Europe: Higher aspirations
By Neil MacDonald and Stefan WagstylPublished: January 12 2010 22:16 | Last updated: January 12 2010 22:16
Hopes looking up? On his election as Croatian president on Sunday, Ivo Josipovic promised to serve ‘without compromise in the fight against corruption and organised crime’. The country aims to join the EU by 2012 |
Prosecutors claim the contract for decorating its 6km length and that of Sveti Rok, a similar twin-shaft excavation further down the Zagreb-Dubrovnik highway, cost six times what it should have done. A bill for €3.6m ($5.2m, £3.2m) was presented for what was allegedly a €600,000 job.
Four former or current officials from HAC, the state-controlled highway builder and operator, along with Slaven Zuzul, the head of Skladgradnja, the contractor involved, are under arrest as a judge investigates an alleged kickback scheme in which HAC sidelined lower bidders for the work. All proclaim their innocence.
The deal, though small in relation to the €500m annual state road-building budget, is among a growing caseload for anti-corruption prosecutors that ranges from corporate fraud to rip-offs of pensioners’ savings from the postal bank...................
Hrvatske autoceste d.o.o.
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
(Weitergeleitet von Hrvatske Autoceste)
Hrvatske autoceste d.o.o. (HAC) (dt. etwa Kroatische Autobahnen GmbH) ist die größte kroatische Autobahn-Betreibergesellschaft. Sie wurde 1991 gegründet[1] ist zu 100% im Besitz des kroatischen Verkehrsministeriums unter dem derzeitigen Minister Božidar Kalmeta. Derzeitiger Vorstandsvorsitzender der HAC ist Stjepko Boban.
Ex-Premier Sanader aus HDZ-Partei ausgeschlossen
04. Jänner 2010, 21:35
don't you cry for me Croatia the truth is that I never loved youAll corruption affairs in Croatia (HAC, HZ, Hypo, PBZ etc.) come from the "octopus" which one of the main "head" is Sanader! Today already every single politician and simple person in Croatia is much more happy because what happened yesterday...Just, please do not forget that Sanader had best connections in Austria!
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