US Politiker, wie Frank Wisner, Jo Biden mit seinen Freunden der Drogen Mafia Prominenz und Daniel Fried, spannen für diese Geschäfte die NATO ein, und die korrupten Deutschen Politiker, Lobby Firmen, Diplomaten, und Entwicklungs Helfer der Aufbau Mafia aus Eschborn, Bonn und Berlin machen da gerne mit. Man muss nicht bis nach Afghanistan sehen, sondern nur in den Balkan, was da Politiker, in den letzten 10 Jahren drehten.
Wenn der Albanische sogenannte Aussenminister Ilir Meta, da ungehindert nun 10 Jahre mitmischt mit seinen Super Diplomaten Drogen Verteilern, kann Einem Nichts mehr in Europa mit seinen korrupten und kriminellen Politikern verwundern. Denn auch die Bedeutung der US Bondsteel Anlage für den Drogen Handel, ist nicht neu! Auch seit über 10 Jahren bekannt, denn die Drogen müssen ja erst Mal die Drogen Küchen im Kosovo bei der Bond Steel Anlage erreichen.
Tatsache ist, das der US-Botschafter Josef Limbrecht in Albanien, persönlich die Drogen Pakete bei den Schiffen im Hafen von Durres abholte und Josef Limbrecht auch jede Existenz von Bin Laden in Albanien bestritt am 12. September 2001. Und dann starb dieser Verbrecher urplötzlich am 19. Mai 2002, in einem Terroristen Camp in Peskopje Albanien, angeblich an einem Hezr Infarkt. Und das der Englische Geheimdienst MI6 in jede Schweinerei auf dem Balkan verwickelt ist, ist ja wirklich Nichts Neues und deren Tätigkeit bei der Betreuung von Nah-Ost Terroristen und der Ausbildung von Balkan Terroristen.
"Heroin Production Facilities Flourish in Kosovo Area Under US
Military Protection
source: Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily
Tuesday, 25 October 2005
Exclusive. From GIS Station Priština. Three major heroin production
laboratories, run by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA/UCK: Ushtria
Clirimtare e Kosove), are operating within the Urosevac [Lat.
42.38°N, Long. 21.17°E] area of the Serbian province of Kosovo which
is under the control of US Army units operating from Camp Bondsteel.
The US authorities operating in the area have specifically protected
the laboratories from inspection by other NATO forces in the area,
and there is evidence that, over a period of years, US military and
possibly intelligence elements have actively engaged in commercial
and/or support relations with the narco-traffickers involved with the
heroin laboratories.
Very well-placed GIS sources said that, essentially since the
withdrawal of Serbian Government control over its Kosovo province,
there has been an increasing amount of opium grown in the area, and
this is a major supply source for the heroin laboratories, although
it is understood that some raw opium may also be fed into the
laboratories from, or via, Turkey (possibly including some raw opium
from Afghanistan). Albanian “mafia” control of the heroin trade in
Western Europe is now well-documented.
[In Turkey, it is not illegal to grow opium, and, as well, there is a
growing production of opium in Iraqi Kurdish areas; these production
areas are also believed to support the heroin laboratories in the
Urosevac area.]
Very senior sources within NATO governments have confirmed that the
US military command in the Urosevac area has instructed other foreign
forces, serving alongside the US in the NATO peacekeeping operations,
to avoid certain areas where the processing laboratories function,
repeating the warnings of the KLA combatants in the area that the
land is mined. The determination of the KLA to defend these
facilities is now well-known locally. A Russian unit, some three or
four years ago, engaged the KLA in a firefight in the area, at night,
after which the KLA forces were sufficiently strong and well-armed
that they surrounded the Russian camp and essentially prevented the
Russian forces from leaving their camp.
Other NATO and peacekeeping forces in the immediate area and
elsewhere in Kosovo were asked whether there was a chance that the US
command at Camp Bondsteel was unaware of the heroin laboratories and
their related activities. All confirmed the view expressed by one
official: “There is not a chance that the senior US military in the
area do not know about the [heroin production] facilities.” However,
there was also anecdotal evidence that military personnel from other
countries deployed in the area were also actively engaged in
narcotics trafficking with the KLA.
The KLA’s use of Kosovo as a criminal clearing-house extends to a
wide range of other activities. Stolen cars from all around Europe,
but particularly from Italy, are “re-processed” in Kosovo, and given
new papers, before being re-exported to places such as Albania. One
such car was used for some time by the Albanian Interior Minister,
until a few years ago, before, on a visit to Greece, it was
identified because of an Interpol alert, and seized. As well,
electrical goods and household fittings removed from the homes of
Kosovo Serbs, who have been driven from the area, are on sale through
a major network of retail outlets in Albania.
Little of this gains international attention, although the use of
roadblocks by the KLA reached such a level that the United Nations
and NATO leaderships in Kosovo have issued warnings to their
personnel. See Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis, October
20, 2005: KFOR Claims “Criminals” Active in Western Kosovo; Linked to
KLA and Narco-Trafficking.]
However, US involvement with the narco-trafficking has gone beyond
merely turning a blind eye to the activities of the KLA in the area.
US military vehicles, several years ago, were known to have actually
transported narcotics from Kosovo, through the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), and into the Florin area of northern
Greece, and then on through the Greek Western port of Igoumenitsa
(capital of the region of Thessprotia, lying just across the island
of Corfu) the closest port to Italy with direct connections to
Brindesi, Bari and Ancona. On at least one occasion (before 2001),
the trucks carrying the narcotics were said to be carrying the bodies
of dead US servicemen, and, as a result, Greek newspapers carried
reports claiming that 14 US troops had been killed in Kosovo.
Significantly, as the question of the “final status” of Kosovo moves
to center-stage, the US has begun moving some of its intelligence
capabilities from Bosnia and into Kosovo over recent months. Many of
the Bosnian Croat sources being run by the US Central Intelligence
Agency or other US agencies now appear to be being handled by British
Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI-6) control."
Und diesen Aufbau eines Mafiastaates versuchen die NATO-Politiker
auch noch als Erfolg zu verkaufen.
Nichts Neues, von der US Drogen Chef Front aus dem Kosovo, um Frank Wisner, Daniel Fried, den NATO Partnern, Botschafter Dell.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Balkan based organized crime activities gaining ground
Aug 28, 2010
By Ioannis Michaletos | The United Nations International Narcotics Control Board released its annual report 2010 detailing the global drug trends and almost all European heroin originates in Afghanistan and is smuggled in through Turkey and the Balkans or via Central Asia and Russia.
In respect to the main heroin problem in Europe, it was depicted that, almost all European heroin originates in Afghanistan, mostly smuggled in through Turkey and the Balkans or via Central Asia and Russia. According to the report, the four top national markets in Europe account for 60% of all European heroin consumption. They are: The UK (21%), Italy (20%), France (11%) and Germany (8%).
The issue is certainly of a long-term nature and what is interesting is the inability of any concrete action by either the national governments or the supranational bodies to deal with it.
The 2007 World Drug Report issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes is pointed an alarming new drug alliance between the notorious South American drug lords and the Albanian drug mafia in the Balkans that already controls much of the wholesale network in Europe.
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