Report: Saudis Fund Radical Islam In Balkans
Skopje | 29 March 2010 | Sinisa Jakov MarusicNewly built mosque near Skopje
“Hundreds of millions have been poured into Macedonia alone in the past decade and most of it comes from Saudi Arabia,” said a Macedonian government source quoted by the paper. “The Saudis’ main export seems to be ideology, not oil.”
According to a classified document seen by the Sunday Times, Macedonia is currently investigating a number of Islamic charities, some in Saudi Arabia, which are active throughout the Balkans and are suspected of spreading extremism and laundering money for terrorist organisations.
Some 50 persons suspected of being Al-Qaeda volunteers recruited to fight in Afghanistan are also being followed by the Macedonian authorities, the newspaper reported.
Fundamentalists, like some strict Wahhabi and Salafi factions funded by Saudi organisations, are clashing with traditionally moderate local Muslim communities in the Balkans, the head of the Macedonian Islamic Religious Community, Sulejman Rexhepi; told the Sunday Times.
He explained that a number of mosques had been forcibly taken over by such groups. Four in central Skopje are no longer under the control of the official Islamic authorities he said, adding that the new imams claim they have been “spontaneously” installed by the “people”.
“Their so-called Wahhabi teachings are completely alien to our traditions and to the essence of Islam, which is a tolerant and inclusive religion,” said Rexhepi........
The Times report gets even better:
“Klosi said he believed terrorists had already infiltrated other parts of Europe from bases in Albania. Interpol believes more than 100,000 blank Albanian passports were stolen in riots last year, providing ample opportunity for terrorists to acquire false papers.”
Story of the Day 2001-10-24 Interpol has information that the Albanian terrorists have links with Al Qaida organization and its leader Osama Bin Laden, London-based newspaper the Independent reads. The Independent reports that Interpol’s investigation team was claiming that Osama Bin Laden was related to the Albanian criminal gangs, which have wide network of trafficking in weapons and people, prostitution and racketeering throughout Europe. Interpol also has information that recently people from the Albanian criminal circles met with leaders of the Algerian terrorist organisations. The Albanian police reported that Osama Bin Laden was also present at that meeting. According to information from Interpol, one of Bin Laden’s military commander was appointed for head of the elite terrorist units of the Kosovo Liberation Army, during the Kosovo conflict in 1999
from Balkanblog
Hashim Thaci is partner from the german political mafia organisation SPD - FES and Mister Steinmeier
SAS-Mi6-CIA und die Islamische Terroristen Ausbildung im Balkan
Binladensa, the people of Bin Laden in Kosovo
Special Report: Terrorism and Organized Crime in South-Eastern Europe:
Bosnia Plans to Expel Arabs Who Fought in Its War
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The blackmail of America: How the United States became Albania's enforcer
The Washington Times ^ | March 4, 2010 | Julia Gorin
Something happened after President Clinton's 1999 war in Kosovo: It never ended. Its continuation was characterized by anti-Serb arson, kidnappings, bombings of NATO-escorted civilian buses and efforts to kill everyone from schoolgirls to octogenarians, plus the rare peacekeeper who tried to prevent any of this.
Toward the end of 1999, several major newspapers reported on findings that mass graves such as the infamous Trepca zinc mine turned up empty, as did the stadium we were told was being used as a concentration camp. Anyone reading this one-time follow-up also would have learned that the "cleansing" of 800,000 Albanians had more to do with NATO bombs and Kosovo Liberation Army orders than with the outrageous claim that Serbia was trying to empty the province...
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