SKOPJE -- Ethnic Albanians rallied in several
Macedonian towns on Friday to protests against a police operation that
saw arrest of suspects in a quintuple murder case.
Ethnic Albanian protesters are seen during the rally (
They tried to enter the building but were stopped by the police. The protest ended soon after.
Several thousands of people gathered in Skopje and the rally started after the traditional Friday prayer in mosques.
The ethnic Albanians, who were protesting against the arrest of radical Islamists suspected of the murder of five Macedonians near Skopje in April, first went to the court and then to the government headquarters.
According to local media, mostly young people took part in the protest in the capital.
Several incidents were recorded – the protesters threw rocks at the government building and broke a couple of windows and demolished a bus stop.
Skopje-based daily Kurir has reported that the protesters tried to attack a news crew during the rally.
The gathered people shouted “We are not terrorists, we are Muslims”, “KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army)”, “Great Albania” and carried banners saying “Muslims are not terrorist”, “Priština, Tirana – ethnic Albania”.
The protesters also carried banners against the Macedonian government and Prime Minster Nikola Gruevski who they called a “terrorist” and a “Chetnik”. They shouted “murderers” at the police.
The demonstrators also carried banners saying “Serbs and Macedonians” were responsible for the quintuple murder.
The protests were held in the towns of Gostivar and Tetovo as well.
Unsigned calls to Albanians to come to a protest against the arrest of radical Islamists suspected of the murder of five Macedonians near Skopje recently appeared on social network sites.
Macedonians have called for a counter-protest that should be held in front of the Macedonian government headquarters in Skopje at 13:00 CET on Saturday.
Organizers of the protest are still unknown but they stated on the social network sites that the counter-rally was aimed at preventing the radical Islam from spreading in Macedonia.
The organizers have called on the participants not to cause incidents.
Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski earlier on Friday urged the citizens who were planning on taking part in the Friday protest against the operation Monster not to allow anyone to manipulate them and called on them to respect the country’s laws.
He added that everybody had the right to protest in a democratic country but that the protesters needed to act responsibly.
“Macedonia is a multiethnic and a multiconfessional state. We live together and we will continue to live together,” Gruevski pointed out.
Ruling VMRO-DPMNE coalition partner Ali Ahmeti’s Democratic Union for Integration has also called on all protesters to express their opinion in a dignified, peaceful and democratic manner.
The U.S. Embassy in Macedonia called for a peaceful protest as well.
Hitlers Ableger, Motor und Lobbyisten Verein der Albaner und Terroristen Mafia: des Josef DioGuardio zum Thema
EUCE 6th
annual research conference—Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Subject: “Is There a Future for the Western Balkans in
the European Union?”
will join the European Union in 2013.
But should the rest of the countries in the Western Balkans, which
emerged from fifty years of Communist dictatorship after World War II, followed
by ethnic cleansing and genocide in the 1990s, be admitted into the union in
the near future? This paper will argue
that Albania, Bosnia, and Kosova must
first make significant reforms before they are given candidate status and that Macedonia, Montenegro,
and Serbia
must do the same before they are given accession negotiations.
In March 2000, a year after the Balkan wars ended, the
Lisbon European Council made it a priority to sign Stabilization and
Association Agreements with countries in the Western Balkans as a first step to
EU integration. Every year since, Albania and the
countries of the Former Yugoslavia have been given the prospect of EU membership
as a stimulus to preventing future conflicts and to establishing genuine democracies. But in 2012, twelve years later, the changes
have not been wide-ranging enough to warrant integration into a union that is
already severely threatened by the collapse of the financial markets in the
West and by what is now understood as the premature inclusion of Greece.
Although Serbia has made substantial progress in developing
a free market economy and gains in stamping out corruption and establishing the
rule of law, its failure to resolve its adversarial
relations with Kosova led the EU, at the direction of
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to postpone granting Serbia candidacy status,
which originally was scheduled for December 2011. (Serbia was ultimately granted
candidate status in March 2012.) Macedonia
and Montenegro, which have already received candidate status (in 2005 and 2010,
respectively), are plagued by rampant corruption, weak state institutions,
widespread poverty, and little public trust in government. There is also
ongoing strife in both countries between political parties representing the
dominant Slav populations and those representing ethnic Albanians, and power is
concentrated in the hands of a small number of political elites in both groups.
The United
States and the European Union have
contributed to protracted international presence and unresolved conflict in the
Western Balkans. The Dayton Peace
Accords of 1995 divided political power in Bosnia along ethnic lines, and the Kumanova Agreement of 1999 ended Slobodan Milosevic’s
genocidal war against Kosova, but left Kosova’s final status unresolved. At the same time, Serbia, largely unrestrained by the
West, has served as a destructive force in both countries. In Bosnia,
has supported Republika Srpska
in its discrimination against non-Serbs and rejection of the authority of the
central government. And in Kosova, Serbia has financed parallel political and
economic structures in northern Kosova run by Belgrade extremists with
the goal of making de jure the de facto partition of the Serbian dominated
Finally, Albania has been locked in a political struggle
between Democratic and Socialist parties that has thwarted progress and left
the majority of the population impoverished
since the fall of the Communist
dictatorship in 1992. Albania’s admission
to the European Union has rightly been put on hold.
