Andreas Gross, Schweizer Mitglied des Europa Parlament, trug die Fakten nun vor, aus einer Untersuchung! Man hat Bänder erhalten, der Telefonate über Satellit, wie in 3 Sprachen NATO Miltiärs sich über den Abschuss beglückwünschten und auch keiner der Toden, hatte Kerosin Spuren, wie es bei einem Absturz üblich wäre.
In 2004, versuchten viele hoch kriminelle EU-US-NATO Politiker ihre Verbindungen zu Organisierten Kriminalität, Bin Laden, Islamischen Terroristen Gruppen zu vertuschen und schreckten auch nicht vor Mord zurück. Zeitgleich war der Höhepunkt im Visa Skandal, der Verbrecher Bande des Joschka Fischer, den ein Berliner Staatsanwalt, wie den AA Mafia Staatssekretär Chrobag, anklagen wollte.
Boris Trajkovski, sammelte wie jeder Präsident in der Welt, eigene Informationen und im Balkan war allgemein bekannt,die Verbrechens Strukturen der Deutschen (Bodo Hombach,Steinmeier, Deutsche Generäle, Michael Schäfer, Joschka Fischer usw..) ebenso vor allem der US Diplomaten, wo der heutige US Botschafter A. Dell, schon damals die Verbrecher Strukturen der Kosovo Politiker betreute.
Es gab ja auch Tode Deutsche, um diese Vertuschungen dieser Verbrechen und zwar Etliche in Tirana, wie ein
BKA Bericht auch festhält.
Nachdem seit kurzem nochmal erneut rund um den merkwürdigen Absturz der Präsidenten Maschine ermittelt wird, outete sein Anwalt,
das Boris Trjakovski, abgeschossen und ermordet wurde, weil er zuviel über die korrupten und kriminellen Machenschaften der westlichen Länder und Politiker, vor allem im Kosovo, wusste!
Das ist auch jeden Bundeswehr Offizier bekannt (der etwas länger vor Ort war), das gewisse westliche Politiker einen Rechts freien Raum in Europa benötigen und deshalb den Kosovo und Albanien als Drehschreibe für schmutzige Geschäfte benutzen.
2001, organisierte die u.a. die US Söldner Firma MPRI, kriminelle US Lobbyisten um
US Senator Eliot Engel,
Sahip Muja, die Verbrecher Banden des Joschka Fischer (siehe auch Visa Skandal - ein
BKA Bericht) mit Allbright, ihre blutigen Verbrecher Strukturen zuvertuschen und was im Kosovo abläuft. Die hoch karätigen Mafia Verbindungen des
Frank Wisner, des CIA, der US Diplomaten mussten vertuscht werden.
Der Anwalt der Familie Trajkovski, sagt das das Flugzeug damals in Bosnien abgeschossen wurde (ein offzieller Absturz Bericht liegt nicht vor, obwohl ja die NATO zuständig ist)und in diesen Jahren, es noch mehr Tode gibt und gab auch den US-Botschafter Josef Limprecht im Mai 2002, dessen Verbrecher Verbindungen geourtet wurden und so eine US Kongress Anhörung, durch Liqidierung wegfiel. Grund war, Trajkosvski hatte die
Verbrecher Verbindungen der NATO, Amerikaner zu kriminellen Terroristen u.a. in Mazedonien kritisiert und die gesamte Verbrechens Struktur der UNMIK,
secret NATO Bericht, über Xhavit Halili und Partner) im Kosovo, was heute allgemein gut dokumentiert ist. Ebenso die Korruption der Lobby Zirkel, welche getarnt als Wirtschafts Gesellschaften der Deutschen Mafia Regierung unter Schröder - Joschka Fischer - Steinmeier den gesamten Balkan korrumpierten. siehe auch Ausführungen von Del Ponte, über den Verbrecher Georg Tenet, der jede Mithilfe verweigerte, und die Non-Stop Hindernisse der NATO, Amerikaner, UNMIK (US General und Vize UNMIK Chef: Steven Schook, als Partner der kriminellen Banden) siehe auch
geheimer UNMIK Bericht, über den Organ Handel und UCK Verbrechen aus 2003, der auch unter Verschluss kam und im Juli 2011, zu einer ZDF Doku führte. Auch hier sind viele Namen erwähnt, wie im NATO und BKA Bericht. Die
IEP Miltiär Studie Kosovo 2007, bestätigte nur noch, das schon damals alle Institutionen, Organisationen inklusive der NATO - KFOR Stäbe, von der OK und Mafia unterwandert sind.
