems at a time when the United States believes that air, rail, and highway agreements reached between the two sides will boost economic development when implemented, and create the conditions necessary for successful dialogue, ”reads the response.
Ambassador Richard Grenell also reacted to this with a 'retweet' on his Twitter account, as expected after the US has been against reciprocity since its inception.
We recall that for the tax issue, it was one of the reasons why the LDK overthrew Kurti in the Assembly with a no-confidence motion that was supported by 82 members of the Assembly.