Der berühmte Drogen Boss Prinz Dobrosi, ein Rugova Freund, bekennt sich zu Bin Laden im Gefängniss und das der Al-Qudia Führer Arfan Qaeder Bhatti, sein Freund ist!
Kosovo Albanian drug-boss admits friendship with al Qaeda leader
September 28, 2006 -- A Kosovo Albanian drug-boss, Princ Dobrosi, says that he is a friend of a Pakistani-born al Qaeda leader Arfan Qaeder Bhatti who was recently arrested in Norway on charges of planning to terrorize Israeli and American embassies in Oslo, Norway.
Kosovo Albanian Princ Dobrosi, left, escorted by police in this 2000 file
Kosovo Albanian drug-boss admits friendship with al Qaeda leader
September 28, 2006 -- A Kosovo Albanian drug-boss, Princ Dobrosi, says that he is a friend of a Pakistani-born al Qaeda leader Arfan Qaeder Bhatti who was recently arrested in Norway on charges of planning to terrorize Israeli and American embassies in Oslo, Norway.
Kosovo Albanian Princ Dobrosi, left, escorted by police in this 2000 file
According to a Czech daily Mlada fronta Dnes, Bhatti has solicited operational help from a Kosovo Albanian drug-boss Princ Dobrosi in order to plan attacks on the Czhech capital, Prague.
"We got acquainted in the Ringerike prison in Norway a few years ago," Dobrosi admitted to the Czech daily Mlada fronta Dnes by phone from his home in Pec.
Dobrosi's drug empire was once based in Prague where he was arrested and subsequently escaped.
Dobrosi headed the strongest Kosovo Albanian drug mafia gang that was in control of the northern branch of the Balkan route headquartered in the Albanian dominated Serb province of Kosovo. Dobrosi's gang controlled the distribution of heroin and other drugs from Kosovo to Nordic countries via the Czech Republic.
Various Kosovo Albanian clans maintain distribution branches in other European cities. Dobrosi is the first of the ethnic Albanian drug bosses to admit direct links to al Qaeda.
Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo are predominantly Muslim.
Berühmte Mazedonier, als Lehrmeister dieser Gangster
Kosovo Albanian drug-boss admits friendship with al Qaeda leader
A Kosovo Albanian drug-boss, Princ Dobrosi, says that he is a friend of a Pakistani-born al Qaeda leader Arfan Qaeder Bhatti who was recently arrested in Norway on charges of planning to terrorize Israeli and American embassies in Oslo, Norway.
According to a Czech daily Mlada fronta Dnes, Bhatti has solicited operational help from a Kosovo Albanian drug-boss Princ Dobrosi in order to plan attacks on the Czhech capital, Prague.
"We got acquainted in the Ringerike prison in Norway a few years ago," Dobrosi admitted to the Czech daily Mlada fronta Dnes by phone from his home in Pec.
Dobrosi's drug empire was once based in Prague where he was arrested and subsequently escaped.
Dobrosi headed the strongest Kosovo Albanian drug mafia gang that was in control of the northern branch of the Balkan route headquartered in the Albanian dominated Serb province of Kosovo. Dobrosi's gang controlled the distribution of heroin and other drugs from Kosovo to Nordic countries via the Czech Republic.
Various Kosovo Albanian clans maintain distribution branches in other European cities. Dobrosi is the first of the ethnic Albanian drug bosses to admit direct links to al Qaeda.
2000 bei der Festnahme
Drug boss denies plotting terrorist attack
Prague, Sept 27 (CTK) - Princ Dobrosi, a Kosovo Albanian and onetime drug kingpin, concedes that he knew one of the four men recently arrested in Norway on suspicion of terrorism and that they had met recently, the Czech daily Mlada fronta Dnes (MfD) reported Wednesday.
"We got acquainted in the Ringerike prison in Norway a few years ago," Dobrosi told MfD by phone from his home in Peja, Kosovo.
It was probably the suspicion that the Pakistani-born suspect was planning an attack in Prague with the assistance of Dobrosi that made the Czech police launch unprecedented security measures in the Czech capital on Saturday, MfD writes.
Arfan Qaeder Bhatti, a Pakistani with a Norwegian passport, was arrested in Norway last week after allegedly attacking a synagogue in Oslo along with three accomplices.
Bhatti is reportedly the leader of the group that is suspected of planning further terrorist attacks on the Israeli and US embassies in Oslo.
Dobrosi told MfD that Bhatti had visited him in his Kosovo home this summer, but had neither asked him for money nor had they jointly planned any violent action.
Czech Interior Minister Ivan Langer (Civic Democrats, ODS) declined to answer MfD's question whether Dobrosi is linked to the terrorist threat Prague is reportedly faced with.
According to MfD, Dobrosi's possible plans might have been motivated by the fact that he was arrested in Prague and extradited to Norway in 1999.
In the 1990s, Dobrosi headed one of the strongest Kosovo Albanian drug mafias which was in control of the northern branch of the "Balkan route" that served drugs transportation to Nordic countries via the Czech Republic.
Dobrosi was arrested in Norway in 1993 and sentenced to 14 years in prison. He escaped from prison in 1996, underwent plastic surgery and hid in Prague. Czech police arrested him in February 1999 and he ended up in a Norwegian prison again.
Last year, he was released from prison early and he has been moving around Europe since. His wife and two children live in Prague.
