Wikileaks brachte, über diese krimnelle Aktivitäten der US Mafia, vor einem Jahr schon die Fakten.
Die Realität zeigt, das die Türkei einen Bomben Job im Balkan macht, vor allem auch bei sinnvollen Investments, produktive Arbeits Plätze, Mithilfe bei Export Geschäften in die Türkei, Aufbau von Sicherheit u.a. bei der Ausbildung und Ausrüstung von Militär usw.!
Was mischen sich die Amerikaner mit ihrem Hirn Schrott überall ein. Der Bessere gewinnt ganz einfach und die NATO Länder, sind überwiegend Versager, vor allem die Amerikaner und Deutschen.
Julian Assange über die Umwelt Verbrecher, mit krimineller Öl Förderung von "Bankers Petrol" in Albanien. Identisch dann mit Sky Petrol, mit dem lengendären Mafai Boss: Arian Tartari
29 Nov 2010 / 15:28
US Wary of Turkey’s Ambitions in the Balkans, Cables Show
US diplomatic cables released by the whistleblowers' Web site WikiLeaks show US concern over Turkey’s new foreign policy in the Balkans.
Tirana The secret memo is part of some 250,000 that WikiLeaks obtained and is gradually releasing.
According to the cable, Turkey’s interest and intentions in the Balkans were clearly showcased in a speech by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Sarajevo in October 2009, when he made a ringing defence of the centuries-long Ottoman presence in the region.
Davutoglu’s thesis is that “the Balkans, Caucasus, and Middle East were all better off when under Ottoman control or influence; when peace and progress prevailed,” the cable says.
“Alas the region has been ravaged by division and war ever since. (He was too clever to explicitly blame all that on the imperialist western powers, but came close). However, now Turkey is back,” it continues.
The leaked memo explains that for the neo-Islamic AKP ruling party in Turkey, this new approach provides a relatively low cost and popular tool to demonstrate influence, power, and the "we're back" slogan, for the Turkish public.
Although the analysis from US diplomats admits that this “back to the past” move by the leaders of AKP is playing better in the streets of the Middle East than in Balkan capitals, Ankara has not shied away from pitching itself as a conflict mediator in the region.
Erdogan's visit to Kosovo in early November this year was the latest in a series of diplomatic missions that followed Davutoglu’s speech in Sarajevo.
In September this year, the Turkish President tried in vain to mediate between Bosnia's two semi-independent entities, the Bosnian Serb-run Republika Srpska and the Muslim-Croat federation, several months after Turkish officials met together with Serbian President Boris Tadic and then Bosnian Presidency member Haris Silajdzic.
In October 2009, President Abdullah Gul visited Serbia, the first such visit to Belgrade in almost 23 years.
To exhort its influence the US diplomats explain that Turkey is constantly aligning itself with local leaders, which are not always in favour with the west.
“With Rolls Royce ambitions but Rover resources, to cut themselves in on the action the Turks have to "cheat" by finding an underdog like Haris Silajdzic, [the former Bosniak member of the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina],” notes the US dispatch.
“This "back to the past" attitude so clear in Davutoglu's Sarajevo speech, combined with the Turks' tendency to execute it through alliances with more Islamic or more worrisome local actors, constantly creates new problems,” the US cable warns.
Spezialität der Amerikaner ist im Balkan: immer mit Mördern, Mafia Bossen und Drogen Capos unterwegs. siehe auch Ramuz Haradinaj und Hashim Thaci im Kosovo.
Im Film besser zu sehen, wie im Foto, das Damiz Fazllic, der Super Balkan Gangster (vom Mi6 beschützt, weil er auch für den CIA arbeitete, als USB Serbischer Geheimdienst Chef in Bosnien, wie ja auch der Serbische Geheimdienst Chef, der in Den Haag sitzt)
Foto des Gespräches von Wesley Clark und Damir Fazllic, wo Fazllic der Wortführer ist, als es um das Geschäft wieder mal ging. Oktober 2010
Wesly Clark, gab Völker Rechts widrige Befehle, Zivile Ziele im Balkan zu bombadieren, was bestens u.a. durch Spanische Offiziere dokumentiert ist, was ein Kriegs Verbrechen ist. Es ging ja auch immer nur ums Geschäft und Wesley Clark ist wieder mal in Tirana, wegen seiner Banker Petroel Firma, die von einer sehr einfältigen angeblichen Kanadierin geführt wird, die kaum bis 3 zählen kann, noch Mittelmaß Standard im Essen und Dinieren hat.
Kerry’s Wahlkampf Financier: Aufruf: “Zum Spass Serben töden!”
Verbrecher unter sich: Wesley Clark, Holbrook, Fljoren Krasnici
Und wieder wird Amerikanische Propaganda enttarnt. aus albania
Der gerade verhaftete Super Verbrecher Almir Rrapo, Staats Sekretär im Diplomatischen Dienste des sogenannten Minister Ilir Meta, gehört zur der auch hier erwähnten Brooklyn Connection! US Politiker, haben eine lange Tradition nicht nur im Balkan, das man prominente Mörder und Verbrecher als Partner hat, wie ja Jo Biden gerade ebenso vorführte.
Interview mit Julian Assange!
Aside from BP?
On environmental issues?
A whole range of issues.
Can you give me some examples?
One example: It began with something we released last year, quite an interesting case that wasn’t really picked up by anyone. There’s a Texas Canadian oil company whose name escapes me. And they had these wells in Albania that had been blowing. Quite serious. We got this report from a consultant engineer into what was happening, saying vans were turning up in the middle of the night doing something to them. They were being sabotaged. The Albanian government was involved with another company; There were two rival producers and one was government-owned and the other was privately owned.
So when we got this report; It didn’t have a header. It didn’t say the name of the firm, or even who the wells belonged to.
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