Jeder kannte diese Fakten auf dem Balkan, wo sich die Politik Verbrecher, sogar Immunität überall besorgten, für ihre Verbrecherische Tätigkeiten. Nur damals versuchte man noch Alles zuvertuschen und einige Deutsche, leben heute in der Schweiz, weil die Verbrechens Struktur, des Joschka Fischer und des Auswärtigen Amtes unter Steinmeier die Verbrechen ebenso vertuschen wollten und
kriminelle Diplomaten: Rund um Heribert Schenck, Sabine Bloch, die Dumke Bande usw.. siehe BKA Bericht und dieser unendlich dumme Deutsche Botschafter Peter Kiviett, der die Botschaft, damals direkt der Mafia übergab, und vor seiner Frau, lieber ins Rogner Hotel flüchtete.
Eine wichtige Rolle, spielte damals
Philip Reeker, der als total Versager heute wieder im Balkan auftaucht.
Pancevski: Trajkovski had too much dirt on Western Politicians
Wednesday, 22 February 2012 |
Two days ago Macedonian attorney Ignat Pancevski made shockwaves in
the country by claiming there was mountain of evidence to back up his
statement that former president Boris Trajkovski was assassinated while
flying over Bosnia along with his staff.
According to
Pancevski, the primary reason for the assassination is Trajkovski had
too much sensitive information on Western politicians about their deeds
in Kosovo back in 1999 during which Macedonia accepted hundreds of
thousands of refugees.
"Trajkovski was heavily involved as
a deputy foreign Minister in what was happening in and around Kosovo. I
have been working on this case for a long time and found information
that speak of massive corruption, money laundering and scandals
involving very high ranking Western politicians and diplomats.
Trajkovski had tried to use this information as a leverage, which in the
end was costly. What precisely Trajkovski asked of them isn't known,"
says Pancevski.
Attorney Pancevski once again was adamant
that Trajkovski was assassinated and there was plenty of undisputable
evidence for this in Skopje.
Pancevski came out with his shocking revelation, the Macedonian
Government has started a procedure which involved drafting a new report
which is a result of an 8 year long investigation.The report has made
its way to the State prosecution office, however everything is being
kept confidential. |
Trajkovski died on 26 February 2004 in a plane crash en route to an economic conference in
Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aircraft crashed in thick fog and heavy rain on a mountainside in southeastern
near the villages of Huskovici and Rotimlja some eight miles (15 km)
south-south-east of Mostar. Eight other people were also aboard but none
survived the impact, which broke the aircraft into three pieces. It
came down in an area that had been heavily mined during the
Bosnian War of the 1990s, which significantly hampered the rescue and recovery efforts.
Although the cause of the crash is not known, it seems likely that it was the result of a
controlled flight into terrain, possibly exacerbated by alleged mistakes made by the
SFOR air traffic controllers at Mostar Ortiješ International Airport.
Трајковски бил убиен оти им се заканувал на западни дипломати
Претседателот Борис Трајковски бил убиен оти на високи западни државници им се заканил дека ќе обелодени компромитирачки информации за нивна вмешаност во корупција, за време на косовскиот конфликт и бегалската криза во 1999 година.
Според адвокатот Игнат Панчевски, кој завчера тврдеше дека ги има сите докази оти паѓањето на претседателскиот „кингер“ на 26 февруари 2004 година не било несреќа туку атентат, Трајковски имал документи што би можеле да го нарушат угледот на некои западни дипломати што во 1999 година престојуваа во Македонија, за време на напливот на бегалци од Косово.
„Тој беше директно инволвиран во сите настани во таа година бидејќи беше заменик-министер за надворешни работи. Јас долго време работам на случајот и наидов на информации што упатуваат на коруптивни скандали што во тоа време биле извршени од некои високи светски државници. Трајковски поседувал документи како доказ за корупцијата, но не знам што конкретно барал од тие светски државници“, вели адвокатот Панчевски.
