Inzwischen fordern die Minen Leute, die Ungültigmachung der Lizenzen, denn die Investionen in die Sicherheit wurden nie erfüllt. Ausserdem fordern die Minen Leute ein Gehalt von mindestens 28.000 LEK = 200 € und das in die Pensionskasse eingezahlt wird, wie die Gesetze auch in Albanien es verlangen.
Miners, no results after meeting Ministry representatives
08/07/2011 11:05
During a press release, Nikolli declared his skepticism in the fulfillment of Bulqize miners’ demands, warning another possible strike.
“The talks with Deputy Minister Alibali were a copy of the meeting that we held three years ago. We will organize a big protest tomorrow in Bulqize, and the strike will start in the next week”, Nikolli declared.
The head of the Miners Union, who are protesting for days in support of their demands for better working conditions, declared that one of the main conditions is that the Union must be part of the agreement.
“The talks with Deputy Minister Alibali were a copy of the meeting that we held three years ago. We will organize a big protest tomorrow in Bulqize, and the strike will start in the next week”, Nikolli declared.
The head of the Miners Union, who are protesting for days in support of their demands for better working conditions, declared that one of the main conditions is that the Union must be part of the agreement.
Die Österreichische Firma DCM DECOmetal GmbH und deren tödliche Bestechungs Geschäft in Albanien
Dezember 22, 2010 Hinter dem Todes Unternehmen Deko-Metal, steht Die Österreichische Firma: DCM DECOmetal GmbH, der Familie des Konsul Herbert H. Depisch. Über die Russische Tochter, wurde die Albanische Firma Deko – Metal gegründet, welche wegen permanenten Todes Fällen, die Lizenz in Albanien entzogen wurde, nachdem man absoltu Null, in Sicherheit investierte.Ein altes Geschäft, von dem Profi Verbrecher auch rund um Ilir Meta. Auch in dem Chrom Geschäft, wird erneut Die Staatsanwaltschaft aufgefordert zu ermitteln.Albanian Chrome ACR is the new name of DARFO Albania company
Albanian Chrome (Acr) Sh.P.K
Man beginnnt nun halt neu, unter dem Namen ACR Sh.P.K. in Albanien, und erhält durch den berüchtigten Korruptions Spezialisten Minister Genc Ruli, eine neue Lizenz, natürlich ohne Ausschreibung, was nun durch die Medien und Ex-Minister Dritan Prifti geoutet wird. Noch dümmer kann man wohl seine Bestechungs Geschäfte nicht mehr machen.Chrom war schon eine Politische Sache, was die Regierung Kohl mit der Pressag i Albnien übernehmen wollte und damals einen vom Parlament ratifizierten Vertrag hatte, welche durch den Bürger Krieg in 1997, sich in Luft auflöste.
Das Österreichisch – Russische Todes Unternehmen „Deko-Metal“ |
Rajmondo Bulko, die Schwester von Genc Ruli, eine typische Mafiöse Abgeordnete, hat ebenso von Genc Ruli, ihrem Burder eine illegale Energie Lizenz. Genc Ruli, ist die Legende, für Bestechungs Geschäfte in Albanien, fast 20 Jahre schon lang, und Anklage Schriften sind seit Jahren fertig, wo ihn nur die Immunität schützt. Non Stop ist Genc Ruli in schwere Beetrugs- und Bestechungs Fälle und undurchsichtige Privatisierungen verwickelt, und kommt ständig in die Schlagzeilen.
Besonders interessant ist, hier die Erklärung, des vor kurzem abgesetzten Wirtschafts Minister Dritan Prfiti.
Nachdem die Firma geschlossen wurde, wegen ständigen Toden und Null Sicherheit, macht man nun mit anderem Namen weiter.
Aktuelle Todesfälle im Albanischen TV
Konsul Herbert H. Depisch
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats
Das Familienunternehmen Heinrich Depisch´s Söhne und Co GesmbH wurde 1846 in Wien gegründet.
Herbert H. Depisch founded DCM DECOmetal GmbH (formerly, DCM Decometal International Trading Gmbh) in 1967. Mr. Depisch serves as the Chairman and Member of the Supervisory Board of DCM DECOmetal GmbH.
Kommentar: ein Geschäft, was nun zur Überschwemmung von Lezhe und Skhoder führte.
Lt. Minister Genc Ruli inzwischen, wurden 1,6 Millionen € Bußgeld bezahlt, und die Firma DARFO, war rund um den verhafteten Minister Dritan Prifti — Eduar Beluga ein reines Betrugs Firmen Geschäft, wenn sich Minister gegenseitig beschimpfen.
Depisch will nun sofort mit dem Bau von Duschen und Umkleide Kabinen beginnen usw..
AntwortenLöschenBulqizë, ACR meeting with mineworkers fails
AntwortenLöschen04/08/2011 14:50
Bulqizë, ACR meeting with mineworkers fails
The meeting between the mineworkers and the ACR Company leaders failed due to the conditions set by ACR.
