The power to counter criminals
SOCA officers can have the combined powers of police, customs and immigration officers. We also have a substantial range of tools and legislation to target criminals with – everything from the ability to recover assets through to Serious Crime Prevention Orders. We work with agencies and officials across the UK and all over the world to help us do our job and to help them do theirs.
New ways of fighting crime
We use traditional law enforcement methods – investigating, and arresting criminals. We also draw on innovative new approaches to prevent crimes from happening in the first place.
Here are some examples:
First class intelligence - we use all kinds of ways to gather the knowledge we need to know where, when and how to strike to best effect.
Monitoring serious career criminals - in some cases we watch them for life, to prevent them from continuing their criminal activities in prison or after release.
Hitting them where it hurts - by taking criminals’ cash and property. For many serious criminals, this worries them more than the prospect of going to prison.
Working in partnership - serious organised crime is a major problem that affects everyone every day, so we co-operate with law enforcement, public and private sector partners to counter it.
Worldwide operations - we go anywhere we need to when tackling criminal activity. For instance, a street drug dealer is just the last link in a chain that probably stretches to the other side of the world. So our activities aren’t limited by borders.
Making it harder to commit crime - for example, passing on details of suspicious financial activities or forged identities to banks before frauds can take place.
Find out more about how we work tackles serious organised crime that affects the UK and our citizens. This includes Class A drugs, people smuggling, human trafficking, major gun crime, fraud, computer crime and money laundering.
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12 Shtator, 2012
Aktualitet / Flash | nga AMA-News
Tronditet politika shqiptare, zbarkon kreu i Krimit të Organizuar në BE
Re të zeza në qiellin e Tiranes. Per me shume per politiken shqiptare dhe ne vecanti mazhorancen ne pushtet. Per here te pare Bashkimi Evropian dergon me mision ne Shqiperi shefin e Agjencise Kunder Krimit te Organizuar, nje institucion qe gjurmon kriminalitetin mafioz te lidhur me tentakulat e politikes. Fakti se Shqiperia po mbahet prej disa vitesh peng i politikes ne rrugen e anetaresimit, transakzionet miliarda euro qe behen nepermjet koncesioneve, shitjes, trafiqeve te panumerta te droges qe eshte kthyer si ne nje sherbim taksi, kane mjaftuar qe te zbarkoje kreu i SOCA. Ndoshta nje prej shkaqeve te fuqishme mund te jete edhe shitja e Albpetrol, ku krimi nderkombetar mund te kete evaduar ne Tirane per te kryer operacionin e radhes ne shifren 1 miliarde euro. Dhe meqenese prapaskena eshte politike, per kete shkak Ian Milne po viziton edhe vendin tone, duke ndjekur gjurmet e ketij transaksioni mafioz. Nga burime te besueshme mesohet se METE eshte trembur dhe njekohesisht perfaqesuesit e saj Haxhinasto dhe Meta. E njejta gje per Berishen, qe dyzohet mes fakteve se kush qendron pas konsorciumeve, duke dhene sinjalet e anulimit te tenderit. Nese parate do qarkullonin, atehere kjo do ishte nje prove e forte ne duart e Brukselit, qe mund t’i conte pas hekurave politikanet e perzier shqiptare….. ...........
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