GIS Report: Albanian Separatists Expected to Mobilize in Spring if Kosovo Does Not Get Independence
Special Report; Arms Smuggling Routes Enhance Extremist Capabilities in South-West Balkans; Albanian Separatists Expected to Mobilize in Spring if Kosovo Does Not Get Independence
Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis - January 31, 2007, Wednesday
Analysis. By Valentine Spyroglou, GIS South-Eastern Europe Station Chief. Virtually all intelligence sources in the Serbian province of Kosovo anticipate that a major upsurge in violence will occur in the March-April 2007 timeframe, and exclusive new evidence obtained by GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs highlights how Albanian extremists have developed comprehensive networks of arms supply to ensure a broadly-based conflict in both Kosovo and neighboring FYROM.
For several years, the possibility of a “hot Spring” in the Balkans, generally motivated by ethnic Albanian extremists, has been contemplated, and it has occurred in each year, although not necessarily to the degree predicted predicted. However, 2007 is likely to be the year that a large-scale violence becomes possible. The UN head negotiator for the future of the Serbian province of Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari, is soon to present a plan of recommendations for Kosovo which is believed to say conditional independence — which Belgrade opposes directly — is the best course of action.
Regardless of the content of the upcoming report or the diplomatic results, the picture which emerges from media reports and GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs secure sources in Greece, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), and from Kosovo itself, shows a strong tendency towards violence in the Balkans around the March-April 2007 timeframe, directed by Kosovo and FYROM Albanian paramilitary leaders and politicians.
Their groups have been quiet until now, but the international authorities, especially those in the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), know very well that strong pressure exists from Albanian militants, who have a significant capacity to act should the province (90 percent ethnic Albanian) not get independence from Serbia in the near future.
Mafia Crime: Gafur Adilli in TV
The evidence for a resurgence of paramilitary activity in Kosovo includes the recent reappearance of uniformed and masked gunmen manning checkpoints in Western Kosovo villages; a bomb attack on a railroad line; and intercepted weapons shipments and discovered weapons stashes in rural parts of the province.
The place of the checkpoint, the village of Grci, near Djakovica in western Kosovo, was exposed on December 7, 2006. The Serbian media B-92 reported from there that Kosovo police coming to the scene after public calls engaged in gunfire with the masked men. The existence of such checkpoints, a provocation tactic which also was used in the 1997-1999 war between Yugoslav authorities and the Albanian UCK/KLA, has not gone away in Kosovo today. However, UNMIK security has recognized the danger of certain areas in western Kosovo and stopped patrolling there, which may be why reports of such activities are now not heard so frequently. A few days before the checkpoint incident, officials announced the existence of serious threats to UNMIK and KFOR (NATO Kosovo Force) installations and personnel.
The second major recent incident, an explosion near the village of Mijalic on December 9, 2006, damaged a railway line in central Kosovo. The attack was targeting about 100 passengers, mostly Serbs from central Kosovo enclaves of Priluzje, Plemetina, etc., but the bomb went off before the train arrived and the passengers were evacuated safely. UNMIK authorities restored the train line, making it a big example of how much “progress” Kosovo has made since 1999 towards a peaceful and stable society. However, for the extremists behind the attack this railroad which provides the minority Serbs with rare freedom to leave their enclaves is thus another strategic target.
Another subsequent attack which showed psychological intimidation against the minority Christians was on January 14, 2007, when a Serbian Orthodox church in the village of Gornja Brnjica near Pristina was robbed and looted on Orthodox Christmas Eve.
These small but significant recent events are only representing the tip of the iceberg, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs sources state, compared to what could come in the Spring if the Albanians of Kosovo fail to win independence. Russia has threatened to use a veto in the UN Security Council to support Serbia’s position of no independence, but instead granting considerable autonomy. In this case, the Albanian secessionists have more severe methods to pressure the situation towards the result they want.
Primarily, this will involve increased attacks on Serbs and UN personnel in Kosovo, but will also involve attempts to destabilize the neighboring FYROM and Montenegro, and thus drawing in the US and Europe to the reality of a greater region-wide danger if Kosovo is not made independent. At the same time, the long-term strategy of annexing and assimilating large areas of these countries into a Greater or Ethnic Albania is being prepared.
