Kaspar Edmond Haxhinasto in Canada: Mr. Haxhinasto’s arrival went virtually unnoticed in Ottawa.
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Albanian leader digs for Canadian investment during unceremonial visit
OTTAWA— From Tuesday’s Globe and Mail
Last updated
Albania’s Deputy
Prime Minister Edmond Haxhinasto came courting Canada last week, as
eager for Ottawa’s attention as Canadian politicians are for high-level
face time in places like Beijing and Washington.
Mr. Haxhinasto was armed with a clear game plan when he landed in
Ottawa for two days of meetings. He was determined to push forward a
series of commercial agreements that will encourage Canadian investors
to risk their money on his country’s economic development. And he
wanted to deepen the political relationship that is built on common
NATO membership – including troops in Afghanistan – as well as support
for Israel and a commitment to free markets.Mr. Haxhinasto’s arrival went virtually unnoticed in Ottawa. While Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk got a big welcome during his Ottawa visit on Monday, Albania received very little recognition. No distinctive red-and-black Albanian flags lined Wellington Street in front of Parliament; there were no meetings and photo-ops with Prime Minister Stephen Harper; no advisory of the visit was issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. But the Albanian politician was unconcerned about the lack of ceremony, more focused on cementing a relationship that is paying dividends as his country prepares itself for eventual membership in the European Union.
“We have excellent political relations between the two countries and the intention is to convert this political climate into concrete projects, into more economic and trade exchanges between the two countries,” the Albanian deputy leader said in an interview.
On his arrival Thursday, Mr. Haxhinasto – who also serves as foreign minister – met with Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird.
The two agreed to move forward with a series of bilateral initiatives that are the foundation stones of modern international relations: a foreign-investment protection agreement; a treaty to avoid double-taxation of individuals and companies operating in both countries; a social-security agreement to support Canada’s 30,000 Albanian immigrants in their old age; and cultural and educational exchanges.
He also managed to signify Albania’s alignment with Canada on a key priority for the Harper government: support for Israel.
Thursday evening, Mr. Haxhinasto attended an exhibit at the National Archives commemorating Albanians’ protection of Jews during the Second World War. The country’s wartime experience earned it the designation “Righteous Among the Nations” by the state of Israel, and it is one of the few Muslim countries to maintain friendly relations with Israel, even as it maintains membership in the Organization of Islamic Co-operation.
But Mr. Haxhinasto’s primary mission was prospecting for foreign capital, especially from Canadian-based resource companies that lead the world in investing in small-scale exploration and development in places like Africa, South America and Albania.
To a group of two dozen business people, he extolled his country’s economic development – it has led southeastern Europe in growth in recent years – and his government’s low taxes and other business-friendly policies.
The EU has put Albania’s bid on hold, saying in recent reviews that the country needs to make further progress in meeting European political and legal standards. Albania has had a reputation as a country plagued by organized crime and a source of illicit trade in drugs and prostitution, while its coalition government has had a hard time passing reforms.
Mr. Haxhinasto said the country is making progress, and it is generally given reasonable marks by international watchdogs such as Amnesty International and Transparency International.
Despite the economic crisis among some of its major trading partners such as Italy and Greece, Albania has seen its growth continue and, in fact, has led southeastern Europe in growth rates for the past several years. One reason for this is the surge in foreign investment in the energy and mining sector.
The country straddles the largest onshore reserves of crude oil in Europe, and Calgary-based Bankers Petroleum is the largest producer of oil after plowing more than $1-billion into the country.
Vancouver-based Tirex Resources Ltd. is the largest investor in Albania’s mining sector and plans to build a copper-gold mine in the country. Tirex chief executive Bryan Slusarchuk said his company has invested $35-million into exploration in Albania but has been frustrated by a lengthy wait for a permit to build the mine. He said it remains to be seen how Albanian politicians will react when international investors want to take profits out of the country.
“Many people will be watching Tirex to see the proof in the pudding,” he said.
Edmond Haxhinasto: Kaspar des Ilir Meta zum Thema Drogen Diplomaten im Parlament
Als Aussenminister versucht ja Edmond Haxhinasto, seriös aufzutreten, aber allein die Inkompetenz dieser Gestalten, welche sich in der Politik bewegen, ist mehr wie peinlich. Das Gesetz schreibt vor, das jemand mindestens 10 Jahre Juristische Erfahrung hat, bevor einen Diplomaten Posten erlangen kann. Als Beispiel: Die Tochter von Josefina Topalli, ohne Beruf ist erst 26 Jahre. Das alle Gesetze und Regelungen ausser Kraft sind, sieht man überall, das Albanien von einer dummen, kriminellen Idioten Kaste regiert wird in allen Parteien.
