"COHU", ist eine unabhängige Anti Korruptions Behörde und kritisiert inzwischen den US Botschafter Christioph Dell, hart wegen seinen Geschäfte um die Privatisierung und den Bechtel Bau Geschäften.
Der Korruptions Baum in Phristina von COHU
Betrugs Geschäfte der Deutschen Politiker und Mafia Diplomaten erreichten mit Joachim Rückers und Michael Schäfer, die absoluten Höhepunkte, als Lobbyisten für Thyssen. Thyssen ist diese nach Bestechungs stinkende Betrugs Firma, welche schon dafür vor 20 Jahren bekannt ist und war. So eine menschliche Müll Halde sammelt sich dort um die Atlantik Brücke e.V. Leisler Kiep, Schäuble, Schreiber und Co..
Gut das Deutschland solche Profi Verbrecher als Botschafter hat.
Michael Schäfer: China
Joachim Rückers: Schweden
Wolfgang Ischinger: Rom
Peter Annen: Litauen
Kaspar Dumpf Plauderer Nr. 1, neben dem dumm Taxi Fahrer Joschka Fischer mit Haupt Schul Abschluß:
Tom König, die Peinlichkeit in Person und Profi Abzocker.
Und Steinmeier ist nachgewiesen der
Mentor der Super Verbrecher Kartelle auf dem Balkan, auch mit
Bodo Hombach und Alfred Horn voll bei den
Warlords und Drogen Baronen in Afghanistan integriert. Und wie die Geschichte und BKA Berichte zeigen, fängt die
Karriere dieser Diplomaten in den Bordellen der Balkan Mafia an.
“Çohu” kritikon ambasadorin Dell
Report on Situation of PTK’ Contunuance of Waste of Money and the Unlawful Decisions on PTK’ |
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Some of the main problems that have been identified recently in the PTK, are its CEO’s decisions to continue to waste public funds at his own will. It is confirmed that these funds are being spent without use of any applicable laws of Kosovo, in particular his decision to send 40 (forty) PTK employees for ‘training purposes’ in the University of Kent without using the tendering process. This is estimated to cost PTK €400,000 (four hundred thousand Euros)
Our findings have established that PTK’s CEO was employed by the University of Kent – in the United Kingdom as a lecturer. Sources close to Çohu! state that he has taken unpaid one year leave from his job as a junior lecturer in the University of Kent to come and work in PTK. Upon his commencement as CEO with PTK he decided to send 40 PTK employees to commence ‘telecommunication training’ at the University of Kent. No law was followed and the basic fundamental legal principles as defined by Public Procurement Law of Kosovo were met, namely:
1. No publication for Expression of Interest – which normally would define the ‘training needs’ or ‘training modules’, and
2. No criteria outlined (based upon which a selection process would have been made)
Çohu submits that when CEO of PTK decides to ‘spend’ PTK’s money there are ‘liabilities’ attached to such decision e.g. under 1 above (Expression of Interest ). PTK must send the expression of Interest to at least 3 reputable Universities clearly outlining the ‘training needs’ and that under 2 to clearly define how the best ‘offerer’ can win.
By way of such management we strongly believe that his thinking is not in line with normal thinking, nevertheless , having secured the job upon his return to UK as junior lecturer) , the CEO decided that to follow the law was inappropriate act.
It is imminently clear that in order to decide to take any action for the benefit of PTK (or any other Publicly Owned enterprises – POE’s), whether purchase of goods or services the Kosovo Public Procurement law must be applied. For the avoidance of doubt PTK’s CEO purchased services from the University of Kent in the amount of € 400k without applying any laws. The question that remains unanswered is: why did the CEO choose the University of Kent? Why there was no publication of ‘Expression of Interest’? Furthermore why this particular University where the CEO itself was lecturing?
Misuse of public funds in PTK is in a rise. Our questions and concerns are falling in deaf ears. Our reports have been ignored. No other alternatives are left but to ask your authority for the sake of your taxpayers money (in your respective countries) to take this matter further by commencing investigations in this matter without any further delays.
PTK's participation on the 4th GSM License in Albania
The second biggest unlawful decision of PTK’ CEO is his decision to participate in a bid for the 4th GSM License in Albania with local partners (from Albania).
This report outlines the detailed process.
It is obvious that in order for PTK to participate in such project there are some liabilities that need to be considered prior to commencing such initiative.
It is COHU’s view that in order to participate as a part of consortium for any kind of joint venture projects, strategic alliance (taking into account PTK's status (i.e. being Publicly owned enterprise) there are some fundamental principles that needed to be followed.