A ranking police source in Pristina, presenting credible documentary evidence, told GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs that the extremist checkpoints - associated with the banned organization, Albanian National Army (ANA, or AKSH in Albanian) - have not gone away but instead are being encountered across Kosovo. For example, near the eastern Kosovo village of Kosovska Kamenica, in the early hours of January 12, 2006, armed and masked Albanian extremists were found running another illegal checkpoint on a local road connecting to the internal border of Serbia.
The next day, in the town of Srbica (Skenderaj in the Albanian language) in north central Kosovo, armed AKSH members stopped cars and fired at one Albanian man who did manage to escape (it is well known that this town is under the control of militias controlled by prominent politician/KLA veteran Hashim Thaci). This police source disclosed that the expansion of the AKSH activity to eastern Kosovo was meant to expand the area of provocations which the extremist group could make to pressure the political situation, and that they were related to the terrorists in the Presevo Valley of South Serbia, across the border. Albanian terrorist activity against Serbs has been seen there and, unusually across the internal border as far as Kursumlija. At the same time, over the past few months there has been a re-activation of militant activity as well in the Presevo Valley.
Illegal Weapons Smuggling Networks: The possibility that Kosovo-based extremists trying to make political pressure will destabilize neighboring countries was detected in December 2006, when KFOR announced that it had seized a large amount of weapons in and around Pec, another hotbed for radical activity in western Kosovo. The weapons were destined for Montenegro. They were discovered by Italian troops who afterwards arrested five Albanians involved.
According to news reports, these weapons included dozens of Zolja anti-tank rocket launchers and anti-tank mines, hand grenades, rifle grenades, light machineguns, pistols, various explosive, detonators and more than 9,000 rounds of ammunition. It also emerged that blasting caps were stolen from a munitions factory in Berane, northern Montenegro, and the expected shipment involved a group of Albanians allegedly preparing internal attacks in Malesija, near Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro.
Montenegro ended its state union with Serbia, the devolution of the former Yugoslavia, with a referendum in Summer 2006 but this result was largely seen as being obtained by corrupt means by the pro-independence Djukanovic Government, and especially with a strong turnout from the Albanian and Bosnian Muslims who make up around 20 percent of the Montenegro population. The possibility that a weak Montenegro, without assistance from Serbian security structures, could easily be dominated by Kosovo and Albania-supplied extremists, was not taken into consideration. The threat remains high and will continue to remain so throughout 2007.
In the village, according to one of the GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs sources, a local clan with command of 20 to 25 men has been in charge of circulating the weapons which come in through concealed containers on the Kafasan border from Albania, or through the mountains on goat-trails to the villages of Radolishta and Frangovo and then to Veleshta, where the local clan loyal to Mr Ahmeti is engaged with smuggling them north to major Albanian-controlled areas such as Tetovo, Aracinovo near Skopje, and the villages of the Kumanovo area. All in all, there are eight to 10 major bandit groups trading in weapons in FYROM among the Albanian ex-militants………………………………………
Is Albania Sponsoring ”Freedom Fighters” Next Door?
11/9/2003 ( In 1998, when NATO’s war on Yugoslavia was first being organized, secret camps were set up in northern Albania. There, British and American forces trained the rag-tag fighters of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The two countries openly armed, supplied and supported the KLA during the war against Milosevic, using the paramilitary group as NATO’s ground troops.A New Question
All of this is fact. Albania’s army also directly trained the KLA. After all, if the West said it was OK, then there was nothing to be embarrassed about. However, once the fallout from Kosovo registered and Macedonia was destabilized by the renamed militants of the NLA (National Liberation Army) in 2001, Tirana changed its tune. It officially deplored the violence and denied having anything to do with sponsoring the rebels.However, at the same time “all contact stopped” between the intelligence services of the two countries, according to one informed Macedonian source. Clearly, Albania was not entirely pleased with beleaguered Macedonia’s attempts at self-defense.