Ilir Meta Firmen Inhaber als Minister, was ja Alles vor 10 Jahren im Zuge der Privatisierung gestohlen wurde.
Albanian “crime lords” und die Firma Megafarm Sh.K,P und der Mafia Gesundheits Minister Petric Vasili deshalb wird das Gesundheitswesen, wie alle Bereicht, auch total im Moment ruiniert, weil überall nur die Ilir Meta Banditen als Direktor eingesetzt werden.
Schon die Vorgänger Aussenminister wie Ilir Meta, Lulzim Basha schwiegen als es zu Verhaftungen von Drogen Diplomaten kam, was sowieso nur eine Spitze des Eisberges ist: Diplmatische Note: Die Tschechen entschuldigen sich für solche Artikel in den Medien: wobei die Diplomatin Katerina Xhelo, zum Mafia Kartell der Ministerin Majlinda Bregu Familie gehört, wie man aus vielen Kommentaren heraus lesen kann.
Omluva Velvyslanectví Albánské republiky v Praze
In der Fakten Realitaet, bauten US und Deutsche Diplomaten mit hohen Millionen Summen, reine Verbrecher Kartelle auf, und damals wurden alle Warnungen ignoriert, mit allen Folgen heute.
1999, 2005, usw.. war jedem Insider klar, ebenso Bundeswehr Offizieren, das die Amerikaner versuchen den Balkan zu destabilisieren, um ein Recht freies Loch in Europa zu haben, fuer kriminelle und illegale Geschaefte, wie Drogen- Waffen- Menschenhandel. Wie ebenso die NATO Verbrechern mit Libyen, zu einer weiteren Destabilisierung von Europa fuehrt.
Mit NATO Background und Finanzierung: “Der Fund of Peace” unter Kontrolle der Albaner Mafia
Im Dick Marty Bericht an den Europarat, werden besonders 5 Ländern, darunter vor allem den USA, England und Deutschland vor, das man mit vollem Wissen nur mit Kriminellen arbeitete. Besonders pervers, waren ja die Sprüche und dreisten Lügen des Joschka Fischer, Steinmeier und Heidemarie Wieczorekc-Zeul, als man von einem Demokratie- und Justiz Aufbau etc. sprach, obwohl man mit Vorsatz nur mit Kriminellen Mördern und Verbrechern zusammenarbeitete.Der gestrige Rücktritt von Ilir Meta, ist nur ein SChritt in diesem Verbrecher Desaster, der NATO.Muster Beispiel ist Ilir Meta, mit dem NATO finanzierten Institut “Fund of Peace”, was heut ein den Rücktritt des hoch kriminellen Ilir Meta mündet. Man entsandet Verhaltens gestörte Frauen der NATO Länder in solche Gremien, welche max. für eine Kur ihres “Mutter Theresa Komplexes” bei einem Arzt noch geeignet sind und vollkommen verdummte männliche Gestalten.Das NATO Insitut: “Fund of Peace”, sagt Alles, warum Alles in ein Desaster mündete und Milliarden in Mafia Kanäle umgeleitet wurden. siehe auch die IEP- Kosovo Militär STudie von 2007 124 SEiten pdf, das Alles inklusive der NATO Stäbe von der Mafia unterwandert ist. Alles bekannt in 1999, aber vollkommen ignoriert. Identisch die BND Studie Kosovo 2005.On Wednesday, July 21, George Schlossberg of Kutak Rock LLP hosted an off-the-record breakfast with former Albanian Prime Minister Ilir Meta, Edmond Haxhinasto and Anne C. Bader, Executive Vice President of the Fund for Peace, as moderator. In his opening statement, Prime Minister Meta spoke of his career, his new Institute for Peace, Development and Integration (IPDI), and the upcoming Fund for Peace/NATO TRUST project in Albania focusing on issues of disarmament. In the discussion, he covered the the final status of Kosovo, the progress of economic and political reforms in Albania, and relations between the international community and the Balkans, with a particular focus on Albania’s upcoming general elections.