Toj и понатаму тврди дека падот на претседателскиот авион не е авионска несреќа, туку атентат, и дека сите докази биле во Скопје.
Панчевски завчера за МКД.MK изнесе шокантни тврдења во врска со случајот.
Вчера Нетпрес јави дека бил подготвен нов извештај за смртта на претседателот Борис Трајковски и тој бил влезен во владина процедура, но од таму не откриваат детали од содржината.
„Точно е дека има најнов извештај и дека е пуштен во процедура. Детали не можам да изнесам оти станува збор за документ со доверлива содржина. Оттука извештајот ќе биде доставен до државното обвинителство, кое понатаму ќе одлучи дали и какви мерки ќе преземе“, изјави Мартин Мартиновски, портпарол на Владата.
Albanische Medien:
Boris Trajkovski u likuidua, nuk vdiq tragjikisht!?
Pancevski: Former President Trajkovski was brutally murdered
Monday, 20 February 2012
Former Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski and the rest of the
passengers were brutally murdered over Bosnia, while the mountain of
evidence is all in Skopje, says Ignat Pancevski, attorney for one of the
This shocking statement by Pancevski comes from years of gathering
evidence, explaining that not that he has seen the evidence, but now he
actually has some of it in his possession.
Pancevski explains that the passengers of the presidential plane which
was "brought down" over Bosnia on February 26th 2004 were all alive.
"All passengers in the plane were hurt, but I repeat, they were all alive.
have evidence that one of the passengers phoned his family and spoke to
them for half an hour. His legs were badly hurt, but he spoke to his
family. There is evidence, audio and video evidence for this
There is a satellite video footage what happened. Trajkovski's
presidential plane was shot down by a military aircraft. After the plane
went down, mobile military units (the same units spotted by Bosnian
villagers) went to the fallen presidential plane and brutally murdered the Macedonian president, the crew and his advisors.
The bodies were scattered by the soldiers and set on fire with napalm" says attorney Pancevski.
Pancevski says Macedonian governmental structures and the secret
services is acutely aware of what happened and the reasons behind it.
However, they were concerned of going public...
"I have repeatedly asked the Macedonian Government to meet with me
because of the mountain of evidence I possess, but no one has contacted
me. Neither the prosecution, nor the Commission who was investigating
the "incident", nor Andreas Gross, the Swiss MP who has repeatedly
stated that Trajkovski was assassinated." says Pancevski.
This is what Andreas Gross said in European Parliament in May 2010.
"I am utterly convinced this was a murder, based on new informations
that I can't presently speak of. Of course, this is my personal belief,
based on contradictions in the official story which leads to the
hypothesis that this was a murder." Gross added the motives, the cause
and the reasons should be sought in the West, and not the East, adding
he was fearing for his safety and no longer drives his car!!!
Pancevski continued...
The evidence is simply too much. Where do you want me to start? The
fact that none of the bodies have kerosene traces, the fact we have
audio recordings of military organization congratulating itself via
their communication channels in three languages for the successful
shooting down of Trajkovski's presidential plane!!!" says Pancevski adding "all evidence is in Skopje, all of it".
Pancevski says he will make everything public very soon.
Channel 5 just recently did an analysis of the "incident" on their show
"KOD". It found dozens of holes in the official story, the fact that the
radar in Mostar was not functioning, yet it somehow gave 'readings' of
the plane speed and location, one day after it disappeared.
The ILT device did not work the entire day, during the day of the
incident. ILT devices would have shown the location of where the
presidential plane had fallen. When Macedonian authorities flew to
Bosnia to question foreign military personnel who managed the radars/ILT
device, the soldiers were whisked away by their supervisors to a
Western European country.
The ILT device was first said did not function the entire day due to
faulty equipment, however it somehow started working the following
morning to pinpoint the fallen plane and burnt bodies.
Boris Trajkovski's twin brother Aleksandar, has said from day one that his brother was murdered!
This 'incident' was also a cause for additional inter-party quarrel.
VMRO claimed that during SDSM's reign, there has been two highly
suspicious presidential assassinations, one of Gligorov and Trajkovski.
//Emil Zafirovski
Historischer Rückblick, über die US und NATO Verbrecher, direkt als Partner mit Bin Ladens Militär Chef!