Since then, the Albanian government has gone to great lengths to boost economic and defense cooperation with Macedonia, under the rubric of NATO enlargement and participations in joint ventures along the east-west Corridor 8, such as prospective railroad lines and oil pipelines. Albania is clearly looking for a new lease on life and deliverance from the economic dark ages that afflict most citizens who aren’t super-rich politicos or gangsters.
Financial Infrastructure of Islamic Extremists in the Balkans
I am posting this on behalf of TF Blog contributor Darko Trifunovic. Shortly I will be posting two presentations Darko made at the recent Institute for Counterterrorism conference in Herzliya, Israel. Darko’s post follows:………………………
9 Both Abdul Latif Saleh and Yasin Al-Qadi were represented in court by Idayet Beqiri, political secretary of the “Front of Albanian National Unity” (FBKSh)..................................
Der hoch kriminelle Veteranen Verband der UCK im Kosovo mit ABDYL MUSHKOLAJ und die Ethnischen Säuberungen im Kosovo
Faton Klinaku, war einer der aktiven Rädels Führer für die Ethnischen Säuberungen und Mord Progrome im März 2004 und weil das UN Justiz System im Kosovo nicht existiert, laufen solche Terroristen und Mörder frei herum und können ihre Nazi Parolen verbreiten.....
European Union has blacklisted other Macedonian citizens of Albanian nationality. Among those added to the blacklist are Idayet Beqiri - leader of so-called Albanian National Army (ANA), Ljirim Jakupi and Agim Krasniqi - leaders of armed group in Kondovo, Fatmir Limani, Ruzhdi Matoshi - Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA) Representative in Parliament, Naser Misimi, Taip Mustafa - National Liberation Army (NLA) commander from Gostivar, Ermus Suma - member of Ali Ahmeti’s security and Sami Ukshini.
Source: Makfax
Financial Infrastructure of Islamic Extremists in the Balkans
NATO Training Camps in North Albania with Islam Terrorist
“Mak Albania” and “Cement Albania”, sind zwei wichtige ur Firmen in Albanien. wobei Mak Albania nicht nur das erste Touristen Dorf in Golem baute, aber in Wirklichkeit Ferien Villen illegal verkaufte, weil das Grundstück nur für 99 Jahre gemietet war. Mak Albania baute auch ab Endr 1996 praktisch das Sheraton hote, was dann wegen dem Bürgerkrieg ab 1997 viele Jahre nur als Stahl Skelett dort stand. Ab 2001, wurden dann die Anteile überall beschlagnahmt und verkauft und das Sheraton Hotel fertig gestellt.
Citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina need help, because they cannot fight against this pestilence alone. One should be careful to differentiate the extremists from the Muslim population in general; one of the extremists’ goals is to foment conflict between all Muslims and modern civilization. This is what the leaders of Al-Qaeda in Kosovo are doing. According to expert information, the top extremists in the area are: Ramush Haradinaj, Hashim Taqi, Ilaz Selimi, Ahmed Krasniqi (Haradinaj’s enemy), Setmir Krasniqi (organized crime) Muxhar Basha, Snu Lumaj, Ismet Bexhet, Remi Mustafa, Nazmi Bekteshi, Xhimshit Osmani, Ramadan Dermaku, Luzim Aliju i Baylush Rustemi. (BND Report Kosovo 2005) All are connected to imam Omar Behmen. Their funding comes from various sources, but all have in common the Swiss enterprise called “Phoenix,” owned by Qazim Osmonaj. Another man worth mentioning is Abdullah Duhayman, a Saudi citizen, the founder of the “Islamic Balkan Center” Zenica, Bosnia. Duhayman is one of the main contacts and financiers of Ekrem Avdiu of Kosovska Mitrovica, a veteran of the Bosnian war and the founder of UCK’s mujahid’din unit “Abu Bakr Sadeq.” Basha in cooperation with Damir Fazllic
Citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina need help, because they cannot fight against this pestilence alone. One should be careful to differentiate the extremists from the Muslim population in general; one of the extremists’ goals is to foment conflict between all Muslims and modern civilization. This is what the leaders of Al-Qaeda in Kosovo are doing. According to expert information, the top extremists in the area are: Ramush Haradinaj, Hashim Taqi, Ilaz Selimi, Ahmed Krasniqi (Haradinaj’s enemy), Setmir Krasniqi (organized crime) Muxhar Basha, Snu Lumaj, Ismet Bexhet, Remi Mustafa, Nazmi Bekteshi, Xhimshit Osmani, Ramadan Dermaku, Luzim Aliju i Baylush Rustemi. All are connected to imam Omar Behmen. Their funding comes from various sources, but all have in common the Swiss enterprise called “Phoenix,” owned by Qazim Osmonaj. Another man worth mentioning is Abdullah Duhayman, a Saudi citizen, the founder of the “Islamic Balkan Center” Zenica, Bosnia. Duhayman is one of the main contacts and financiers of Ekrem Avdiu of Kosovska Mitrovica, a veteran of the Bosnian war and the founder of UCK’s mujahid’din unit “Abu Bakr Sadeq.”
