
Freitag, 10. September 2010

Der nächste enge Geschäfts Partner des Bodo Hombach im Balkan verhaftet: Sorin Ovidiu Vantu

Was jedem einleuchtet: das es krankhaft ist, wenn man nur in Extrem Verbrecher Kreisen der Prominenz der OK, seine Partner sucht. Deshalb mussten diese Verbrecher Kartelle ja auch in die EU mit allen Mitteln um Geschäfte zu machen. Die SPD ist Netzwerk Bauer der Internationalen OK, was sowieso jeder weiß. Sorin Ovidiu Vantu, war Securitate Offizier, was erneut Alles sagt und wenn ein Kaspar wie Bodo Hombach mit solchen Leuten Geschäfte machen will, was man an anderen SPD Gestalten auch mit der Albaner Mafia sieht. Der Autor hier, hat sogar 1975 für ein Reise Büro in Rumänien gearbeitet, und weiß wovon er redet, wenn man von Securitäte spricht.

Diesmal hat man in Rumänien Sorin Ovidiu Vantu verhaftet, einem sehr wichtigem und engen Partner des Bodo Hombach, der sich sichtlich wohl fühlte in den Top Verbrecher Kreisen, bis hin zu den Top Drogen Baronen und Mördern im Balkan.

Die Creme de la Creme der Organisierten Kriminalität, konnte man leicht im Balkan finden, wenn man den Spuren des Bodo Hombach folgte, was man aber auch schon 2002 wusste.

Romanian Media Tycoon Arrested in Investment Fund Probe
Bucharest | 10 September 2010 |

Sorin Ovidiu Vantu
Bucharest, Romania

Controversial Romanian media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu has been arrested on suspicion of aiding a man convicted over the collapse of an investment scheme, prosecutors have said.

Vantu, who owns the Realitatea-Catavencu media group which includes three television channels and several weekly newspapers, is suspected of having transferred large sums of money to Nicolae Popa, who fled Romania in 2000 shortly after the collapse of an investment fund he was running.

About 300,000 people lost their lifetime savings following the failure of the scheme.

Sorin Ovidiu Vantu told reporters his detention on Thursday was politically motivated, claiming President Traian Basescu had a hand in it.

Realitatea TV, a news channel which Vantu owns, has been very critical of the government and Basescu in its coverage.

But local media experts say the reports are widely viewed as being biased.

On 13 September 2004, two announcements appeared on the front page of Romania Libera, a prestigious daily that was, however, steadily losing readers. In the frst announcement, the editorial staff accused Klaus Overbeck, the representative of the German media conglomerate WAZ, of interfering with the editorial policy of the newspaper. In the second press release, the journalists’ union at Romania libera announced that it had asked the police in Essen, Germany, the headquarters of WAZ, for a permit to demonstrate in front of WAZ. The director of Romania libera, Bacanu, declared that WAZ proposed quadrupling the price of the daily from 5,000
lei to 20,000 lei and that they suggested changing the nature of the articles published to make the newspaper more entertaining and relaxing for readers. In their statement, the journalists claimed that WAZ reproached them for publishing too many articles that were critical of the powers-that-be. They insinuated that the representative of WAZ in Bucharest, Klaus Overbeck, ‘from the beginning [wished] to distance the paper from the political arena, suggesting that large, positive pictures be published and that as many fashionable items be introduced in the pages of the paper as possible’ (Romania Libera 2004). The meeting between Bacanu and
Bodo Hombach, the representative of WAZ in Bucharest, took place in May 2004 and, according to journalists loyal to Bacanu, the owners:

Bodo Hombach spricht über die Glaubwürdigkeit der Medien und sitzt aktiv in den Bestechungs Zirkel, wie dem Ost Ausschuß der Wirtschaft, einem Mafiös hoch gezogenen Verbrecher Zirkel der Auslands Bestechung, wie die hohen Geldbussen, für Mercedes, Siemens, MAN zeigen und Verfahren gegen Thyssen, FerroStaal, Telekom im Balkan zeigt.

Alles besonders wichtige Bodo Hombach Partner:

Milan Beko, als Geschäftspartner, dem ehemaligen Privatisierungs Minister ermittelt die Staatsanwaltschaft und gegen den weiteren Drogen Partner Stanko Subotic, ist Interpol Haft Befehl ausgestellt. Stanko Subotic, hatte berüchtige prominente Mörder, Top Gangster, wie Jocic Amsterdam als Partner!

Der Interpol Haft Befehl!

Present family name: SUBOTIC
Forename: STANKO
Date of birth: 9 September 1959 (50 years old)
Place of birth: KALINOVAC / UB, Serbia
Nationality: Serbia

Categories of Offences: FRAUD
Arrest Warrant Issued by: BELGRADE / Serbia

Teil I)

Balkanblog: Bodo Hombach und die WAZ Geschäfte mit der Top Balkan ...



2 Kommentare:

  1. WAZ in Serbien
    Im Reich der Oligarchen
    Im Tauziehen mit Oligarchen ist der Essener Medienkonzern unterlegen. Hinter dem Scheitern der WAZ verbirgt sich ein Polit- und Wirtschaftskrimi. Es geht um dunkle Mittelsmänner und um Zigarettenschmuggel. Am Beginn der Geschichte steht – ein Mord.

    Von Michael Martens

    Der beste Artikel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Romania's Tariceanu criticises phone tapping in Vantu case


    BUCHAREST, Romania -- Former Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu on Thursday (October 21st) criticised the publication of private telephone conversations between journalists and media tycoon Sorin Ovdiu Vantu, who was recently charged over suspected links to a person convicted of fraud. The recorded transcripts were leaked and published in the local media earlier this week. Prosecutors explained they were made to "illustrate the character" of Vantu. Tariceanu, who served as prime minister from 2004 to 2008 and is currently in opposition, compared the Romanian justice system to "Big Brother". Vantu, who owns the media group Realitatea-Catavencu, is suspected of transferring huge sums to the bank accounts of Nicolae Popa, a fugitive who fled the country in 2006 after being sentenced to 15 years in prison for organising a pyramid scheme. (AP,, Ziare, Gandul, Cotidianul, Adevarul - 21/10/10)
