Die totale Zerstörung der Wirtschaft, die Festnahme und der Show Prozess gegen Fatos Nano, sind seine alleinige Hirnlosen Intrigen, eines extrem dummen und kriminellen Mannes, nachdem Gedanken Gut des Gangsters Georg Soros - Mark Rich mit der Schock Therapie. Kriminalisierung einer Gesellschaft, weil es ja keine Arbeit mehr gab und die Landwirtschaft ebenso total zerstört wurde, wie Krankenhäuser, Industrie. Einen total totalitären Diktator einzusetzen, der sogar vor Mord und Mobbing gegen Partei interne Personen seine Höhepunkte fand, wie in der Eliminierung von Azem Hajdari, Zef Broci der heute in den USA lebt usw.. ist ein kriminelles Verbrechen, der Geschäfte Macher rund um die Bill Clinton Bande, wo gerade die New York Times einen Artikel schrieb. Kriege inzenierten und dann abkassieren mit ihren kriminellen Partner!
Die erste Privatisierung in Albanien schon in 1993, war das Hotel "Florida", für die Ben Hasani (Hasanbeliu) Familie, Vater Maks Hasani der bis 2005 Abgeordneter der PD war im Parlament und am Schluss, deutlich sagte: die Amerikaner haben hier soviel "Mist" gemacht, sie sollten besser verschwinden. Da liefen nur bewaffnete Amerikaner herum, denn es war die Haupt Drogen Export Stelle, zusammen mit der Gjoka Famlie in SHIAK, welche auch viele Jahre als Monopol den Drogen Markt in Mailand kontrollierte. 12.12.2012: The US Gangster Syndicat of former American officials in Kosovo Deshalb ist Salih Berisha, bis heute von Enver Hoxha Kommunisten umgeben, wo es nur um die Macht geht und alle Gesetze und Institutionen ausgehebelt sind. Das Deutsche sogenannte "Politiker", alle Warnungen auch in den Spiegel Artikeln damals ignorierten, ist nur mit der Hirnlosen Masse und krimineller Energie in den Politischen Stiftungen und rund um Lobby Vereine zuerklären. New Organization, ADA, Forms to Promote Democracy in Albania A group of Albanians in the United States and Canada announced today the formation of Albanians for a Democratic Albania (ADA), a new organization dedicated to fighting for political freedom and establishment of the rule of law in the Balkan state.
New York, NY (PRWEB) December 12, 2012
A group of Albanians in the United States and Canada announced today the formation of Albanians for a Democratic Albania (ADA), a new organization dedicated to fighting for political freedom and establishment of the rule of law in the Balkan state.
In a statement issued at its headquarters in New York, the group expressed deep concern with the current state of affairs in the country where “all of the pillars of democratic institutions have been compromised. Few media outlets dare criticize the government. And rule of law is little more than a catch phrase, as the government manipulates judges at will,” the statement said.
The establishment of ADA coincides with the 100th anniversary of Albania’s declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire. "While the country remains independent, political freedom is in jeopardy," the ADA statement said.
“Investigations into corrupt practices of senior government officials have been thwarted every step of the way,” the statement continued. “No election has been free and fair, and the illegal voting and manipulation of ballets during the 2011 elections were no exception.”
Gary Q. Kokalari, ADA’s founder and a well-known Albanian American activist, called upon Albanians throughout the world “to join us to help bring true democracy to Albania.
“In Albania, democracy exists in name only, and what’s been substituted for democracy is heading in the wrong direction,” Kokalari said. “Fraudulent elections, intimidation of the media, disregard for the rule of law and corruption at the highest levels of government are robbing Albanians of the freedom they deserve,” he said.
“After enduring five decades of brutal communist oppression and a series of corrupt, authoritarian post-communist regimes, Albanians are ready for change,” he said. “ADA is open for business, and we are dedicated to advancing democracy in Albania.”
ADA will work to protect and strengthen democratic institutions in the Republic of Albania for the betterment of the Albanian people, adding it will function independently of all Albanian political factions, according to the statement.
“ADA will support and defend Albania’s democratic institutions by using methods available to advocacy groups in civil society including informing and advising policy makers about developments in Albania,” it said.
“ADA will also sponsor educational forums to address issues pertaining to Albania’s democratic institutions. The organization will work with other NGOs and advocacy groups in areas of mutual concern,” the statement concluded.
Upon learning of the inauguration of ADA, William E. Ryerson, the first American Ambassador to serve in Albania after the fall of communism, commented, “It is welcome news that a group of Albanians has started a new organization dedicated to the further development of democracy in Albania. All democracies – and I include the U.S. here – have flaws that need work.”
Commenting on ADA’s goals, Ambassador Ryerson recalled the statement by the late Harry Barnes when he presented his credentials as the new U.S. Ambassador to Chile to then-President Pinochet: ‘The cure for the ills of democracy is more democracy.’ Ambassador Ryerson closed his comments by wishing ADA and its members much success in their efforts.
ADA is the only not-for-profit organization dedicated solely to the advancement of democracy in Albania.