bekanntlich engste Partner der Deutschen Politiker!
aus Balkanblog
Steiner released an administrative direction, declaring AKSH - which has claimed responsibility for the act for blowing up the railway bridge in Zvecan on April 12th - an outlaw organization. Steiner said the bombing was aimed at killing “a large number of innocent civilians and damaging public property.” The decision to declare ANA a terrorist organization was the first such move by the U.N.’s Kosovo administration.
Radio 21 (Pristina)
April 17, 2003
April 17, 2003
“Noting further that AKSH publications and other propaganda materials, including the AKSH web-site, clearly manifest that it seeks to achieve its objectives by violence and use of force, Armata Kombetare Shpiptare (AKSH) / Albanian National Army (ANA) is a terrorist organization as defined under section 1 (f) of UNMIK Regulation No. 2001/12″, reads Steiner’s administrative direction.
KPC: There is a reasonable suspicion that Behrami might have been involved in the attack on the railway bridge at Loziste near Zvecan and that he died in this attack. KPC also says that such attack was an individual act which should not be brought in connection with the institutions.
BETA News Agency
PRISTINA, April 17, 2002
PRISTINA, April 17, 2002
KPC also says that such attack was an individual act which should not be brought in connection with the institutions.
TOPIn a letter to the Kosovo Protection Corps commander on 24 April, UNMIK and KFOR informed him of suspending all KPC training and deployment abroad until KPC commanders took action to remove from the organisation KPC personnel linked to AKSH/ANA.
siehe auch einen Caritas Bericht aus der Zeit!
ERP KIM Newsletter 18-04-03Proclamation of ANA as a terrorist organization is a major step forward towards interethnic reconciliation claim Serb political leaders in Kosovo. Whether this is a change in the existing UNMIK/KFOR strategy or only a new rhetorical trick the following days and months will show.
Steiner released an administrative direction, declaring AKSH - which has claimed responsibility for the act for blowing up the railway bridge in Zvecan on April 12th - an outlaw organization. Steiner said the bombing was aimed at killing “a large number of innocent civilians and damaging public property.” The decision to declare ANA a terrorist organization was the first such move by the U.N.’s Kosovo administration.
aus Balkanblog
Infowar um Mazedonien
Boris Kanzleiter 26.09.2001
Internet-Informationsquellen zum Mazedonien-Konflikt
Juli 2003
Willige Helfer waren neben US Politiker, welche ihren Militär Stützpunkt im Balkan brauchten, als Strategisches Ziel, vor allem hoch korrupte Unterschlagungs Kartelle der Deutschen Politiker mit Lobby Vereinen. Geschäft ist nun mal Geschäft, weil es unter Steinmeier und Joschka Fischer nur eine Partnerschaft mit der Albaner Drogen Mafia gab, aber eben keine Aussenpolitik.
Willige Helfer waren neben US Politiker, welche ihren Militär Stützpunkt im Balkan brauchten, als Strategisches Ziel, vor allem hoch korrupte Unterschlagungs Kartelle der Deutschen Politiker mit Lobby Vereinen. Geschäft ist nun mal Geschäft, weil es unter Steinmeier und Joschka Fischer nur eine Partnerschaft mit der Albaner Drogen Mafia gab, aber eben keine Aussenpolitik.
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