“Deutschland Radio”: Thaçi, “persona non grata”, sekret i Evropës
Die Deutsche ARD, brachte eine gute Stellungsnahme, das der Hintergrund die Kontrolle über den Nord Kosovo ist und ebenso sehr diffiziell ist. Die EULEX, hat ja seine engsten Freunde und Terroristen Partner angeklagt, wo sich doch die kriminellen Voll Trottel als Helden fühlen. Man fühlt sich in seinen Verbrecherischen Geschäften gestört, genauso wie kriminelle Hintermänner wie Frank Wisner, oder diese Gestalt: Christopher Dell.
Italienischer Staatsanwalt: Maorizio Salustro klagt Fatmir Limaj, wegen Kriegs Verbrechen an
ein Machtkampf zwischen der EULEX und dem Mafia Boss Hashim Thaci, der seine Macht durch die Ermittlungen und Festnahmen bedroht sieht.
Die jetzige Rede, auch Parlaments Statements des Balkan Idioten Nr. 2 Hashim Thaci, sind einfach lächerlich.
Zitat Hashim Thaci, weil die EULEX, seine Mafia Polizei und Mafiöse Zoll Gestalten auch mit dem Gashi Clan (lebt u.a. in München) nicht mehr finanziert.
Die Hashim Thaci Presse, macht sich lustig, das die EULEX Polizisten wie Feiglinge weggelaufen sind, womit er Recht hat, weil die KFOR in der Nähe ebenso war. Vor 50 Jugendlichen und Kindern, haben die hoch dotierten Polizisten, mit ihren Luxus Jeeps die Flucht ergriffen. Den Schaden bezahlt ja sowieso, wie immer der Steuerzahler.
Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011
Hashim Thaci, organisiert wieder Randale im Kosovo
EULEX enabled the burning of the point, says Express adding that EULEX members ran away like cowards, Americans, Germans and French, took over border points 1 and 31.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Kosovo: How Bad is It - Read the Press
Nothing better now than to read the press. From today's UN/OSCE media summaries:
Thaçi: Belgrade stands behind these burnings (dailies)
Dailies report that Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi blames Belgrade for the burning of the border point in Jarinje, in the north of Kosovo. “Belgrade is behind the. These violent actions are ordered, coordinated and lead by the most senior political structures of Serbia’s Government,” said Thaçi at the press conference held in the late hours of Wednesday. He added that actions of the day again revealed publicly Belgrade’s policy towards Kosovo.” He said that it is clear that violent, criminal mobs, motivated and financed by Belgrade are trying to challenge the integrity of Kosovo. “But we will not fall into their trap. I call on you to remain calm and trust us and to believe in the institutions of the Kosovo state, KFOR and NATO. I guarantee rule and law will return. Trust in us. Remain calm. We will not back down. There will be progress for Kosovo,” he said.
Thaçi: EULEX fails to implement its mission (dailies)
Thaci, harsh critics on EULEX
27/07/2011 15:30
Kuçi’s declarations came after the government meeting, where Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi launched harsh critics against EULEX, since the refusal to support this action falls against the role for which this mission was invited by Kosovo institutions.
Thaçi also asked EULEX to give him as example a single country that allows smuggling and organized crime.
“The usage of our country only as a transitory land for their goods is in full contradiction with the European and Western principles. If EULEX thinks that smuggle, crime and parallel structures are something normal and that should be tolerated, I invite them to give us a specific example of any EU country that allows such things, Thaçi declared.
“We think that EULEX is necessary for the entire Kosovo, or for no one”, Kuçi added.
On the other hand, according to Prime Minister Thaçi, it was the time to undertake such an action, because all efforts in the last 12 years for establishing law and order in that part of the country have failed, not only by Kosovo authorities, but also by internationals.
The Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi added that the Special Units have fulfilled their mandate for establishing law and order in the Custom Checkpoints no.1 and 31, where now there are staying Kosovo Border Police agents and Customs employees.
During this action, a Serbian ambush opened fire and wounded two Kosovo Police agents. One of them, the 32-year-old Enver Zymberi, passed away a few hours later, due to the heavy wounds. Kosovo government offered 25,000 for helping the family of the agent who lost his life in the line of duty, and honored his work for the country with 1 minute of silence.
Thaçi also asked EULEX to give him as example a single country that allows smuggling and organized crime.
“The usage of our country only as a transitory land for their goods is in full contradiction with the European and Western principles. If EULEX thinks that smuggle, crime and parallel structures are something normal and that should be tolerated, I invite them to give us a specific example of any EU country that allows such things, Thaçi declared.
“We think that EULEX is necessary for the entire Kosovo, or for no one”, Kuçi added.
On the other hand, according to Prime Minister Thaçi, it was the time to undertake such an action, because all efforts in the last 12 years for establishing law and order in that part of the country have failed, not only by Kosovo authorities, but also by internationals.
The Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi added that the Special Units have fulfilled their mandate for establishing law and order in the Custom Checkpoints no.1 and 31, where now there are staying Kosovo Border Police agents and Customs employees.
During this action, a Serbian ambush opened fire and wounded two Kosovo Police agents. One of them, the 32-year-old Enver Zymberi, passed away a few hours later, due to the heavy wounds. Kosovo government offered 25,000 for helping the family of the agent who lost his life in the line of duty, and honored his work for the country with 1 minute of silence.
Hashim Thaci, in Aktion! Über die täglichen Tode im Albaner Raum, durch militante und primitive Verbrecher schweigt er. Albaner sind Vandalen und selbst Albaner sprechen von den Kosovaren und Nord Albanern von "Personen ohne Kultur"! 10.000 Morde, Blutrache Morde, vor allem um geklaute Grundstücke in 20 Jahren, sprechen eine klare Sprache. Innerhalb der Familien regelt man es durch Mord, wer was erbt.
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