Çohu has managed to get information that a MEMO in regards to such request to participate on the 4th GSM License in Albania was sent by PTK Board of Directors to the PUBLICLY OWNED ENTERPRISE COMMITTEE. In this MEMO the Publicly Owned Enterprises Committee was asked for approval whether PTK has the right to expand its activities outside the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, using PTK’s experience in the field of mobile telephony.
The decision to enter into this process is a matter of a PTK’s owner – Government of Kosovo (rather then PTK Management) according to the applicable laws, who are responsible to approve the expansion of PTK’s activities (beyond those within PTK JSC’s charter) and to allow establishment of a new consortium with an ‘Albanian Investment Group’.
Furthermore it is noted that in such communication 'pros and cons' of this project were put forward and that the Publicly Owned Enterprises Committee was to make a decision.
In this MEMO it was stated that PTK and its staff have no hands-on environmental public policy, legal, economic and telecommunications in the Republic of Albania so it is necessary to proceed through a request made by the owner of the PTK, and in cooperation with a potential relevant shareholder from the Republic of Albania. The advantage of an alliance/consortium is that the alliance partner can utilize existing procedures and functioning legal system and has the knowledge in the areas noted above.
Cons and Risks
1. PTK had no detailed business plan or costing analysis for this project.
2. PTK had inadequate experience and limited management level staff to cope with all the logistics of doing an alliance. This is partly demonstrated by lack of follow through on other projects e.g. British Telecom (BT) and Cable and Wireless ( C&W) Alliance.
3. PTK tends to rely on the foreign partner to produce papers and detailed analysis, while currently this project is at its initial phase. This can be risky because this project is not detailed and finalized.
4. The telecommunication sector in Kosovo and Albania is already becoming more competitive so it will be difficult for another player to enter.
5. PTK has noticed recently that the mobile telephony market is consolidated therefore entry in the market will be challenging.
6. Majority of mobile operators in the region have been impacted by the global financial crisis in one way or another.
7. As PTK is publicly owned there will be a perception that participation in the bidding for the 4th GSM license in Albania as a consortium might be open to “political influence” in recruitment and investment policy by pressure from politicians and this will deter many more serious players. There is also the perception (and reality) that PTK will be slow to move and not as nimble as a truly private player. This was borne out by the other alliance negotiations where partners became frustrated by PTK’s decision-making and the lack of certainty of Kosovo’s legal structure and the need for referral to Kosovo Government for example.
8. It is still unclear whether the new consortium to be established will, now or in future, be subject to the Public Procurement Law of Kosovo.
It is noted that all other members of this Consortium do not have the required experience to enter into telecommunication services and therefore they need a partner with telecommunication experience to qualify for the Bid.
It is noted that the Government of Albania has approved this tendering process and will award the license to PTK and its partners. This is to be treated as inappropriate action and misuse of public funds.
Taking into account what is stated above we kindly ask you to commence investigation in this matter without any further delays.
The third unlawful decision of PTK’ CEO is his decision to ‘hire’ a gentlemen called Robin Jowitt as an adviser to help PTK in entering into the BID for the 4th GSM tender License in Albania.
This is absurd,
The CEO of PTK notwithstanding the fact that even starting the negotiations with potential partners to enter into ‘consortium agreement’ is an illegal act he invited Robin Jowitt a consultant at the company of Ernst and Young (Telecoms Consultants from UK) to assist PTK to enter into this Project. How Mr.Jowitt was selected to advise PTK (Publicly Owned Enterprise) is unknown. Was there a tendering process followed to select advisers for PTK remains unknown. Last but not least based on what principles PTK’ CEO pays for the tickets for Mr. Robin and his family to visit Kosovo at PTK’s cost.
This is totally unacceptable and action must be taken NOW
Prishtinë, 8 June, 2009
Da kann man ja sehr gut Geschäfte machen, im Chaos Land des Bin Laden, den ja Bill Clinton und Co. auf den Balkan gebracht haben und die ganzen Ratten tummeln sich dort.
Albanian Secret Service Chief Fatos Klosi in 16.5.1998 in der “Albania” durch den Albanischen Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi: KLA (UCK) is financed by Bin LadenSTEINER: ALBANIAN NATIONAL ARMY IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION
Financial Infrastructure of Islamic Extremists in the Balkans
Das System des Taxi Fahrers: Joschka Fischer und der Steinmeier Banden eben!
Das Geldwäsche, Drogen Monopol Sponsering von VW – Mercedes durch Regierungs Bestechung im Balkan
Die Expansion von Mercedes und VW, mit Hilfe der Top Balkan Mafia in Richtung Süd-Ost! aus balkaninfo

Joschka Fischer als Motor für die kriminellen Albaner Netzwerke versorgte nicht nur Tausende von Drogen Schmuggler mit Geschäfts Visa, sondern vor allem Top Drogen Bosse wie “Ronnie”, Shabani und co., welche allein 1 Tonne Heroin nach Italien brachten. Alle HInweise ignorierte Joschka Fischer und die Anzeige Erstatter, wurden in der Regel ermordet. Höhepunkt war, das die Joschka Fischer in Zusammenarbeit mit der Albaner Mafia die Visa Stellen in
Tirana und Phristina übertragen erhielt, denn die Geschäfte waren enorm profitabel, als man versuchte über Dumping Preise, das Visa Verkaufs Monopol an die Albanische Mafis zu erreichen. Immer dabei: Der
Lobby Verband DAW!