Protracted political conflicts, failure to respect the human
rights of minorities, government and judicial corruption, and pervasive poverty
side by side the excessive wealth of the political elites in the Western
Balkans violate the Copenhagen
criteria for admission into the European Union.
Integrating these countries into the union prior to substantial reform
will threaten the vision of a whole, undivided, and peaceful Europe.
That vision should be the end goal, but as this paper will argue, the European
Union needs to take steps to ensure that, prior to integration the countries of
the Western Balkans embrace the EU’s principles.
In addition, the European Union
must acknowledge its share of the blame for destabilization in Kosova and Bosnia
and dramatically change its foreign policy toward the Balkans. This will include recognizing Kosova’s independence (five EU member states still do not),
allowing Kosova into the United Nations, and ending
international presence there. It will
also require a strong and unified opposition to Republika
Srpska’s efforts to secede from Bosnia and a commitment to strengthening Bosnia’s central
government. Above all, the European
Union must make it possible for genuinely democratic political movements to emerge
in the Western Balkans by supporting rule of law institutions and eliminating
the culture of impunity for corrupt political elites.
Eine Verurteilung eines Serbichen Kriegsverbrechers:
Wegen Verbrechen an der Zivilbevölkerung während des Kosovokriegs (1998-1999) hat ein EU-Gericht im Kosovo einen Serben zu 14 Jahren Haft verurteilt. Das Gericht sah es als erwiesen an, dass der 38-jährige Zoran Kolic im Mai 1999 Kosovo-Albaner im Gefängnis von Lipjan misshandelte, wie die EU-Polizei- und Justizmission (EULEX) im Kosovo am Freitag mitteilte. Innerhalb zwei Wochen kann gegen das Urteil Berufung einlegt werden.
Comment: Why the Court of BiH should focus on its outreach
Brammertz: Support to Court and Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Anonymisation Applied Differently
Mladic: Exemption of Judge Orie Requested
Analysis: Hague Prosecutors Wrap Up Case Against Karadzic
Camp Prisoners Day Commemorated in Foca
Bratunac Crimes Suspect Arrested
Custody for Najdan Mladjenovic Requested
Dronjak: Prosecution Asks for 30 Years in Prison
Kos et al: Prosecution requests 155 years
Neskovic and Ilic: Denying an Attack against Civilians
Saric: Trial Due to Begin on May 8
Saric: Deciding Who Gets to Live
Mikulic: Investigator and Prisoner in Dretelj
Raguz et al: Request to Surrender
Memic et al: Timid Soldier
Memic et al: Burial of Killed Neighbours
Basic and Sijak: The Powerful Basic Brothers
Selimovic et al: No Information about Beating
Vlahovic: Beaten as if in a Boxing Ring
Vlahovic: Raped and Beaten at the Same Time
Gazdic: Documentary Played in Absence of the Public
Local Justice:
Local Justice – Krkalic: Closing Statements on May 21
Local Justice - Ilic: Trial Begins mid-June
Local Justice – Ostojic: Hague Convict Jenki Due to Testify
Local Justice – Ostojic: Hague Convict's Testimony Postponed
Local Justice - Curtic: Longer Sentence or Revocation of Verdict
Week ahead: Zemir Kovacevic Due to Enter Plea
Eine Verurteilung eines Serbichen Kriegsverbrechers:
Wegen Verbrechen an der Zivilbevölkerung während des Kosovokriegs (1998-1999) hat ein EU-Gericht im Kosovo einen Serben zu 14 Jahren Haft verurteilt. Das Gericht sah es als erwiesen an, dass der 38-jährige Zoran Kolic im Mai 1999 Kosovo-Albaner im Gefängnis von Lipjan misshandelte, wie die EU-Polizei- und Justizmission (EULEX) im Kosovo am Freitag mitteilte. Innerhalb zwei Wochen kann gegen das Urteil Berufung einlegt werden.
Comment: Why the Court of BiH should focus on its outreach
Brammertz: Support to Court and Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Anonymisation Applied Differently
Mladic: Exemption of Judge Orie Requested
Analysis: Hague Prosecutors Wrap Up Case Against Karadzic
Camp Prisoners Day Commemorated in Foca
Bratunac Crimes Suspect Arrested
Custody for Najdan Mladjenovic Requested
Dronjak: Prosecution Asks for 30 Years in Prison
Kos et al: Prosecution requests 155 years
Neskovic and Ilic: Denying an Attack against Civilians
Saric: Trial Due to Begin on May 8
Saric: Deciding Who Gets to Live
Mikulic: Investigator and Prisoner in Dretelj
Raguz et al: Request to Surrender
Memic et al: Timid Soldier
Memic et al: Burial of Killed Neighbours
Basic and Sijak: The Powerful Basic Brothers
Selimovic et al: No Information about Beating
Vlahovic: Beaten as if in a Boxing Ring
Vlahovic: Raped and Beaten at the Same Time
Gazdic: Documentary Played in Absence of the Public
Local Justice:
Local Justice – Krkalic: Closing Statements on May 21
Local Justice - Ilic: Trial Begins mid-June
Local Justice – Ostojic: Hague Convict Jenki Due to Testify
Local Justice – Ostojic: Hague Convict's Testimony Postponed
Local Justice - Curtic: Longer Sentence or Revocation of Verdict
Week ahead: Zemir Kovacevic Due to Enter Plea
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