As it had previously declared, ACR did not accept Syndication representatives in the meeting.
The company underlined that they cannot negotiate with criminal elements who exert violence, but only with the mineworkers.
Meanwhile, the miners are continuing their strike in the 1400 meters deep underground galleries.
The head of the Syndication Confederation, Kol Nikolla, declared that the miners situation is very bad, and that inside the galleries there is not enough oxygen.
Miners family members are staying outside the gallery door, concerned about the health of their relatives.
A few days ago, the ACR Company accepted to fulfill the miners’ request for increasing wage with 20%, as demanded.
As soon as the news was made public, the syndication changed the wage increase request to 40%. The mineworkers admit that they haven’t understood the sudden change of the request, but they also declare that there has been pressure for not allowing them to communicate with the media.
Der Streik ist nun beendet, aber viele Bergbau Lizenzen wurden nun weggenommen.
AntwortenLöschenWork in Bulqize has not started yet
Work in Bulqize has not started yet
After the three month long protest was finally over, the Bulqize miners has not started working in the galleries, since the Mine Inspection has not certified the safety conditions yet.
This Wednesday, the specialists entered the galleries for determining whether it was safe to start the work.
A few days after the strike had started, the Ministry of Economy decided to partially suspend the license of the Company due to poor safety conditions in the underground galleries. ACR Company has started this inspection for determining the conditions.
The strike ended one week ago, after the company agreed to increase the wage with 20%, to invest for the mine’s perspective and to increase safety at work.
In the last inspection, when the mineworkers were conducting a hunger strike in the underground level no.14, the specialists gave the alarm for the mine degradation. Based on the report, the Peshkopia Court decided to remove the miners, since their life was in danger.
The ACR also agreed to guarantee transparence in the investments for the mine.
Jetzt gibt es eine offizielle Parlaments Anfrage, über die gesamten Zustände!
AntwortenLöschenSocialist MPs, letter to Berisha for chrome mines
In absence of a response by the Minister of Economy, Nasip Naco, for some questions related with the situation at the Bulqize Mine, the Socialist MPs addressed a letter to Prime Minister Sali Berisha.
The letter of the Socialist MPs starts by reminding Berisha that “the miners keep dying in the tunnels of the mines, and that are being treated as slaves, while the owners benefit millions of Euros. Based on these circumstances and on our duty as MP at the Parliament of Albania, we addressed some questions to the respective institution.
“Even today, after any deadline provided by the Constitution and the Law, our request as MPs of the Albanian Parliament has not received any response by your Minister of Economy, Trade and Energy, although it was a request within all Constitutional rules.”
The Socialist MPs underline that the absence of this answer is not only a flagrant violation of the law and Constitution, for the respecting of which we have all taken our oath, but it deepens even further the darkness and silence of the government lobbies, from where have came up the suspicious practices that keep taking the miners’ lives, in the lobbies of suffering and misery”.
Viele neue Fakten rund um eine Parlamentw Anfrage. DARFO = ACR usw..! 61 Tode im Chrom Bergbau, seit 2000 in allen Minen, davon 20 Tode in illegalen Minen.
AntwortenLöschenNicht einmal 50% der vertraglichen Investitionen wurden erfüllt, wobei der angebliche Aufwand, fiktiv ist, weil es niemand kontrolliert um es zu Hause von der Steuer absetzen zu können. siehe aktuell auch EVN mit 50% Abchreibungen, in Albanien. usw..
3. Cili është kontraktori i vërtetë? Vazhdon Darfo me nënkontraktor ACR apo është ACR që zëvendëson DARFO me ndryshim emri?
Referuar Marrëveshjeve Koncesionare, kontraktor është shoqëria “Darfo” spa. Shoqëria “Albania Chromë” shpk (ACR) është shoqëria koncesionare e krijuar për zbatimin e këtyre dy marrëveshjeve.
4. Darfo SRL dhe DARFO SPA janë e njëjta kompani apo të ndryshme?
Darfo srl dhe Darfo spa janë e njëjta shoqëri, por vetëm ka ndryshuar formën ligjore të saj nga SPA (”sociëta për azioni” në shqip, shoqëri aksionere) në SRL (”societa a responsabilita limitata” në shqip, shoqëri më përgjegjësi të kufizuar) sipas të drejtës italianë.
5. Cili është aktiviteti ekonomik i ACR nga viti 2000 kur është regjistruar për herë të parë si person juridik deri në vitin 2007 kur filloi biznesin e mineralit të Bulqizës?
Shoqëria “Albania Chrome”shpk gjatë kësaj periudhe referuar ekstraktit të QKR ka pasur si objekt pune veprimtarinë minerare.
Inzwischen musste DCM Insolvenz anmelden, weil die Raiffeisen Bank einen 250 Millionen € teuren Kredit gab, für deren Auslands Geschäfte, die schief gingen, weil man keine Auslands Erfahrung hatte