Anti Drogen Chef in der Tschei, erklärt das Geschäft der Albanischen Diplomaten: Verleih auch von CD Autos an die Drogen Mafia
Auch auf Grund seines illegalen Waffen Handels, des frühren UN Embargo Bruchs mit Jugoslawien, mit dem Waffen- und Treibstoff Schmuggel, rechnen die USA auch Internationale Organisationen Salih Berisha zum Internationalen Terrorismus (direkter Partner von Bin Laden)und mit seinem Drogenhandel rund um seine Partner auch als wichtige Figur im Internatinalen Drogen Handel. Wobei auffällt, das der Super Gangster Salih nicht der Familie des ermordeten Geheimdienst Offiziers Iso Copa kondolierte.SHBA i kërkon llogari Arvizusë për trafikun Iran-Shqipëri, Berisha luan me terrorizmin
Fortsetzungs Modell im Drogen Verteiler der Tschei, der Kosovo Mafia, nach der Festnahme des “Princ Dobrosi”!, vor Jahren! siehe in 2006
Drug traffic with Albanain diplomatic vehicle?
Der Anti Drogen Chef der Polizei Jakub FRYDRYCH: erklärt also, das auf Anfrage der Drogen Boss: Agim Saraçi (Ehefrau damals eine Abgeordnete natürlich im Kosovo Parlament), als Berater der Botschaft ausgegeben wurde, weil man offensichtlich wie immer Nichts weiss: Nur als akkretidierter Diplomat, darf man Botschafts Auto benutzen und nicht mit einer Vollmacht! Später wurde jede Verbindung bestritten, wie es so üblich ist und behauptet, das Herr Saraci niemals ein Botschafts Auto benutzte.
Die Tepshi Mafia dort in Prag, als Botschafter wurde abgelöst, als wir die Story über ihn vor Jahren schon brachten, aber in diese Zeit fällt auch diese Mafia Geschichte. Man kann die Luxus Villen in Durres, alle illegal gebaut leicht finden in Albanien.
Wichtiges Geschäfts Modell der Albanischen Politiker ist die Drogen Verteilung, vor allem auch über das Langzeit Modell der Diplomaten und im Moment aber auch schon vor 10 Jahren: Der Verkauf neuer Identitäten, für Gesuchte und im Moment vor allem auch für die Kosovo Mafia, wie der Verkauf der neuen Biometrischen Pässe an Islamische Terrorsiten, wo dann als Zugabe auch gleich NATO Top secret Geheimnisse verkauft werden, oder Waffen auch an die Hisbolla. Kurz gesagt: Alles normal bei Albanischen Diplomaten, Politikern, oder NATO Angestellten, wobei Arthur Kuco, langjähriger NATO Botschafter, ebenso Motor im Drogenhandel, vor 10 Jahren war, als Partner des Duka-Lefter / Nard Koca Kartells.
Solidarität für Verbrecher: Nato-Dolmetscherin hilft Drogenhändlern
International Terrrorists - Mafia boss get new identity behind with Albanian biometric passports
No news over the most criminal government of the world: Salih Berisha - Ilir Meta and the Republic AlbaniaHeute:
Lebenslauf der in prominenten Albanischen Diplomatin: Katerina Xhelo: Beruf Show Girl und als Erster Job, dann Sekretärin in der Botschaft in Prag in 2003, wo ja der Thepsi Clan Auskunft geben kann, oder eine SP Politikerin Arta Dade.
Droga në Pragë, Katerina Xhelo nga televizioni në diplomaci
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Nga “show girl” në televizonin shtetëror, në majën e diplomacisë. Ky është kapërcimi i Katerina Xhelos, konsulles aktuale të Shqipërinë në ambasadën shqiptare në Pragë (Çeki). Fytyra e njohur që shfaqej në ekranin e TVSH-së dhe prej vitit 2003 si pjesë e trupit diplomatik të Shqipërisë, tashmë është e lidhur me skandalin e trafikut të drogës në Çeki, sepse kosovari i akuzuar përdorte makinën e konsulles Xhelo për ta bërë këtë trafik pa u ndaluar nga policia. Katerina Xhelo, që për shumëkënd mbahet mend si imazh televiziv, e ka nisur karrierën në diplomaci në vitin 2003 si sekretare pranë ambasadës shqiptare në Pragë, kur trokiti për herë të parë për të gjetur punë. Në vitin 2006 ajo u emërua si sekretare e parë e ambasadës dhe më pas kapi postin e konsulles, në të cilin është aktualisht.
Lupen reines Nachfolge Drogen Verteil Modell des Prinz Dorosi in der Tschei, als er in 2000 verhaftet wurde. Wir berichteten hierüber!Presheva - Bujanovac Gangster Valley Albanians seek higher education for the drug center
Kosovo’s affairs & the "Narco-statehood"
By Ioannis Michaletos | Blog
March 28, 2008
The direct relationship between the Kosovo Mafia and Islamic terrorism was made explicitly visible in September 2006 when the Pakistani national Arfan Qadeer Bhatti, was arrested in Oslo-Norway trying to blow up the Israeli and the American Embassies there.
He had visited several times Pristina and met with Princ Dobrosi, a well connected on political terms drug merchant in Kosovo.
The American analyst on terrorism and author, Burr, described that NATO forces in Afghanistan have retrieved Taliban satellite phones in hideouts inside mountain caves. After technical examination it was revealed that those Afghani fighters had called repeatedly numbers in Kosovo over the past few years.
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