Albanians for a Democratic Albania
New York, NY
Telephone: 646-397-6570
Email: info(at)adausa(dot)org
Website: http://www.adausa.org
12 Dhjetor, 2012
Krijohet në Nju Jork organizata SSD- Shqiptarët për një Shqipëri demokratike
Në një deklaratë të lëshuar nga zyra e Nju Jorkut, grupi shpreh shqetësim të thellë për gjendjen e vendit ku të gjitha “shtyllat e institucioneve demokratike janë kompromentuar. Shumë pak nga mjetet e shtypit e kritikojnë qeverinë dhe ligji është veç një fjalë e rreme, sepse qeveria i manipulon gjykatësit në çdo moment”.
“Ndërkohë që vendi është i pavarur, liria politike është në rrezik,” vijon deklarata.
“Investigimet për korrupsionin e zyrtarëve më të lartë qeveritarë janë ndaluar në çdo hap dhe asnjë palë zgjedhje nuk kanë qenë të lira dhe të drejta”.
Kokalari i ka bërë thirrje shqiptarëve në botë që të bashkohen për të sjellë demokracinë e vërtetë në Shqipëri.
“Në Shqipëri demokracia ekziston vetëm si fjalë dhe ajo që e ka zëvendësuar demokracinë është nisur në rrugë të gabuar. Zgjedhje të paligjshme, kërcënim i medias, mospërfillje për rregullat ligjore dhe korrupsion i nivelit më të lartë të qeverisë po i vjedhin shqiptarëve lirinë që meritojnë,” tha Kokalari.
Krijimin e SSD e ka përshëndetur edhe William Rajerson, ambasadori i parë që ka shërbyer në Shqipëri mbas rënies së komunizmit.
“Është një lajm i mirëpritur që një grup shqiptarësh kanë filluar një organizatë të dedikuar për zhvillimin e mëtejshëm të demokracisë në Shqipëri. Të gjitha demokracitë – duke përfshirë atë të Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës – kanë të meta dhe kanë nevojë për përmirësim”. AMA-News
Gary Kokalari says:
As an Albanian American whose family has been involved in the the affairs of the Albanian American community for a century, I am embarraseed that Lulzim Basha came to Washington masquerading as a political innovator when, in my opinion, he is little more than a common thief who rode to power on the back of Sali Berisha (who is little more than a corrupt communist dictator in sheeps clothing) and as a result of an abortion of democracy. When will Basha drop the cloke of immunity and appear before Albania's prosecutor to answer for charges of corruption in conjuntion with road building contracts? Also, four innocent protestors were murdered in Tirana on January 21, 2011. They were shot to death by national guardsmen who were under the direction of Basha who was then Minister of the Interior. When will Basha drop his cloke of immunity to answser questions about whether or not he ordered these murders?
ADA is dedicated to bettering the lives of Albanians by advocating for true democratic institutions in Albania.
After suffering through five decades of one of history’s most repressive and brutal communist regimes, the people of Albania had great expectations for democracy. Unfortunately, they have been burdened with a succession of unscrupulous, corrupt, authoritarian governments that have blocked Albania's forward progress as a democracy. Today, Albania is a democracy in name only.
ADA was born out of our members concerns about the steady erosion of Albania's democratic institutions. No Albanian election has been free and fair, and to the extent elections are held, results are routinely manipulated. Freedom of speech, a fundamental pillar of democracy, is under siege as media outlets that criticize the government are systematically intimidated into silence or shut down. Government enterprises are viewed as personal piggy banks by the ruling elite of what is essentially a kleptocracy. And rule of law has become little more than a catch phrase Albanian politicians use to curry favor with senior government officials from Western democracies.
In true democracies, no one is above the law, and all citizens are subject to oversight by a fair and functioning judicial system predicated on the rule of law. In America, the world’s leading democracy, even those who hold the highest office are subject to the law of the land. U.S. Presidents have been forced from office for obstructing justice and have been compelled to testify before prosecutors in conjunction with charges of abuse of office. In Albania, ministers who have been indicted for serious crimes routinely escape prosecution with devious maneuvers that range from hiding behind a cloak of immunity, to claiming scheduling conflicts with the general prosecutor's investigation, to blatantly tampering with evidence in conspiracy with corrupt judges who are easily manipulated. Without adherence to the rule of law, there can be no legitimate and stable democracy in Albania.
ADA will work to protect and strengthen democratic institutions in the Republic of Albania for the betterment of the people of Albania. We are Albanians of Albania and for Albania, and we are independent of any and all political factions in Albania. ADA will support and defend Albania's democratic institutions by utilizing methods available to advocacy groups in civil society including informing policy makers, sponsoring educational forums, and raising public awareness. We will also cooperate with other NGOs and advocacy groups when mutual interests coincide.
When warranted, ADA will support issues related to human rights, nationalistic, humanitarian and cultural issues that impact Albanians.
The fact that it has become necessary for an organization like ADA to come into existence is in itself a commentary on the sad state of “democracy” in Albania. Ironically, the true measure of ADA's success will be when we can one day declare our mission accomplished so that our organization can no longer claim a reason to exist. http://www.adausa.org/our-mission/
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