Kommentar: In FBI Reports für den US Kongreß, wird die Albaner Mafia zu den 5 gefährlichsten der Welt bezählt.

Testimony of Grant D. Ashley, Assistant Director, Criminal Investigative Division, FBI
Before the Subcommittee on European Affairs, Committee on Foreign Relations
United States Senate
October 30, 2003
“Eurasian, Italian, and Balkan Organized Crime”
FBI Report Fakt ist, das genau diese Leute trotz damaliger CIA Warnungen auch im CIA Fakt Buch, enge Partner der NATO und von US - und Deutschen Politikern sind. Man macht halt so seine Geschäfte mit Lizenzen, Mobil Funk, Erd Öl Rechten usw..
“Ethnic Albanian Criminal Groups” are the only national group discussed in the 2006 Europol [European department of Interpol] publication The Threat from Organized Crime:
“Ethnic Albanian organized crime groups have established themselves in many European Union Member States and beyond… ethnic Albanian crime groups are found to extend their role from facilitators to achieving full control in certain crime areas. They adapt without difficulties to local or changing situations.”
No “Freedom Fighters”, Just Criminals and Thugs
No, it has nothing to do with “freedom”, “independence” or “self-determination”, it is all about illicit trade, crime without punishment, lawlessness, thuggery and insatiable greed.
Criminals, Terrorists or Politicians? In Kosovo-Metohija, all Three.
Excerpt from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime report for March 2008
[pg 52] According to an Interpol statement made before the U.S. Congress in 2000:
So wurde der
Ferronikei-Komplex, zu dem Minen und Metallgewinnungsanlagen zählen, gegen den Willen der Arbeiter für nur 33 Millionen Euro quasi verschenkt, obwohl auch höhere Gebote vorgelegen haben sollen. Nutznießer war das kasachische Unternehmen Alferon, an dem wiederum die deutsche
Thyssen-Krupp beteiligt ist.
Die deutschen Interessen vertritt dabei vor allem die
Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, deren Mitglieder einem Who is who der deutschen Wirtschaft gleichen. Man findet dort führende Finanzinstitute wie die Deutsche Bank, die HypoVereinsbank und Konzerne wie Siemens. Deren Fürsprecher im Kosovo war
Michael Schäfer, ehemals Politischer Direktor im Auswärtigen Amt. In dieser Position hat sich Schäfer auch für den ehemaligen Premierminister des Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj eingesetzt, der vom Internationalen Gerichtshof in Den Haag als Kriegsverbrecher angeklagt wurde wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Verstößen gegen das Kriegsrecht.
Frühzeitig haben sich auch deutsche Politiker immer wieder für eine Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo ausgesprochen. Gernot Erler (SPD), Staatsminister im Auswärtigen Amt, erklärte 2001 gegenüber dem Deutschlandfunk in Bezug auf den Kosovo, dass die Grenzen nicht unantastbar sind.
Kommentar: Die Privatisierung des Ferronikei-Komplex, gilt als kriminellsten Geschäft im Kosovo, wo einwandfrei auch nicht die besten Bieter zum Zuge kamen, und die Verbrecher Firma Thyssen (siehe Schreiber, U-Boote nach Athen mit faulen KfW Krediten usw..) erneut über Tarn Firmen auftrat. Natürlich immer dabei: Kriminelle Deutsche Diplomaten, welche die Kosovo Mafia, wie bewiesen Stapelweise mit Visas versorgte um Geschäfte zu machen.
Michael Schäfer, ist ein Muster Beispiel, wie Politik und das Auswärtige Amt , von einer hoch kriminellen Mafia übernommen wird, nur um Geschäfte zu machen.
Visa Besorgung für die Drogen Mafia, damit hatte Michael Schäfer nie ein Problem, weil die General Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin, Partner der Internationalen Mafia ist und solche Leute deckt. Aus der Körber Stiftung und heute Botschafter in China. Deshalb geht es halt mit solchen Leuten auch mit dem Export überall stark bergab.
Rudelweise, werden Leute finanziert, die nur Eines kennen! Alles korrumpieren und Mafiöse Strukturen pflegen.aus
Im neuen Spiegel findet im übrigen der kriminelle Psychopat Steinmeier seine Regierungs Amtszeit als hervorragend, wo ja bekanntlich die Folter, Entführung von Deutschen und mit Wissen von Steinmeier dazu gehörte.