On the same day, at a Newsmaker event at the National Press Club, Fund for Peace President Dr. Pauline H. Baker introduced Prime Minister Meta. Once more, the Prime Minister spoke of his new Non-Governmental Organization, the Institute for Peace, Development, and Integration, and its partnership with the Fund for Peace on the upcoming TRUST project in Albania. Questions from the audience covered topics including Albania’s role in the war on terror, Albanian law enforcement and investment, and environmental standards.Above and Right: Prime Minister Ilir Meta
…………..http://www.fundforpeace.org/web/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=119&Itemid=166 Mit NATO Background und Finanzierung: “Der Fund of Peace” unter Kontrolle der Albaner MafiaMit NATO Background und Finanzierung: “Der Fund of Peace” unter Kontrolle der Albaner Mafia Es gab auch keine Treffen mehr in New York, mit dem Super Lobbyisten der Albaner Mafia, Josef Dioguardio und dem Lobby Verband AACL usw..
kein Treffen mehr, weil zu kriminell die Albanischen Politiker sind, welche vor einem Jahr von Josef DioGuardio entsprechend kritisiert wurden. Deshalb konnte Josef DioGuardio, vor einem Jahr, wegen der Albanischen Mafia Wahlkampf Hilfe, nicht den Senator Sitz gewinnen in New York.
30.8.2011: 15 years NATO Reports over the most criminal enterprise Albania: “Albanian politicians have signalled a rare willingness”
Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily | Mar.17,2004 | Gregory R. Copley,
Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily
Volume XXII, No. 50 Friday, March 19, 2004
© 2004, Global Information System, ISSA
Exclusive Special Report
“During the first half of August 2003, 300 Albanian-trained guerillas
— including appr. 10 mujahedin (non-Balkan Muslims) — were
infiltrated across the Albanian border into Kosovo, where many have
subsequently been seen in the company (and homes) of members of the
so-called Kosovo Protection Corps which was created out of Kosovo
Albanian elements originally part of the KLA. In fact, the Kosovo
Protection Force seems almost synonymous with the Albanian National
Army (ANA), the new designation for the KLA. The guerillas were
trained in three camps inside the Albanian border at the towns of
Bajram Curi, Tropoja and Kuks, where the camps have been in operation
since 1997.”
The Top Gangster Salih Berisha in New York for a lobbying meeting
Historischer Rückblick, warum man u.a. Gangster finanziert, weil man die neuen Predator Drohnen schon in 1995 ausprobieren konnte u.a. mit der Schmuggler Mafia von Fiere und Vlore, in den Menschen leeren Küsten Regionen nördlich Vlore damals in 1995.
“Albanian politicians have signalled a rare willingness”Salih Berisha Mafia: The U.S. failed to criticize:of his policies within the judicial system, police, and the DP—often through illegal meansFun Facts About Our New Allies
The Progressive Review (Washington), 22 June 1999
“Albania … offered NATO and the U.S. an important military outpost in the turbulent southern Balkans (in the 1990-96 period Albania opened its ports and airstrips for U.S. military use and housed CIA spy planes for flights over Bosnia)…. The U.S. played a major role in the DP’s 1992 electoral victory, and it then provided the new government with military, economic, and political support. In the 1991-96 period Washington directly provided Albania $236 million in economic aid, making the U.S. the second largest bilateral economic donor (following Italy)…..Following Berisha’s visit to the U.S. in March 1991, Washington began supplying direct assistance to the DP, including donations of computers and cars for the 1992 electoral campaign. William Ryerson, the first U.S. ambassador, stood next to Berisha on the podium at election rallies. The U.S. failed to criticize, and at times encouraged, the new president as he purged critics of his policies within the judicial system, police, and the DP—often through illegal means. By 1993 DP loyalists and family members held most of the prominent positions in Albania’s ministries, institutes, universities, and state media. Citing the threat of communism’s return, Berisha successfully instilled fear in the population and discredited his rivals. The U.S. embassy in Albania contributed to the polarization of Albanian politics by refusing to meet most of the opposition parties (former communists as well as others) for the first two years of DP rule. This one-sided view of democratization helped Berisha dismantle most political alternatives, some of which were moderate and truly democratic.
[34] Kritische Fragen, an den US Botschafter Alexander Arvizu, warum er Nichts unternimmt gegen US Betrüger und Politik Verbrecher in Tirana
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