Ricker: USA ready for Tadic’s plan for Kosovo
Tamara Spai | 18. 01. 2012. - 02:00h | Comments 0
The USA official Phillip Ricker who talked for two days in Pristina about necessity of the dialog with Belgrade shall end his tour meeting with Serbia officials. He shall talk with them about how to solve the problem of regional presentation of Kosovo, but also about Serbia President Boris Tadic’s four-point plan for Kosovo.
Phillip Ricker (right)
This information was yesterday confirmed to ‘Blic’ by Borislav Stefanovic, Chief of Belgrade negotiating team with Pristina that Ricker is going to meet with.
The Deputy Assistant for the Balkans of the USA Secretary of State Hilary Clinton shall also have talks with President Tadic’s advisors. Agreement between Belgrade and Pristina over regional presentation of Kosovo is one of the most important conditions set to Belgrade for giving of the candidate status for the EU membership.
These meetings are only a part of intensified American-German diplomatic initiative aimed to take Belgrade and Pristina to necessary agreements as soon as possible. Recent visit by Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hodzaj to Berlin where he met with German Foreign Minister Guido Westervelle was within that initiative.
After yesterday’s video conference with Robert Cooper, the EU mediator in negotiations, Borislav Stefanovic said that ‘solution over regional presentation of Pristina has not been found yet’.
‘Negotiations over regional presentation of Kosovo are going on. I cannot confirm that we are close to agreement because every option that Belgrade is ready to accept includes the UN SC Resolution 1244, while Pristina is insisting on its irrelevance.
Visit by the USA official to Pristina is aimed to support the dialog and diminish negative influence of growing extremism’, Stefanovic said.
According to his words ‘the USA has not said anything precisely regarding the Resolution 1244 until so far’. ‘I do not understand what a permanent member of the UN SC could have against resolution it adopted’, Stefanovic added.
No partition of Kosovo/Metohija
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