Kosova-Was erlaube Mister Dell- | |
Geschrieben von Genc Mustafa |
Montag, 22. November 2010 |
Einst schinpfte der italienische Trainer Trapattoni in seiner Zeit als Trainer des FC. Bayern Muenchen: >Was erlaube Strunz>. In Kosovo stellt sich heute die Frage, was >erlaube Mister Dell>. , Mr. Christopher Dell ist US Botschafter in Kosova. Vehement forderte er die Privatisierung der PTK ( Post und Telekommunikation) ein. Vor einigen Tagen besuchte der US Botschafter demonstrativ das Hauptqaurtier der neuen Partei > Neuer Wind Kosova>. Bei dieser Gelegenheit distanzierte er sich scharf von Albin Kurti, und der LPV ( Bewegung fuer Selbstbestimmung). Dies ist eine direkte Einmischung in den Wahlkampf in Kosova Avni Zogiani von der Gruppe ÇOHU distanzierte sich im Nahmen seiner Organisation scharf von dem Verhalten des US- Botschafters. Wir von der Redaktion Kosova- Aktuell bemerken hierzu: Das Verhalten des US Botschafters ist normal und belegt den kolonialen Status von Kosova. Die neue Gruppe > Neuer Wind> scheint von den US- Stellen sogar ins leben gerufen worden zu sein. Die Leute auf der Liste haben oftmals in den USA studiert, oder fuer US Institutionen gearbeitet. Auch Geld scheint fuer diese Leute kein Problem zu sein.
Fuer unsere Leser dokumentieren die Stellungnahme von COHU in englischer Sprache.
Since his arrival, the US Ambassador in Prishtina, Mr. Christopher Dell, has made harsh intrusions onto the work of the Kosovo institutions and has used a patronizing approach. He had don this often infringing the main principle of the work of institutions, that of political impartiality. Lately, Mr. Dell, in an widely covered event by the media, made another unacceptable intrusion into the integrity of the electoral process in Kosovo.
After he visited offices of a new political party on 18th of November, Dell explicitly expressed his support for this political party, expressing also his personal affiliation with the leaders of this party while openly opposing another new political party, on this case Vetëvendosje. This is not only unfair, but it poses a direct violation to the fair competition between political subjects and also constitutes a direct interfering in the free and democratic electoral process.
Dell has made such interventions before especially on the work of Kosovo Parliament and the Government. He made decisive interfering on the Kosovo Parliament the day when the Privatization Strategy of PTK was discussed, when he met the head of Parliament and the latter openly breached procedures pushing the document through without a minimum of the quorum foreseen by the rules. Dell also commented earlier on the investigations of EULEX against high levels of government taking a direct stance siding with the Kosovo Prime-Minister Hashim Thaçi on his efforts to influence the actions and investigations of EULEX. This was another interfearing of Mr. Dell on the work of the judiciary while the debate over the EULEX’s actions was unfolding.
Lately, during the signing ceremony of the Code of Conduct on the electoral campaign, showing himself always beside the leader of PDK, Dell asserted ones again that the upcoming elections would be an example for the region. Similar statement he made while elections of 2009 were being held, exposing to a difficult situation electoral monitors who on the time of this statement didn’t have a comprehensive evaluation of elections. We would like to bring to the attention that the 2009 elections were declared as regular beside the fact that they were invalidated in one third of Kosovo territory and umpteen claims on manipulations. Thus, even to date, there is not any general objective evaluation of the elections that because of the breaches and stealing of votes, they were repeated.
Notably, in Kosovo context, expressing so openly preferences in such a direct and harsh manner we believe that violates the fair and equal treatment of the political parties. Especially, having in mind that upon Kosovo institutions, international mechanisms such as International Civil Office, International Steering Group, but also EULEX continue to exert executive power upon which in turn Quint Embassies execute a decisive role. We believe that this institutional setting makes situation in Kosovo rather specific and these intrusions mingled with political preferences of the ambassadors may influence the work of domestic and international institutions in Kosovo. The nature of this intrusion is problematic particularly because electoral campaign in Kosovo has practically begun.
This kind of intrusions distorts the normal development of democratic electoral process and undermines maturation of Kosovo institutions in achieving a stage of democratic sustainability. Dell yesterday used double standards when openly expressed his political preferences.
This year, elections in Kosovo are being held under quite difficult circumstances, practically under one party government , in a very fragile situation inside oppositional political subjects which are facing insurmountable pressure due to the fact of utilizing public recourses by the party in power. In this regard, intrusions of internationals are decisive and influences in rather undemocratic manner the developments of elections in Kosova.
Organization ÇOHU |